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You, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were walking to school together. One the way you realised that you'd forgotten your assignment at home and so you ran off to get it, leaving them to walk to school themselves.

You grabbed you assignment and checked the time, only to see you had 5 minutes, before running out the house again. If you ran you could make it before they close the gates.

You ran through the roads and streets before getting to the long stair case going up the hill to your school. You only had about a minutes before closing and you knew they closed the gates on the dot so you sprinted up the stairs.

Big mistake.

The stairs were still somewhat slippery from the morning dew. You slipped and fell quite a few steps, wincing from the pain that was running up and down your right leg. You got up though and started running again. You just made it but your ankle got worst after that. It stung as you walked through the hall ways, masking the pain you were in. You though it would fade. It didn't though.

You were walking with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima during break and tsukishima noticed something was wrong. Yamaguchi asked it you were ok but you mearly said you were alright. Not wanting to pick at it and potentially make you angry, he left it but Tsukishima was going to get it out of you.

It was almost the end of the day and the pain was still there. You had taken some pain killers but nothing happened. You weren't sure what to do since you thought you were just making a fuss. The bell went and the three of you made your way home.

As you were walking with them Tsukishima pulled you to the side where no one was and asked you firmly. "Ok what's wrong?" You looked at him confused. "What?"
"You looked like you've been in pain all day. What wrong?"
"It's nothing." Tsukishima saw your leg shaking slightly as you tried to stay balanced.

Being the jerk he was, he kicked your ankle quite hard. "OW!!" Tsukishima sighed and ran his figures through his hair before swiping his foot behind your good one, making you fall back. He caught you before you hit the floor and sat you down. "Off with the thigh highs."
"TSUKI! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Yamaguchi panicked.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed your leg before taking off your stockings. "YOU SHIT!!! STOP!" You yell as you push his away but he got it off and saw your ankle bruised and swollen. "Idiot! You've been walking on this all day!" He sighed in annoyance. "What happened?" Yamaguchi asked and kneeled down next to you.
"I...slipped on the stairs." You grumbled.
"And you didn't think to tell someone?"
"I thought it would fade! And I didn't...really check it." You protested.

Yamaguchi grabbed your stuff and Tsukishima squatted down in front of you. Gotta get those tight buns you kno//slapped
"Get on. I'm taking you to the hospital."
"Just do it." You got on and he marched in the opposite direction to your houses. After a minute or so he asked for your phone and called your brother.

"Hey sis, whatup?"
"Hey its me, Tsukishima." You listened in and heard your brother groan. You and Yamaguchi laughed silently. "Why do you have my sister's phone?"
"She hurt her ankle and now I'm taking her to the hospital. I'm worried she'll injure herself further."
"...I want to talk to her."

Tsukishima handed you the phone and his grip on you tightened since he didn't want you to fall. "Hey Katsuo."
"I fell down the stairs, I'm ok and Tsukishima didn't do anything. Don't worry, Yamaguchi's here too."
"I still have one more class and I'll try to get off work too."
"Alright, don't rush yourself."
"Ok, bye. Be careful."

You got to the hospital and Yamaguchi called your parents while you and Tsukishima checked in. "I'm worried Yuko's gunnar cry and make a scene." You moaned.
"My sister. You know, the one that called you my boyfriend." You replied when you were called in for an x-ray. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stayed in the waiting area. "She'll be ok. This is (y/n) we're on about." Yamaguchi grinned to reassure Tsukishima. "Who said I was worried?"
"It's all over your face."

Your Dad came in with your brother and sister. Your mum stayed at work to clean up since they couldn't just drop everything. Your sister was crying like you said and your dad tried to calm her down. You couldn't really blame her, she was only 8.

"Sweetie, please stop crying. (Y/n)'s fine." She continued to cry when Tsukishima pitched in. "This is what (y/n) was worried of." Yuko looked at him when he picked her up and put her in his lap. "She was worried that you'd cry. If you stop crying she won't worry. So stop and she'll be happy."

She stopped and stiffed before wiping her tears away. "Ok. If I don't cry then big sis will be better." She smiled at Tsukishima when the doors opened and you came in with a pair of crutches. Your little sister jumped up and ran up to you. She started jumping around happily and the rest followed.

"So what happened?"
"She's broken her ankle." The doctor explain everything and what you should and shouldn't do. Tsukishima and your brother thought it would be best for you to sit and walked you to the chairs. Yamaguchi handed you back your stuff and you apologies since he had to carry you and all your stuff.

Your dad ask how Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were getting home and they said they'd walk but then he offered him a ride. "There's 6 of us though."
"We have a 7 seater. Come on." You left for the car and sat with Tsukishima in the middle. Yamaguchi offered to keep Yuko company at the back, leaving Katsuo and you dad at the front.

Your dad turned a sharp corner and the crutches you leaned against the middle seat toppled over. Tsukishima was quick to react and caught them. "Thanks." You smiled as he handed them to you. Your brother watched from the side window and smiled even though he didn't particularly like tsukishima before.

They said you could drop them near their streets and before getting out Tsukishima asked if you were coming to school. "No."
"Alright, I'll come over to drop off the work." They left before you could answer and they gave you a small wave from outside.

On their way Yamaguchi started chuckling. "What's so funny?"
"Are you going to go over everyday to nurse her back to health?" He laughed and Tsukishima poked his side. "When did you get cheeky?"
"(Y/n)'s rubbed off on me." 

You then left for your own house and Katsuo helped you to your room. It was pretty late so he helped you into the bed. You talked for a bit when, "(y/n), do you like Tsukishima?" You looked at him and saw the agitated look on his face. "You look like you're gunnar plow a fuss." You sweat drop. "How?"
"You look angry. I know you don't like him."

You smiled at him but he could tell you were somewhat upset by it. He sighed and rubbed his neck. "I don't hate him. I just don't want you to get hurt. But after today..." He sighed and looked at you. "I'm fine with you two dating. He seems to be a good boyfriend."
"...you think we're dating!!?"

Your brother looked at you confused. "Wait you're not!?"
"But what?!" You yell blushing like hell.
"You look like a couple. And the way he looks at you is..." You waited for him to finished and be took a deep breath. "As a guy I can tell. His eyes are full of love when he looks at you. He hides it well though."

You were taken aback by what your brother had said. "You think?" He looked at you and saw a small glimpse of hope in your eyes and smiled. "Yeah." You smile and he pats your head before leaving. String bean liking me? I wish.

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