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In the past few days, you had become pretty close with Nishinoya and Tanaka as you were all pretty similar in your own ways. One day Tsukishima was ill and Yamaguchi had gone on holiday with his family early. So you decided to hang out with your senpais. The three of you were messing around like no tomorrow.

During lunch Suga, Asahi and Daichi came up to you all and said there was no practise since the gym was occupied. "WHOO!!" Nishinoya hooted and jumped up. "That's means we can take you out for ICE CREAM!!"
"You're obsessed." You giggled. The two were so excited that they went hyper and were bouncing off the walls.

You waited for them at the gate after class. "(Y/n)-chan!!" The two yelled and hugged you. You hugged back and after that you made you way to a ice cream van that was always in the area at this time.

It was havoc for the ice cream van worker since the three of you were buying 3 scoop cones and we're debating what to get. You were all fighting for no reason too. You were out for about and hour with the two, messing around, making jokes and all the rest.

"Bye (y/n)-chan!" The two called before you parted way. "Come and hang out with us more instead of salty Tsukishima!" You giggled and waved to them as you walked off.

Tsukishimas POV

I sighed after exiting the doctors. My mum was extremely busy yesterday and so was really tired today. I decided to go get a check up by myself so I wouldn't disturb her.

I put on my surgical mask and walked down the street. It was about 4 o'clock. I was feeling a but dizzy and so I went to the convenient store to grab some water and whatever else. When I left to carry on home I saw a group of guys from another school gathering around an area. As I walked pass, the conversation between them became clear.

"Come on cutie~ just give me you're number."
"Or do you want to cut to the chase and come with us?"

Gross. I thought as I was about to pass them but then I saw a familiar looking girl stood in the middle of the small group. (Y/n)? I stopped for a second and stared to make sure it was her. It definitely was since she wasn't just standing there and was saying sassy comment at them. They were clearly not amused and one grabbed her wrist. "You little-"

I pushed him away and pulled (y/n) towards me. "Don't touch her." I said grimly and scared the crap out of them. Being taller than all of them was fun since they cowered and ran. "Tsukishima?"

(Y/n) looked up at me and I let go. "I thought you were ill-"
"It was stupid of you to provok those guys like that. You could have gotten hurt." I walked off and felt a little light headed. "You're an idiot." I groaned and felt my balance go.

2nd person POV

You ran to catch Tsukishima who was toppling like a fool. He was clearly ill but you weren't aware that it was this bad. You check his forehead to find it was burning and he was breathing heavily. He was almost knocked out and out of worry you dragged him out of the cold weather.

Tsukishima woke up in a fairly small bed since his feet were right on the edge. There was a luck warm towel on his head. He sat up and looked around. An orginised bedroom with quite a few things here and there. There were lots of school supplies covering the small desk.

There was a glass of water on the night stand that was still cold, so he drank a bit before leaving the room. He was still a bit dizzy and he wonder around the house aimlessly. "Hey sis!" Tsukishima heard a girl yell from behind. He turned around and saw a small girl. "Your boyfriend's awake!"
"He's not my boyfriend!" You yell as you shot out a near door. You started pinching your sister's cheeks.

You look up at Tsukishima and smile. "You look a lot better. How you feeling?"
"You're sound like his wife now." Before you could grab your sister again she ran off and you and Tsukishima were left in the corridor. "What happened?" Tsukishima asked plainly.
"You passed out in the street and so I bought you here. Your brother called too and I explained what happened."
"How long was I out?"
"Hmm, about 2 hours." You then took him downstairs and gave him some food.

"I should go home." Tsukishima said and made his way to the door. "I'll walk you there."
"Why?" Tsukishima sighed.
"I don't want to fainting in the middle of the streets." You expected him to say something rude but he just turned around. "Fine." You smiled and grabbed a coat when your older brother, Katsuo, came down the stairs. "Woah wait! If she goes then I'm going! I'm not letting her walk home by herself in the dark! Plus..."

He came all the way down an gave a sinister smile at Tsukishima (who was about the same height). "I don't trust you not to touch her." You sighed and rolled your eyes before grabbing something from the nearby shelf. "I'll just take Kyo." You said before whistling. Almost instantly did your dog come running in from the living room. He was barking and running around your feet. You clipped the leash, you just picked up off the shelf, around on his collar and opened the door. Your brother was fine with it and so let you go.

Kyo seemed to like Tsukishima. You should have guessed since he started licking him out of nowhere when you first met on the streets. Now he was licking his hand and nuzzling his legs.

Eventually he became figity and was pulling you towards Tsukishima. You then decided to just give him the leash. Kyo was prancing around when a cat came into view. He spotted it and started running off. Tsukishima held onto the leash tightly but his grid slipped and Kyo ran off. "Kyo!" You both yelled and ran after him. You came to am open park and yelled his name again.

This time you got a reply. You heard him bark and followed the sound. You found him in the shallow river running though the park. Now he was soaking wet. "Kyo, get out of there!" You call and the dog climbed up the steep rock walls. He tried numerous times but kept on slipping. You then sat down and started taking off your shoes. "What are you doing?" Tsukishima groaned. "I'm gonna go in and help him out."

You took off your first shoe when you heard a splash. You looked down to see that Tsukishima had gotten in and helped Kyo out. You helped Tsukishima climb out and he was soaked from the knees down. "Ow!" He winced when you punched his arm and looked at you. "Idiot! You're ill! You shouldn't be jumping into cold river water!"
"I become ill easily and quite often so I don't care. Besides I didn't see you do anything so where's my thank you?" He smirked and you pinched the bridge of your nose and grabbed his wrist. "Come on."

You got to his house and came in to apologise to his parents. They were complete fine with it and so you left for your house but they asked you to at least eat something. You sat down at the table with Tsukishima's family and started cracking jokes. It was all fun but you needed to go home so you left after eating. "Is that the girl you like?" Tsukishima's mum asked. "Yeah."
"She seems really nice."
"Not if you get her angry."
He walked up to his room leaving his mum to wonder what he meant.

He then got a text from you.

Thanks for helping Kyo and get some rest! I'm worried. Get well soon and be careful.

He smiled down at the text and replied,

OK so you're my mum now?

Shut up! ( ≧Д≦)

You gave a out a little giggle after what he said and smiled down at your screen. "What an idiot." You laugh and walk home smiling.

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