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You were at lunch with a few of your friends outside on a small grassy hill. All of you messing around and doing stupid things. Tsukishima then walked past with Yamaguchi. They saw you and Yamaguchi walked up to you. "(Y/n)! I forgot to give this back to you." He said and handed you a book he borrowed. "Thanks." You were about to grab it but Tsukishima snatched it and hit you in the head with it lightly.

"If you want it, take it shorty." He smirked and he held it up in the air. "You dick." You get up and try to take back your book. After you tire yourself out you sit back down and turn away from him. "Fine keep it." You grumble and take a bite out of your bento. "Jerk-" you mumble before the book drops into your lap.

Tsukishims then rustles your hair with a smirk plastered on his face. "Idiot. Getting all moody over a notebook."
"Stop it." You whine and swat his hand away. You turn to him and he flicks your forehead. You make an angry little face at him and he walks away smirking like an idiot. Yamaguchi apologies before running after the blonde.

You then turn back to your friends, all of them wearing pissed off looks, all but one. "What a jerk. How is he so rude?" One says.
"Who? Tsukishima?" They all nod and you make a sideways glance at him. "He's not as mean as you think."
"Really?" They all say, some in shock and others in sarcasm. You nod and pull out your phone. "He likes messing with me but in reality he's quite caring."

You show them a few of the messages he sent you. Things like daily check ups to make sure you don't over sleep, asking over the phone if you're ok when you looked troubled in class and just simple talk. They all looked confused at the text before looking though a few others. They whispered a few things and looked in the direction of Tsukishima's route. They all look at each other before squealing. "HE LIKES YOU!"

You tilt your head sideways. "What?"
"Oh come on! It's all there!"
"Well for one, he replies to all your texts."
"And..." you raise an eyebrow at there hardly raild point. "He sends you good morning and good night texts. Well in a rude way, BUT NEVER LESS!"
"He texts you for no reason." Another one joins in and then makes another point. "And he texts you through out the day."
"If you think about," the one that didn't seem pissed of interrupted. "His teasing seemed pretty flirty~"

As she said that your phone vibrated and you were quick it grab it. "Hey!"
"He said, 'idiot I'm messing with you so don't get upset stupid'."
"Aww~" They all say in unison.
"What do you mean 'aww~'. You just said he was rude."
"That's because we didn't know he liked you. Looking back at what happened, he's a little puppy in love."
"...you're all crazy. Can I have my phone now." They handed it to you and sat back down on the grass to eat.

Before you knew it it was time to go to your next lesson. You started cleaning up your stuff and you caught your friend smirking. "What?"
"You didn't finish you bento. You always finish it." You look down at the box in your hands and shrugged. "I'm just not that hungry."
"LIES!!" She yells and causes you to jump. "You didn't finish cause your stomach is full of butterflies." You blush and punch her arm lightly as the others giggle.

Class was dead since everyone was tired today. Even the teacher didn't look too bothered. You closed your eyes before resting your head on your desk. Giving a tired sigh you opened your eyes and were met with golden brown ones. Tsukishima had his head resting in his arms. Your eyes met and you both stared at each other for a what felt like hours. You couldn't pull your eyes away. That was until you felt someone tap you back.

You sat up and turned to your friend. She held a note out to you which you took and unfolded.
You're literally STARING into each other eyes! You and Tsukishima are meant to be.
"What is that?" Your teacher asked. You turned and found her standing right in front of you. "Let me see." You were sweating and blushing, not wanting her to read it out loud or to see it at all. You gave a side glance to Tsukishima who had sat up and was leaning on one hand in amusement, a smirk forming on his face. Your blush deepened. "Give it here." Your teacher said irritated and went to grab the paper. You quickly put the paper in your mouth out of panic.

Everyone just stared at you and your teacher just left it with a confused look on her face. You heard you friend giggling from behind you and you glared at her. Class ended and it was the last lesson. Tsukishima came up to you, ready to take the piss out of you.

"Well (y/n)-" you raised a hand up at him to tell him to wait. You then took the paper out of your mouth with a ill expression. "Wow." Tsukishima said both confused and shocked. "Shut up." You throw the paper away and drank some water since your mouth became dry. "I thought you swallowed it."
"I'm not gonna swallow paper stupid."

Tsukishima took notice of the blush that had been covering your face for a while now. He was gunnar ask but you said goodbye to him and Yamaguchi before proceeded to your club room. When there you just couldn't think straight. "Damn it." Do I like him? You bang your head onto the nearest surface. "(Y/n)! Are you ok!" The clue leader asked and you gave them a thumbs up. "I'm good."

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now