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*deep breath*
This is the LAST CHAPTER...

"No one gets why you're going out with him." Your friend said to you during break. You looked up at her with a confused looked. "What do you mean?" She pulled over a seat and sat down in front of you. "Ok I think I should tell you. Pretty much everyone in our year is confused as to why you're dating Tsukishima."

You put down your food and stared at her. "I'm dating him because I love him."
"...but will it last?" You tensed up a bit and she continued. "Some people are even making bets about when they think you and him will break up." Your face sadened and she looked at you upset. "Everyone says you can do better and that he won't be able to treat you right. I could go on but some of the stuff people are saying is are really rude."
"Tsukishima's not perfect and I love him for that. People can say whatever and I'll still love him."

"Hey (y/n)." You saw Tsukishima approaching you and your friend. "Want to have lunch?"
"Sure." You got up and went with him outside. When you left you decided to listen in on some of the things others were saying and they were indeed saying things about the two of you. Before you hadn't took notice but now the whispers were all that you heard.

You and Tsukishima sat outside on a bench eating. Yamaguchi came soon after and sat with you. Him and Tsukishima were having a conversation as you just sat there and hear some guys in your class behind you say something along the lines of, "What the hell. Give her some attention. She deserves better." You looked over at Tsukishima while he was talking and he noticed. "Do you need something?" He asked and you shook your head. "No I'm fine." He turned back to Yamaguchi and you heard the boys behind start talking again. "Is he stupid. She's obviously not ok."

You were rather surprise after all this. Surprise that no on can hear when a heart starts to cry.

One of them came up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Hey (y/n), is everything ok?" He asked and Tsukishima turned to look at him. "Yeah I'm fine." He looked at you sadly. "You know if you ever want to talk, we're here." He smile and you turned to see some of your other classmates. Tsukishima glared at them and they left soon after.

After that, people started talking to you more when you looked a bit upset, wondering if it was to do with Tsukishima. The thoughts stayed in your mind and at this point you weren't sure what to think. Some of the the things people were saying were somewhat true in their own way. Things like he doesn't show you he loves you and that he neglects you. But you knew that it was only because he didn't like PDA. When you were alone, he'd make you feel special.

When you were walking home with him and Yamaguchi he held your hand. Others looked and continued saying more things about the two of you. You unconsciously tightened your grip on his hand. He gave you a side ways glance and then heard some of the things the people behind you said.

It started raining and you, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi rummaged through your bags. They both pulled out their umbrellas but you couldn't find yours. Both Tsukishima's and Yamaguchi's umbrellas were small and could only really cover one person. The rain got heavier and Tsukishima gave a small look to the people talking about you. "Here." He said plainly and titled the umbrella to cover you. He lifted his school bag over his head to protect himself. "Take it." You gently took the hook of the handle and just stared at him. "Are you just gonna stand there." He gripped your hand hard and dragged you along. You stumbled a bit and you and Yamaguchi had to jog slightly to keep up. No words were shared between the three of you until Yamaguchi left for his house. You said your goodbyes and went off with Tsukishima.

No words were shared and Tsukishima looked at your long face. "What's wrong?" He asked sternly. You didn't reply. You were in a trance. "(Y/n)!" He said slightly louder and clicked his figures in front of your face. You jumped and faced him. "W-what?" He gave you a straight expression and flicked your forehead. "What's wrong? Is this about what those guys back at the gate said?"

He hit the bullseye and he knew it since you stiffened and had a sad look on your face. "W-what were they saying?"
"You know very well what they said. You've been dwelling on it." You gulped and lowered your head. "They said that you weren't a good boyfriend and that I could do so much better. People are even making bets over when I'm gonna break up with you." You mumbled.

The rain started falling harder and now the sound of rain filled the silent space. "...do you want to break up with me?" You whipped your head up. Tsukishima lowered his bag and head. "If you're dwelling on it then you must want to right?" Your heart sunk. You weren't sure what to do.

"N-no! I don't want that."
"Then why are you concidering it?" The sad look on his face was evident and you protested against his assumption. "No! I don't want that! I love you! I don't care what other say because they don't know you! I do!" Tsukishima stared at you in shock and frowned in slight annoyance. "Some of the things they say are true though and you know it. Even I know it. Your my girlfriend and I don't even bother treating you like it. I've realised that I neglect you quite a bit. Even when we were at the beach house you said you wanted me to be a nicer to you."

You were so conflicted. Tsukishima was never one to talk about stiff like this so since he was you got somewhat worried. The rain made it hard for you to tell if Tsukishima was crying or not. He went on and on about thing he should do for you. "I hardly show you any affection and I never try to spend time with you. You're always the one doing things for me. I'm never genuine and when was the last time I gave you a compliment? If anything I'm always insulting you. I value you but I don't show it."
"TSUKISHIMA!!" You yelled to get his attention and stop him from belittling himself any further. He stopped and stared at you.

"All those things you're saying. All the thing you think are bad are what make me love you. You're not perfect but your not terrible either, you're the person I've fallen for. If you were a typical guy I wouldn't like it. So...don't change. I'm just dwelling on what others are saying because I'm angry over it."

Tsukishima stared at you. He put his arms around your waist and pull you into his chest. "Thanks. Sorry for acting weird."
"Yeah you're not usually one to care for what others say."
"I don't care. I care for what you think about though." You smile and hugged him tighter. "Come on. Let's go before we catch something again." You nodded and he took the umbrella to cover both of you. "(Y/n)?"
"Yeah?" You turned to look at him and he cupped you cheek. He still had a straight face with no evidence of the pain he felt a few moments ago. His eyes however where filled with love. He didn't say anything and just leaned in. Your lips met his and we're in perfect sync with his. The stress you'd been feeling recently was lifter and you smiled as you weeping heart started to heal and stop crying.


so that is it...
I honesty hate it when I finish a fic so I really hope you likes it...

Author-chan out

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