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"Kei." Akiteru barged into his room without knocking. "Gah...go away." Tsukishima groaned. "(Y/n)'s here." Tsukishima rolled over to look at the door and you peaked your head through the door. "Hey. How you feeling?" You asked while walking up to his bed. "Like shit."

You put your hand against his forehead and laughed. "Yeah, you look pretty terrible."
"Thanks and you look like the Greek Goddess Aphrodite." < Goddess of beauty.

"And there's the sarcasm." You giggled. "I would have bought you strawberry short cake but you'd probably end up being sick."

He suddenly sat up and glared at you. "You didn't bring me strawberry shortcake because you were worried I'd be sick from it."
"Y-yeah..." You replied hesitantly.
"If I'm bent over a toilet vomiting I'd want it to be because of short cake." He pouted like a child and hid under the covers. "Do you always act this weird when your ill?" You giggled.

Akiteru then came in again. "Seriously, you need to learn how to knock." Tsukishima sighed and came out from under the blanket. "Sorry...Kei, mum asked if you want miso soup and tempura." Tsukishima nodded and you got up. "I'll give her a hand."

"You don't have to." Akiteru protested.
"I can't just barge in and not at lease help your mum out."
"No...stay." Tsukishima groaned and grabbed your hand.
"I'll run out to get you cake~" You chime and Tsukishima's ears perked up.

"Well~?" You sang, awaiting his reply. He sighed in annoyance. "Fine." You slipped your hand out if his and leaned over. You placed a small peck on his lips but he started pinching your nose a second later. "Idiot. You're gonna get ill if you kiss me." You pulled yourself away and held your nose. Raising an eyebrow you asked, "Does it look like I care?"

"Aww so cute." Akiteru chuckled from the door. "Why are you still here?" Tsukishima growled. "Cut me some slack- ah!" He fell over backwards when Tsukishima threw a pillow at him. "Haha. Bye then." You giggled and kissed his cheek.
"You're gonna become sick."
"I don't care!" You grin and walk away.
"Young love."
"I will throw another pillow if you don't leave." Akiteru then ran off downstairs in worry of his little brother throwing another pillow.

It hadn't even been 5 minutes yet and Tsukishima was already bored. He got up but felt really cold and so wrapped his blanket around him before he made his way down the stairs. He walked to the kitchen door and found only his mum. "Where's (y/n)?" He sniffed.
"She ran out to get you cake."
She was serious.

He looked outside and saw rain coming down and he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tell me she had some sense to take an umbrella." Before she could say anything the doorbell went and Tsukishima went to open it immediately. You stood there only slightly soaked with a bag in you hand. You were panting heavily but slowed down a bit when you saw him. "Tsukishima what the hell are you doing out of-"
"What the hell do you think you're doing. You already kissed me and now you're out in the rain! It's like you're trying to get ill." He grumbled, clearly irritated.

You smiled and leaned to kiss him again. When you did he pushed you away and glared at you. "What are-"
"Well if you're going to be cute then I'm gonna kiss you." You smirk at his irritated face. "Why am I in love with such an irrational person?" He groaned.
"I could say the same." You walked past him to get to the kitchen when he grabbed your hand.

"Keep me company." You stared for a while. You had already begged his mum to let you help and now Tsukishima didn't want you to leave. You turned to his mum and she smiled at you before gesturing you to go. He dragged you to the living room and sat down. He pulled you onto his lap and turned on the TV. The blanket was wrapped around the two of you. "Now you're trying to give me your cold, idiot." You grumbled.

"You're the idiot. Going out in the rain without an umbrella."
"Yeah yeah keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent." He chopped the back of your head and you puffed out your cheeks at him. He poked them and sang, "Chibi-chan~"
"Why are you more of a dick when you're ill? And don't start calling me that again!" You groan.

"Your cheeks are chubby~" You glared at him and pinched his nose. "Asshole! Did you just call me fat-"
"It's a good thing." You looked at him confused when he started kissing your cheeks. "There's more for me to kiss." You blush and moved around in his embrace but he kept you close. "Why are you more flirty when you're ill?" He chuckled and looked up at you with tired eyes. "Because I can get away with it."

Just as he was about to place another peck on your cheeks he sneezed and head butted you instead. "Sorry." He groaned and held his head. "It's fine." You laughed and rubbed the red mark forming on you forehead.

So there were no other little accidents you and Tsukishima just sat down and watched TV.  His mum came in with a tray not long later with food on it. She called down Akiteru to eat and joined the 2 of you. As you were eating, Tsukishima gave a loud sneeze and his nose was running. You held a tissue to his nose and he took it from you before clearing out his nose. "Thanks..." He groaned and leaned again the sofa.

"(Y/n) are you sure you want to get that close? You might catch his cold." His mum asked in worry. "I would try to keep my distance but-" You replied but then interrupted.
"No she's staying with me." He grabbed you before you could leave. "Just a while ago you told her not to kiss you or anything cause you didn't want her to catch it." Akiteru laughed.

"Shut up." Tsukishima groaned and his mum giggled. "Behave you two. Be careful (y/n), alright." You nodded when Tsukishima started dozing off. "He always got tired easily too." His brother whispered and pretty soon he fell asleep. "I should get going then." You whisper and they show you to the door.

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now