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"Would you stop following me." You complained dully. You were walking home but for some odd reason Tsukishima was taking the same route. "For the last time, I'm not! I'm going somewhere." You growled and you walked a bit faster but, as usual, Tsukishima started to tease you. You threw some sassy comments at him until you reached a cross section. You turned right and he turned left.

"FINALLY!!" You yelled and started skipping off. "I can hear you!"
"I KNOW! I SAID IT LOUD!" As you skipped off your phone buzzed and you read a text from you mum.

From: Mum♡
To: Me (*^▽^*)

Hey can you come over to the cafe to help us decorated some cakes?

From: Me (*^▽^*)
To: Mum♡

Sure! I'll be right over

You turned around and made your way to the cafe.

You got to the cafe and opened the door to the sweet jingling sound of the bell hung above. "Mum! Dad! I'm her-" you paused when you saw that the centre table was taken by the only customer. "TSUKISHIMA!?" You screeched and the blonde just sat there smirking.

"Oh there you are darli-"
"Why is he here?!" You asked your mum and your dad then came out too. "Wait, you know kei-kun?" Your dad asked back and your mouth dropped. "Kei-kun?!" Your mum smiled and walked up to Tsukishima. "Yeah, he's one of our regulars."

Your mouth was still wide open and Tsukishima's smirk grew wider. "Huh? This sweet couple are your parents? I feel sorry that such a talented couple have such a useless daughter." Your face went red and your mum and dad snickered are the obvious joke. "I'M NOT USELESS!" You protested.
"Yeah sure. I bet you can't even make a cake or pastry like them, you'd burn the building to a crisp." He said smugly and took another bite out of his strawberry shortcake.

You walked up to the table and slammed your hand on to it. "You do realise I'm the one who make the strawberry shortcake here. You know, the you're eating and seem to be enjoying."

He stopped chewing and looked at your parents. They nodded, telling him that you were speaking to truth. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth and smirk. "Well I was trying to be polite to your parents by not saying anything but since I now know you're the one making them, I have some things I'd like to comment about."

You raised and eyebrow and he cleared his throat. "The cream is too bland and is not fluffy. It's very thin and seems to be runny. The sponge cake is as dry as a desert and is also pretty bland too. I feel like I'm eating a microwaved cleaning sponge since the texture is horrific. The strawberries are soggy and are far too sweet-"

You grabbed his collar and growled in his face. "Why. You. LITTLE-" Your mum pulled you towards the kitchen and your dad started laughing. "Sorry about my daughter Kei-kun. She takes everything to heart even though your teasing."
"(Y/n)! Language!"

Eventually, after teasing you like no tomorrow, Tsukishima left and you were in the kitchen. "(Y/n) are you going to let go of that icing tube or are you going to let that tart your icing drown?" You looked down at your hands and found them covered in icing. "Oh. Sorry."

You cleaned up the table and your mum giggled. "You do know that Tsukishima was joking around." You groan and puff out your cheeks. "He seems to do that a lot with me."
"He's just teasing. That's when you know he likes you."
"HA! Please, that ass hole has a black heart. He's so rude to me and did you hear what he said about my shortcake. SO RUDE!"

You went to the cupboard and took out a load of ingredients. "What are you doing?" Your mum asked and you got out a bowl. "I'm gunnar make a shortcake that will be so perfect that even that ass won't be able to say a single thing." You mum looked at you confused and left to help your dad clean up.

The next day Tsukishima came back to the cafe to annoy you. He sat down and gave you a smug look as you put your apron on. "Oh waitress~" You're eyebrow twitched and you walked over. "Yeah?"
"Get me a latte and a piece of your shitty shortcake."
"You little-"
"(Y/n), language~ There're are other customers."

You groaned and went to get his order. When you came back out and placed his food in the table he immediately took a bit out of the cake. You stood there for a bit until he finished the bite. "The cream is still bland but is fluffy. The sponge cake is as dry but has a bit of flavour. The strawberries are soggy and aren't sweet at all this time. Come on at lease get them right." You took a deep breath and walked off to the kitchen.

After cleaning up in the dinning area you went into the kitchen and got out ingredients again. You dad watched from the door and went over to your mum. "She likes kei-kun..." he grumbled as your mum laughed. "Something wrong?" You asked and popped your head out the window. "Oh nothing~"

A few days past and Tsukishima's rude judgement on your food seemed to be decreasing. He came in once again and took his usual seat. You placed the cake on his table and he took a bite. After swallowing, he was silent for a while and smirked. "I have less to say than yesterday. The cream is-" He couldn't finish because to sighed and went back to the kitchen tired that after many attempts you still weren't able to shut him up.

You left the cafe early and made your way home. Tsukishima was still inside and after you were out of sight called for you mum. "Can I help you kei-kun?"
"How many more slices of shortcake are there?" Your mum looked confused and went to check. She returned soon later and said there were 2 left. "I'll take them." He pulled out his wallet and handed her the last of his money. "W-what?"

He looked to the side and frowned slightly irritated. "I hate to admit it but...her shortcake was perfect today. I don't want any of it to go to waste." You're mum smiled and went to get him is order before he left. Your mum then texted you, telling you what Tsukishima had said.

The next day in school was hell for him though. You teased him all through out the day and the other students were shocked to see that he wasn't arguing back. He honesty couldn't. He said you were perfect this time around.

During lunch, you continued to tease the tall male even after he sat on his usual bench to eat. Yamaguchi smiled and gave a small chuckle as you shut up to eat. As the three you ate together, you placed something in tsukishima's empty bento section.

He looked down at it and gave you a side ways glance. "I made another batch yesterday." Tsukishima stayed quiet and took a bite out of the cake. You handed one to Yamaguchi and had small chat with him.

He gave you a look and Yamaguchi noticed him smile slightly...or was it a smirk? Either way, he was surprised but left it alone. Hmm? They look cute together. He though when you turned to see Tsukishima staring and the two of you started fighting. OK...maybe not cute... He chuckled.

As he and Tsukishima walled home, he couldn't help but wonder what Tsukishima felt towards you. As he told you before, Tsukishima would usually tease someone for a day but he was teasing you all the time. Not to mention that he seemed to want to be around you.

"Hey Tsuki I wanted to ask you something."
"(Y/n)." Tsukishima stopped in his tracks and turned to his freckled friend. "What is it?"
"Do you like her?" He looked at him blankly but there was something different in his eyes. Yamaguchi smiled when he saw it and Tsukishima turned to walk away. "She's alrig-"
"You like her, don't you?"

Tsukishima stared at him blankly and continued on his way. "Don't say stupid things."
"Tsuki. That's the way to (y/n) cafe." Tsukishima saw that he was indeed walking in the wrong direction. He frowned and turned around without saying a word.

He's hiding something~

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now