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Noya, Tanaka and Hinata all sat on the club room floor before practice thinking hard about something. The other members all stared at them since, in all honesty, they looked well...constipated. "Are you 3 ok?" Suga asked and placed a hand on Noya's shoulder. "AH! I'VE GOT NOTHING!" He yelled and the other two groaned. "What're you even thinking of?" Daichi asked.
"A gift for (y/n)! It's her birthday soon!"
"We don't know what to do!" Hinata wailed and rolled around.

The door then clicked and opened to show Yamaguchi and Tsukishima coming in. "TSUKISHIMA!" The three boys yelled and ran up to him. "W-what?"
"...when's her birthday?" All three fell backwards before sitting back up. "You're her boyfriend and you don't know when her birthday is?" Noya and Tanaka asked.
"Well it's in a week so you better do something or we're gonna make you pay!" They both yelled. "YEAH!" Hinata yelled from behind.

Tsukishima was literally thinking through the whole of practice what to get you. That's when you came in as you did everyday, one hour before they finished. Everyone greeted you then Tsukishima came up to you. "What do you want for your birthday?"

Noya, Tanaka and Hinata all facepalmed. "YOU DON'T ASK HER! YOU HAVE TO GUESS!" Asahi and Suga were forced to hold the 2 second years back. "What's wrong with me asking her."
"There's a theme park I wanted to go to, come with me."

Noya and Tanaka just went pale and sat in a corner for no reason. Hinata then hopped over to you. "But what about something physical we can buy for you?"
"Yeah. It'd calm them down." Ennoshita asked and pointed to Noya and Tanaka in the corner.
"Why are you 2 crying?" You sighed before answering. "Get me anything. Don't over think it." They nodded and huddled up in a corner. "Why are they still crying?" Tsukishima asked.
"Leave them alone." You giggled.

Your birthday came and you and Tsukishima left to the theme park. "You've got to be kidding me." Tsukishima groaned when he found the team all there too. "Sorry. We tried to stop them." Yachi and Shimizu said to the both of you, mostly Tsukishima.

He did seem really annoyed that the team tagged along. Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Ennoshita and Yamaguchi did all try to give you and Tsukishima space but for the love of it they had to deal with Hinata, Noya, Tanaka and Kageyama, surprisingly.

All of you decided to go on one of those tall swing ride things.

^ this thing

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^ this thing

Since you had to sit in pair you went with Tsukishima. You had your arms in the air but you could see Tsukishima holding the safety poll tightly. Why the hell did I get on this stupid ride!?

He looked over at you and saw you smiling and laughing. He calmed down a bit and sighed. Oh yeah...she's why. Tsukishima felt like his stomach was turning inside out. "GET ME OFF!" Tsukishima yelled and you laughed harder.

Eventually the swings lowered and the safety poll was lifted. Tsukishima got up and wobbled off. "Are you ok?" You asked and stabled him. "Yeah I'm-"
"Get me off! Hahahaha!" Kageyama laughed and Tsukishima stomped up to him. "T-tsuki!" Yamaguchi half yelled in panic and you had to drag Tsukishima away before he bite Kageyama's head off.

Tsukishima looked so pissed off after that. You felt bad that you got him into this and you all went to eat lunch. "What's bothering you?" Tsukishima asked at the table, quiet enough so only you could hear. You looked over at him and replied. "You just seem kinda annoyed that I bought you hear."
"I'm not annoyed idiot." He took hold of your hand under the table and you smiled before you both continued eating.

You all went on another few more rides before it got dark and that's when everyone gave you their presents that they kept in the storage lockers in the park. After that Tsukishima and Yamaguchi helped you take them home. You opened the door and set all the presents down. "Thanks for today guys."
"Sorry we came along. I was kinda dragged there with them."
"It's fine. Thanks for the gift though." Yamaguchi smiled and looked over at Tsukishima before nudging him. "Tsuki, don't you need to..."

You looked at Yamaguchi then at Tsukishima. He sighed and pulled out a box from his pocket. He handed it to you to open. It was a gold bracelet. Both yours and Tsukishima's names were part of the chain. There was a heart between them that chained them together. Let's just go with Tsukishima's first name since it's  shorted.

A smile spread across your face and you jumped at him. "You're too cute!" You squeal. Yamaguchi chuckled and pulled out his phone to take a picture. "Thanks." You kiss his cheek and he blushes. "No problem. Thank Yamaguchi too. He helped me choose." You pulled Yamaguchi into the hug and grinned. "Thanks you two."

They went to the door to leave. When you closed the door you heard someone say, "so cute." You sighed and went up the stairs. "How long were you watching?" You asked and looked at Yuko, Katsuo and your parents. "The entire time." Your dad laughed.
"You look good together." Your mum giggled.
"If he does anything you tell me straight away."
"LEAVE HIM ALONE KATSUO!" They all yelled.

Meanwhile, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were walking home together. "Oi, Yamaguchi."
"Yeah Tsuki?"
"Send me that picture you took." Yamaguchi smiled and sent it. Tsukishima looked at the photo on his own phone and lightly punched Yamaguchi's arm. "Thanks." Yamaguchi looked at him a bit shocked and grinned. "Anything for my favourite 2 people."

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now