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"How? Actually I know how, but why?" Your teacher asked when she walked back into the art classroom with you with a bucket of paint over you and Tsukishima with a bird cage over his head on the floor. Now you were in the vice principal's office.

He originally gave you a weeks detention but you and Tsukishima argued with him and he put it down to 2 days. After exiting the office, you still covered in paint, Tsukishima started laughing at your frowning face. "What's so funny?"
"You look ridiculous." He walked off and you stomped behind him. "It's not funny!" You looked at your reflection in the window and saw how ridiculous you actually did look and giggled. "OK maybe it is a bit funny."

Tsukishima turned to you in shock to see you actually laughing with him. You looked up with a clueless face. "What?" A blush crossed his cheeks and he turned away. "So you agree you look like trash."

Back in Aoba Johsai

"ACHOO! Someone's talking about me."
"Who would talk about you shitty-kawa?"
"You're so rude Iwa-chan!"

Back to you

You puffed you cheeks out and poked his side continuously. "Shut up string bean." You both turned the corner to find Yamaguchi waiting there. "There you are! So what was the punishment?"
"Detention for two days." You and Tsukishima groaned. Yamaguchi smiled and made a few jokes to cheer you up a bit. Tsukishima watched as you giggled with him before he handed you a change of clothes. "I asked the office for them since you're covered in paint."

You took the clothes and quickly hugged him before headed to the nearest bathroom. Tsukishima's gaze followed you as you walked off and Yamaguchi watched. "Tsuki, are you ok?"
"Why do you ask?"
"You seem like you're hiding something."
"Don't be stupid."

He walked off and felt his throat go dry. Yamaguchi grabbed his arm and once he go outside and turned him around.  "Tsuki what's wrong?" Tsukishima simply rolled his eyes and tried to leave. However, Yamaguchi blocked the way. "Tsuki, I've asked you this once but I'm gonna ask again." Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and stood still. "You like (y/n), don't you?"

Tsukishima swallowed the lump in his throat and made a small tck sound. "Even if I did it wouldn't matter! She seems to like you!" Yamaguchi's face dropped an he stared at him. "What?" Tsukishima's eyebrow twitched and he walked around him. "It doesn't matter. I never had a chance and I don't have time to talk. I have to get to detention."

He walked off and Yamaguchi took a deep breath. "Tsuki I have no feelings towards (y/n)."
"I know that-"
"But I'm not sure how she feels about you." Tsukishima looked at him confused. "You annoy her but she still stays with you." He said and turned to face him. "One guy yesterday made fun of her and she kicked him in between the legs. She hasn't laid a finger on you. She puts in effort to impress you too. Plus I've seen what she looks like when she's annoyed and the way she looks at you is completely different." Before Tsukishima could say anything, the bell went off and he had to get to detention.

He walked in and found you already sitting. He made his way over and sat behind you. "Of all the places in this room. Why?"
"Because I can, stupid."
"You little-"
"Settle down! Detention has started." The teacher announced he entered.

Half way through detention there was a small emergency elsewhere in the school and the teacher supervising you had to leave for a bit. Tsukishima then lean towards you and started pulling your hair and messing it up. "Oi! Stop it!"
"Make me." He replied. You titled your head back and pull him closer before taking his glasses.

"Hey! I can't see." He groaned and tried to take them back but you got up and ran to one end of the class. He got up and tried to catch you. You both ran around for a bit before he managed to catch you and held you still. One of his arms were wrapped around you as the other went to grab his glasses.

"You're an idiot." He growled and let go of you. To put on his glasses. "Your fault." You grinned and started fixing your hair. Tsukishima watched before slowly walking over to you and taking hold of your locks. "Tsukishima I swear to God don't-"
"Be quite. I'm fixing it." He tied it into a messy bun and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "There."

You looked at him with a faint blush over your cheeks and a smirk crosses your lips. "What's gotten into you string bean?"
"Your annoying voice perhaps."

Before you could say anything the teacher came back in and told you you could leave. You both headed towards the gym since practice was still going on. Tsukishima went off to change where as you went to the gym.

"Hey (y/n)-chan!" Hinata yelled and Yamaguchi pulled you out of the way of Tanaka and Noya's charging hug at you. "Hey (y/n)." Yamaguchi smiled. "You're hair looks nice. Did you get bored in detention or something?"
"No. Tsukishima did it for me." He looked at you shocked. "He did?" You nodded and he looked at you and smiled when a small blush spread across your cheeks. "He seems a lot nicer today. It's weird but I'm not complaining."

Tsukishima then came in and threw his jacket at you. "Idiot, go home already."
"I take back what I said." You groaned at Yamaguchi and threw his jacket back. "You're an ass." You left and the gym was silent when Noya hit the tall boy's back. "That's NOT how you treat the girl you like!" Tsukishima scowled at his older team mate and squinted. "Who said I like her."

They were all quiet. "You don't like her?" Tanaka asked and Tsukishima just stayed quiet. "You're not denying it." Hinata smiled and Tsukishima pushed his water bottle against his face. "Sorry but you must be at least 5.5ft to enter the conversation."
"HEY!!" Noya and Hinata yelled.

"Tsukishima." He turned around to see Suga standing behind him. "The first step to like someone is admitting that you that you do. If you don't like her then ok but if you do then just say or you'll dwell on it." Everyone was silent.

Tsukishima thought about it for a bit. "I...kinda have admitted it already. I've pretty much told Yamguchi." They all looked at Yamguchi. "He kinda did before detention."
"Hehehe~ Tsuki's in love~ Tsuki's in love~" Tanka, Noya and Hinata chanted while dancing like idiots.
"Shut up." He groaned and walked off. During practise however, Tsukishima seemed a lot different. He felt as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders. You were changing him but he didn't mind.

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