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"Do you want to eat together?" Tsukshima asked after the lesson was over. "Sorry...I was gonna go with Yamaguchi to Yachi's class."
"Don't tell me you're helping those two idiots too." He groaned as the images of Kageyama and Hinata being idiots ran through his mind. "They're not that bad!" You protested and he gave you a salty face. "You can come with. Yamaguchi will be there and I'm sure your fine with Yachi."
"I'm fine. Don't worry." He took a few glances around, to make sure no one was looking, before kissing your cheek and leaving. Everyone knew you were going out but he still hated PDA.

He left the room and Yamaguchi came up to you so you could head over to Yachi's class together. When you got to the room Hinata and Kageyama were already at it. "Hey (y/n)-chan! Yamaguchi-kun!" Hinata and Yachi said in unison. You both waved to them and took a seat. "Tsukshima's not with you?" Kageyama asked and to shook your head. "No he didn't want to and I wasn't gonna force him." He nodded and you, Yachi and Yamaguchi started tutoring them.

"Wait, so how do I pronounce this word?" Hinata asked and stared down at the note book filled with English. You came over and explained. Right after, Kageyama asked and it took both you and Yamaguchi to explain. "Pff idiot." Hinata snickered, causing Kageyama to try and punch him. You stood in between the two and calmed Kageyama down at his chair while Yachi and Yamaguchi did the same to Hinata.

Tsukshima watched from the door while he stayed hidden. He felt and bubbling feeling erupt in his stomach as he watched you calm down the setter and he thanked you. Tsukishima watched as Kageyama smiled at you. He walked off without being noticed and growled. Why is she getting so close to the king.

I still can't get over the fact they studied together

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I still can't get over the fact they studied together. MY CINNAMON ROLLS!!!

After lunch and your last few lessons where over, you made your way to the club room. Time went by fast and you finished an hour before Tsukshima and so made your way to the gym. You opened the doors and Noya and Tanaka were the first to react. They ran to you and gave you a bone crushing hug. "Guys you're going to kill her!" Daichi yelled and they let you go.

"Did you finished early?" Suga asked and you nodded. You ran up to Tsukishima and gave him a hug while he patted your head. "Hey idiot, could you let go? I need to practice." You you did so and he looked around. A few of the others were watching with smile over their faces so he didn't give you a quick peck or anything. You went to sit down on the bench when hinata came up to you and asked if you could toss a ball at him.

"Why? Kageyama's right there."
"He's being a dick." You giggle and grab a few balls. Tsukishima watched as you and Hinata started making jokes and messing around. Soon later, Noya and Tanaka joined in. Tsukishima frowned and turned away. The hour seemed to be never ending for him but when it was he was relieved.

You left with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi but Hinata and Kageyama, well mostly Hinata, jumped in next to you and was chatting with you like no tomorrow. Kageyama made a few comments too that made you laugh. Again, the weird feeling returned to Tsukshima's stomach.

Eventually Hinata, Kageyama and Yamaguchi all went their separate ways, leaving only you and Tsukshima. You could tell something was wrong. Even though he hated PDA he would always hold your hand no matter what. You did try to take hold of his but he saw and put his hands inside his pockets.

You stopped walking and he turned to you. "What's wrong?" He asked and you looked up at him with a serious look. "That's what I should be asking you."
"What do you mean?" You gave him an annoyed look.
"You know what I mean." You've been making weird faces all day. I didn't say anything in front of the others because I knew you'd get annoyed."

He stared at you before turning and walking away. "It's nothing."
"You're lying." You grabbed his arm and he looked at you in annoyance. "Let go of my arm." He commanded plainly. You squinted you eyes and tightened your grip. "No." He forcefully pulled his arm out if your hand and walked off. "Why do you care?"
"That's a stupid question! Just tell me what's wrong!"
"Stop being a nosy bitch and buzz off!"

You balled your hand up into a fist but tried to stay calm. "Fine. Whatever." You walked past him and took your own route home. He also took his own route and sighed. You got home and went up to your room straight away. Your brother and sister heard the door slam and listened in to you growling, sobbing and whatever else. 

Tsukishima got home and made his way to his room too. As he was unbuttoning his shirt he stopped and picked up his phone to call you. The call went through but you didn't pick up. He waited another few minutes before trying again and again. You didn't answer at all and he texted you a few time too before he went to sleep.

He was lucky that it was the weekend since he couldn't get any sleep. He picked up his phone and check his texts. The symbol to show that you had seen the text wasn't even there. He jumped out of bed and ran to him closet once morning struck. He went through a few things before getting change and running downstairs.

You got up to the sound of your alarm. You turned it off but when it returned to your lock screen you saw 40 miss calls and 35 text messages from Tsukshima. You were about to call back when your sister walked in. "Sis, you need to drop me to ice skating. Onii-chan won't get up and mum and dad are tired from work."
"I know. I know. They asked me yesterday to go with you."

You got up and started getting dressed. You started making a small breakfast for the two of you. She looked at you worryingly. "Um...sis, I'm pretty sure you don't add vinegar to pancakes." You snapped out of your daze and looked at the bottle in you hand. You put it down and sighed in relief that you didn't put any of it in. "Is everything ok?" Your sister asked when you served her her breakfast. You looked over at your phone and nodded.

You left with her to the skating arena she skipped slightly ahead of you. She was turning a corner but stopped half way before running off. "Oi! Yuko-" you rushed to the corner and paused. Tsukishima stood there with Yuko hugging his leg. He was dressed in casual clothing. There was a bouquet of flowers in his hands and he looks at you before hiding them behind his back. There was a small blush dusted over his cheeks. "Hey."

Your sister slowly stepped to the side then behind Tsukishima. There was just silence between the two of you when Yuko pushed him forward. "Imsorry!" He said quickly. He straightened up and came closer. "I wasn't sure what to get you so..." He trailed off and handed you the bouquet. "I said something extremely rude to you." You gently took the bouquet and smiled.

"Where are you taking Yuko?" He asked and rustled her hair. "Skating."
"Can I come?" He asked and you nodded. He walked with you while your sister skipping ahead again. Not even a minute later did Tsukishima grab your hand, his figures entwined with yours. You turned your head to him and he kissed your cheek. He gave you a smirk. "You look like a tomato." He snickered and you pinched his cheek. "You're a dick!"

He started laughing with your sister and then sat with you just outside the rink as your sister practiced. "You going to tell me what was bothering you yesterday?" You asked.
"I don't know. Am I?"
"Just tell me!"
"Fine. I...was jealous of some of the other team members." You stared at him confused and he tightened his grip on your hand. "You seem to get along with them better. It annoyed me that you were getting so close to the king and that idiot short stack. I got angry and stared wondering..." He turned to you and asked, "(y/n)...are you happy being with me?"

"That's a stupid question." You gave him a quick kiss on the lips causing him to turn red. You grinned. "Now you look like a tomato." He flicked your head and looked away from all the people who saw. "Of course I'm happy with you. You don't have to worry about someone else taking me way. I don't see anyone else the same way I see you." He stared at you and gave you a genuine smile. "Thanks. I needed to hear that."

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