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"The next pair will be..." your teacher trailed off while picking out the random names from a bowl. "(Y/n) and Tsu...kishima." everyone went pale and you and the blonde stared at each other while frowning. "You know what I'll just pick agai-"
"No, it's fine." Tsukishima smirked. "I mean I'm fine with it but a chicken legged girl like her may not be." You balled up your fist and said through gritted teeth. "No, I'm fine with it." You both grimaced at each other. This isn't gonna end well. The class thought.

You and Tsukishima went to the school library to complete the project you were put together for. You only chose the library so he'd shut up but that didn't happen. You and Tsukishima sat opposite each other on a table and he was just knocking over your books and was doing whatever to piss you off like kicking you from your seat.

"Tsukishima, I swear to God-" he interrupted by poking your cheek while singing, "chibi-chan~" Your face went red with anger and you slammed your hands on the table. "STOP!" The librarian came over and told you to be quiet or you'd be kicked out. He continued to poke your cheek and annoy you with sarcastic comments. Eventually you just got up and sat on another table behind him with your back to him.

"Well someone's upset. You gonna start crying?"
"Shut up." You groaned and he chuckled. He leaned back on his chair and started rattling yours. "Stop. It."
"No." He started rattling it faster until you accidently knocked your books over and made a huge mess.

"That's it! Get out!" The librarian yelled as he came around the corner of the bookshelf. "But-"
"Out!" She threw you out and left Tsukishima, probably because he was on a different desk acting polite.

Tsukishima picked up your stuff and left. You were walking off when he hung them above your head. "You forgot these." You turn to look at him and smiled slightly. "Thanks." You went to reach for them but he then held them up higher. "Jump for them chibi-chan." He had a stupid smirk on his face that didn't look like his usual one. You scoffed and start giggling since he looked incredibly strange and he started in shock.

"Why are you laughing?"
"YOU LOOK SO STUPID!" Others in the hall way looked since they expected a fight. Tsukishima's eyebrow twitched and he knocked your head. "Shut up." You weren't going to for a while and so he pulled your ears. "Owowow! Stop!
"Alright." He then grabbed your cheeks and started stretching them. "STOP!" You whine and started pulling his cheeks. He let go and gave you your stuff.

"Fine chibi-chan." He flicked your for head and walked off to class and you followed. "You're a fucking jerk."
"And you're a little shit."

You both walked off, not really noticing the looks others were going you.

Why...do they look like a couple?

Tsukishima collapsed on his couch once he got home and his mum came in. "You ok hun?" She smiled and he nodded. "Yeah I'm fine."
"Well come on then. It's time to eat." He got up and went to the table. A few mouthfuls of rice later he got up, claiming he was done.

He left for his bedroom and got into bed. Akiteru watched at the door as he saw his little brother twisting and turning, unpleasant and uncomfortable. "You alright kei?" He asked and the tall boy sat up. "What are you doing in here?"
"Seeing if you're ok." Tsukishima stared blankly at him and laid back down. "I'm fine."
"Ok you're not fine since you didn't say something sarcastic or rude to me."

He sat on the edge of his bed and shook him. "What is it?" Tsukishima was reluctant to answer but after a while sat up. "How do you know when..."
"When what?"
"When...never mind." He laid back down with his back on him.

The screen on Tsukishima's phone then went off and Akiteru looked to see a message from you. Akiteru looked at you contact picture and looked back at Tsukishima. "When you're in love?" Tsukishima sat up and whipped his head towards him with a blush across his cheeks while a frown formed.

"I'll take that as a yes." Tsukishima laid back down again and Akitru continued to talk to him. "I don't know when you know. I'm not the best at this sort of stuff."
"But I am." His mum said and walked in. "Just leave it alone. Forget I said anything." Tsukishima groaned. His mum giggled and sat down. "Nope. Anyway Kei, you know when you like someone when-"
"I don't want to talk about it in front of him." Tsukishima said and pointed at his brother. "You're acting like a baby!" Akiteru whined before his mum kicked him out.

"Alright Kei, so you want to know when you're in love with someone."
"Actually forget it I don't want to talk about it."
"Nope we're talking." She announced and pulled Tsukishima up. "Anyway, you know when you're in love when you feel like they're the best part of your day. You may be having a good day already but she makes it better. Is that the case with her?"

Tsukishima thought back to previous days and smiled unconsciously. "I'll take that as a yes." His mum smiled and tsukishima frowned at her. "You don't want me to continue do you?" He nodded and she gave him a hug. "Alright then. I'll stop." She got up and opened the door. "Mum."

His mum smiled at him and before closing the door said. "You usually become a better person when you're in love." Tsukishima stared at the door for a while before laying down, hoping to get to sleep. He looked over at his phone and saw the message from you.

Hey since we're banned from the library do you want to go somewhere to work on the project tomorrow?

You're banned from the library idiot and sure, just come over my house. It's easier that way.

Sure but I'M NOT AN IDIOT!

Tsukishima stared at the text and could just imagine your pissed off expression. He smiled and placed the phone down.

Maybe I do like...probably not.

Tsukishima x Reader ~ New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now