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"I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO NEAR HIM!" Your brother yells as you roll around in bed. "Shut up."
"It's my fault." You and your brother turned to the door for your room and saw Tsukishima walk on with your little sister. "You!" Your brother marched towards him and glared at him. "How dare you give my little sister a cold!"
"KYO!" You yell and your dog came running in. He tackled your brother to the floor and dragged him away. "I will have revenge!" You brother announced and you sister giggled and walked away with Kyo and your brother.

"Sorry about this." Tsukishima said and sat on the edge of your bed. My mum made you miso soup and tempura. I gave it to your mum and dad in the kitchen."
"Thanks." You smile and peck his cheek. "Can we go downstairs and watch something? I've been in here all day."
"How come?"
"My brother won't let me leave."
"Let's go then."

He took you hand and dragged you to the living room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You brother yelled when he saw you half way down the stairs. "She said she wanted to watch something." Your brother groaned and looked at you. You mouthed the word 'please' to him and he had no choice but to allow it.

You sat next to Tsukishima on the sofa. He then grabbed a blanket that was also resting in the sofa and took it before wrapping you in it. He was rolling you into a sushi roll but you were too tired to stop him. He put on a film for you and sat you down on his lap just like when you were over his house. You smiled at him softly and he gave you a glance. "What?" You kissed his cheek and both of you sat in silence as the movie played.

You sister came to join you after a while and since the movie wasn't exactly appropriate for her you turned it off and put on some cartoons while Tsukishima playing with her. It was going great but your head started spinning and Tsukishima looked at you, hiding his worry under a straight face. "What's wrong?"
"Could you lie me down. I feel dizzy." You sister turned down the sound on the TV and Tsukishima laid you down on the sofa. Your forehead was burning and he unwrapped the blanket. He sat you up for a moment to take the blanket out from under you when your face seemed to turn green.

You thew up all over yourself and Tsukishima. Your sister called for your parents and brother and all three came rushing in. Tsukishima dashed out the door while carrying you when they got there. They followed him to the bathroom when you were bent over the toilet. Tsukishima held your hair back with one hand and rubbed your back with the other. Sorry if I make your stomach turn.

Your mum went to grab you some water and medicine. It didn't seem like you were going to stop any time soon. When you did you looked up and Tsukishima grabbed some tissue to wipe your mouth. "Thank you." You wispered to Tsukishima and he checked your forehead. Your temperature had shot up. You mum came back in and you turned to take the water. Both you and Tsukishima's clothes were covered in vomit.

"Yuko, help your sister change. Katsuo, lend Tsukishima some clothes." They nodded and left. Your dad carried you to your bedroom and when Katsuo came back. Your mum asked for Tsukishima's clothes so she could wash them.

After changing, Tsukishima made his way to your room and knocked. "Yuko is (y/n) done."
"Almost! We can't get her top on!"
"(Y/n) can I come in."
"Sure..." you groaned. He came in and found you sat down on the bed. You couldn't button your shirt properly. He came over and did it for you. "I'm sorry. You're ill because of me." He sat next to you and you hugged his torso. "Don't be."

You sister left the room and gave Tsukishima a small wink. He lied down so you could rest on his chest. "You need to rest."
"Alright but you have to stay with me."
"Fine." He pulled the blanket over both of you and watched as you drifted to sleep. He played his you hair in the process but soon fell asleep too. You both slept for a few hours before you both woke up. It was dark out and Tsukishima had to leave for home soon.

You made you way to the door with him and he said goodbye to your family. "Take care chibi-chan." He smirked and placed his hand over you mouth before kissing it. "I don't want to catch it again." You smile at him and push his out of the door. "Shut up." He rolled his eyes and started walking. "Seriously though. Be carefull."
"I will."

You made your way back up to you room and Katsuo came in a while later. "You alright?"
"I'm fine now."
"Can you do me a favour and..."
"...can you text Tsukishima and tell him I said...thanks?"
"Why didn't you tell him."
"Because I don't want to see his smug face." You giggle and decided to call him.

"Hey, you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Are you home yet?"
"Not yet."
"Tell me when you are. I called because Katsuo wanted me to thank you for him."
"He could have said it to my face."
"He said he didn't want to see your smug face." He started chuckling and you smiled. "I'll tell you when I get home alright?"

Just as you were about to take the phone away from your ear you heard Tsukishima say, "I love you."
"Woah! What!?"
"You just said you love me."
"I'm your boyfriend you idiot why wouldn't I-"
"But you never say it."
"I didn't think it needed to be said...I'm just saying to today. You really did scare me when you were sick. Be careful."
"I will...love you."
"I love you too."

You hung up and curled up in the bed. A warm fuzzy feeling filled your chest. You looked at the small space Tsukishima slept in earlier and smiled. He really is amazing.

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now