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You grounded at the horrible early cramps you were experiencing. "God damn it." You spat and got out of bed. You got ready and went to the kitchen for breakfast. You're usual breakfast was pretty much a hot drink and a piece of toast or something. Today, however, you weren't getting filled. You were packing your lunch when you decided to pack a bit more. You also took a big chocolate bar.

After getting to school you kept on taking small pieces off the bar in class or whenever you can. Tsukishima noticed and, being as dense as he was, decided to take the opportunity to joke about it.

During break Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and you sat together outside. Tsukishima waited for an opportunity to take the chocolate out of your bag. He waited until you were distracted to sneak it out of your bag. Three quarters of it was already gone and it had only been 2 hours. "Wow! I knew you were a little fatty but seriously." He snickered and you whipped your head around. "Why do you-"

He took a huge bite out of it before you could finish and you trier to snatch it back. "Dumbass! Give it!" You yell. He kept the chocolate out of your reach and you puffed out your cheeks. He gave you another smirk and grabbed your cheek. "Your cheeks look fatter then they already are when you do that."

Yamaguchi looked at him shocked and you smacked his hands away. "Just give me the chocolate." He smirked and took another huge bite. "Hey I'm doing you a favour." You rolled your eyes in annoyance and just turned away from him. "Find take it." You mumble and Tsukishima smirk. Yamaguchi was shocked to see you so calm after what just happened. Little did either of them know that Tsukishima was breaking your heart with the comments going a bit over the line.

The comments continued to come at you and you just waved them off. However, Yamaguchi could clearly see that you were were on the verge of crying from his best friend's words. "Hey Tsuki I think you should lay off the teasing just a bit." Yamaguchi advised before the teacher showed up. "Why? (Y/n) seems to not care."
"Ok everyone, take your seats."

You were put in random groups that lesson and you got put with Yamaguchi and some others. Tsukishima was put in a group of people he didn't really like but one of your friends who knew about your crush was also there. "(Y/n)! Can you give me a hand?" She asked you and you came over to see what she needed. You were helping her out with whatever she needed. As you turned away to make your way back to your group, she tripped you up so you'd stumble into Tsukishima's lap. "Sorr-"
"Seriously, how big of a klutz can you be. You'd think a girl would have more grace. Then again your weight's complete off. No wonder your stumbling." Your friend expected you to have a blush on but the comment just seemed to make you go pale and made you quiver slightly. "Sorry." You say as you stand up.
"Geez." Tsukishima smirk and you walked off.

Is she ok? Yamaguchi and her friend wondered.

After the lesson was over you made your way to your club room. You were so tired and weak from your lack of sleep. The group work made you even more tired. You had bags under your eyes. It was a good thing that your club was ending early today. As you were walking you realised that you still had some of Yamaguchi's notes from the lesson earlier. You stopped in your tracks and made you way to the gym.

After getting there you apologies for intruding and made your way to Yamaguchi. You were sluggish though and bumped into Tsukishima. "Sorry."
"Wow that's the second time. I'm really seeing a new side of you today."
"Please don't-"
"First you're eating chocolate like a pig, I mean seriously."
"Stop." You say firmly. The entire team were silent and just stared at him.
"Little piggy, you must still be a new born since you can't walk straight. Is it really that hard. Then again you find everything difficult with that small brain of your-"

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