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You sat at home with your still recovering ankle resting on a stool. It was Saturday and the doorbell went. You were confused and grabbed your crutches. You didn't need to open the door or even look through the spy hole to know who it was since all you could hear was "boke", "shut up", "the king" and a whole lot of shouting.

You opened the door to see the volleyball team all fighting with each other in their casual clothes. They stopped after a few seconds, finally noticing you. "(Y/n)!" Tanaka and Nishinoya yelled and jumped to hug you. Tsukishima took hold of you and pulled you aside being careful not to hurt you. You eased into his chest slowly so he wouldn't notice and your heart started beating faster.

"Tsukishima! What hell man!" They yelled from the ground. "If you haven't figured it out already, she has an injured ankle and you just tried to jump on top of her." He said coolly. Nishinoya and Tanaka started growling at him and Hinata bounced over to you. "We bought food!" He cheered and him, Ennoshita and Daichi waved some bags around. Your eye lit up and you thought it was about time they came in.

It was only you and your sister in the house since both your brother and parents were working today. She came running down, pretty much ignoring the new faces and running to Tsukishima. "Tsuki-chan! Yama-chan." She yelled and hugged Yamaguchi legs before hugging Tsukishima's. Everyone, other than Yamaguchi, was shocked to see Tsukishima pick her up and play with her, still wearing his bored expression. "Pff! Tsuki-chan!" Kageyama and Hinata laughed.
"Shut up. Only Yuko's is allowed to call me that." Tsukishima grumbled and your sister hugged him. As if on cue, Kyo came in and ran circles around him before seeing the new faces all staring at him. He started sniffing all of them then messed around with Noya and Tanaka.

"Do you guys want to sit down?" You giggle and walk into the living room. Everyone followed. "I'll get some plates." You were about to walk off but Tsukishima grabbed you arm. "You're not getting up as long as we're here." He said.
"I'll get the plates." Kageyama said and Yachi and Hinata went with him. "When are you taking it off?" Shimizu asked gesturing to the cast. "In a few days."
"It'll be nice to see you in school again."
"Yeah, it's slightly boring in class now that you and Tsuki aren't fighting all the time." Yamaguchi laughed and Tsukishima just rolled his eyes but gave a small smirk.

You were all messing around and you were stuffing your face with the food. "Well that's not very lady like." Tsukishima spat and you stopped chewing and glared at him. "What is this, the 50s?" You growled making Tsukishima smirk. He grabbed a tissue and wiped a bit of food off your face. "You're a pig." He laughed. "And you're a shit rag but you don't see me complaining!"

"(Y/N)!" Suga yells. You turn to him and see his covering your sister's ears. "What did she say?" She asked.
"Don't worry!" Everyone said in unison. She was about to ask again but Kyo jumped her. Just to make sure though, you put on a movie to distract her. Well more like Asahi did so you would get up. "Nice job." Suga chuckled while putting a hand up at Kyo who highfived him. "Who taught him that?" Suga asked and you raised your hand.

Tsukishima wasn't gonna let the fact that you slipped up in front of your sister slide. "Wow, you even a fail at being an older sister. Yet somehow you're better with dogs. Are you an animal hybrid? It'd make sense." You stay focused on the movie and slap him the the face with a pillow. Your sister watched from her current seat on Asahi's lap and turned back to the movie smiling.

After a few hours your sister fell asleep and Daichi helped you upstairs and helped put her to sleep. The team left about half an hour later but not before cleaning up for you. You said goodbye to all of them and slumped onto the couch again. "I thought we put you to sleep?" You giggled and Yuko popped her head through the door.

"Is Tsuki-chan gone?" She asked and jumped onto the couch with you. "Please don't call him that." You yawn.
"You seem tired. Can I tell you a bedtime story?"
You smirk and she just stares at you. "Fine." You grumble and she smiled before cleared her throat and started.

"Once apon a time there was a kind girl that had her own bakery. She was friends with all the people in the small city, including the rude farmer. He came to the bakery everyday to give her eggs and milk and would always say things to her that would annoy her. But as the days went on their small chats grew and became long conversations and both fell in love. But they didn't admit it. Everyone in the small city could tell and so bought them together. The baker and farmer got married and had lots of children together. They loved each other and lived happily ever after."

She smiled at you and you giggled. "That actually wasn't that bad for a kid." You rustle her hair and she grins. "That because it's based off a true story." You raised an eyebrow and leaned back. "Really?"
"Well maybe not the last bit." She scratched the back of her head and continues. "It's based off you and Tsuki-chan."
"WHAT!!?" You yell and she giggles.

"Tsuki-chan is the farmer and you are the baker. He's 'rude' to you but you both love each other."
"I don't love him!" You blush and she looks at you confused. "That's a lie."
"NO IT-"
"Look at me in the eyes and say it." You looked at her but she was pulling the puppy dog eyes which left you flustered.

"Even if I did why do you care?" You mumbled and looked away. "I care because I want you to be happy. Mum says you shouldn't run from the truth and that it's not healthy to bottle up your emotions."
"I'm home!" You brother called from the door. "Yuko, why are you awake?"
"I was waiting for you." She sang and hugged his legs before running upstairs.

"Was she talking to you about something?" He asked and sat down with you. You nodded and started hugging a pillow. Katsuo noticed that your face was turning red and raised an eyebrow. "What did she say?"
"She said I like Tsukishima, said I was lying when I said I didn't and told me it's better to except that I do." You grumbled.

There was silence and you clutched the pillow harder. "Well, do you?" You didn't want to say it. After a while your brother continued. "It's not always easy to except but once you realise it you'll feel like a lot of stress is gone."
"So you're an expert on love now?" You smirk and he lightly punches your arm. "I think you should sleep on it." He chuckled and left you to it.

You went to sleep earlier then usual and just laid there for a long while. You just wanted to sleep and you buried your face under you pillow. "Damn it Tsukishima." You growl and sighing in annoyance. You got up and walked down the corridor. "Katsuno!" You call from him bedroom door. "Yeah?"
"Can I come in?"

You walk into his room and see him at his desk, working. "Hey, what's up?" You sat down on the edge of his bed and ask, "what does it feel like to love someone and how do you know?" You brother turned to you and held his chin. "Well...love is different for everyone and most of the time it's hard to describe it. You can say what you love but describing your love it difficult. Everyone figures it out for themselves. Love isn't easy." You nodded and thanked him before walking back to you room.

You sat there staring a the ceiling for a long time. You chest tightened and you felt you heart beat. I do love him... You smiled to yourself but you eventually fell asleep. All you could dream about was Tsukishima.

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