Were does she know him from ?

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"This is my best friend Joel, Joel say hi to Ami, I kind of got in her way, so I asked her to join us". Zac introduced them.

Amelia thought Joel looked like someone she had seen before, he had that kind of face you didn't easily forget, she grabbed his hand. "Hi Joel, I hope it is okay for me to join you".

"Hi Ami, great to meet you, and of course only happy to have something more pretty than that one to look at". He said grinning at Zac.

She sat down on the bench across from Joel and Zac slid in beside her, he had to angle himself towards her to make room for his long legs.

He looked at Joel with a smirk. "Oh Joel, you were going to get us drinks weren't you ?"

"Well I guess I was". Joel said and shook his head slightly as he got up, he looked at Amelia. "And what does the lady want ?"

"An apple pie thanks". She said smiling, she preferred sweet, not to strong drinks.

Zac looked at her, his head slightly tilted to one side. "I never heard of that one, let me get one too Joel".

Joel vent to the bar, and Zac checked his phone, he had just gotten a text. She glanced at him, she had to admit she found him very attractive, wondering what they were doing there, he definitely didn't look like the men she normally ran into.

"Where are you from by the way ? And what are you doing in Denmark ?" Amelia asked when he put his phone away.

He looked like he was thinking hard about what to say. "We are from LA. Joel is here for work and I am just kind of tacking along. I had some holiday and I had never seen Denmark".

"I was guessing america from your accent, LA ? Well then you are used to better weather I guess". She said.

She noticed that his hands were constantly moving, when he was talking they were moving animated or else fiddling with something. "Yeah you can say that".

"I hope it is okay to ask, but Joel looks kind of familiar, what kind of work is he here for ?" She couldn't help but ask.

Zac glanced at Joel, who had finally got a hold of the bartender. "It's fine, actually I am surprised no one has recognised him yet. He is an actor, probably that's why you think he looks familiar".

"Oh my God, now when you say it, he was in bones right ? And Avatar ?" It had just dawned on her who he was, he was just one of those actors were most people knew   His face but never could remember the name.

Zac nodded. "Yes exactly, just please don't make a big deal out of it, he gets a little shy if people fuss about it and we don't want everyone else catching on".

"Of course, no problem, can't be fun always to have people recognising you, it must be kind of a downer for you too. I mean at home he must get recognised all the time, doesn't you feel kind of overlooked sometimes ?" She said.

Zac smiled looking amused. "Well, you get used to it, we have been friends for a long time".

"Here you go ladies". Joel said with a shit eating grin, putting their drinks in front of them, he had gotten a beer for himself.

Zac glared insulted at him and then chuckled. "Mature so very mature Joel".

"What do you do Ami ? When you are not here having fun ?" Joel looked at her with friendly interest.

She suddenly felt a bit star struck, he was a movie star and everything, how could she just talk to him like he was just normal ? But then she pushed the feeling away, he was after all just a normal person.

She smiled. "I am working as a waitress, not very exciting, the tips are good though, but that is not what I really want to do".

"What do you want to do then ? If I may ask". Zac looked at her curiously and she felt locked in his eyes, eyes that changed colour depending on the light hitting them.

She blushed and bit her lip. "Oh this is a bit embarrassing and probably wildly unrealistic, but my dream is to be a singer".

"It is not embarrassing and whether it is realistic depends on how good you are, can you sing ?" Zac asked.

She shrugged. "I've been told so, but I know the chances are slim even with talent".

"Never say never, but you know you have to get up on that stage and sing for us now, don't you ?" Joel said grinning.

Amelia glared at him. "Yeah that was exactly what I feared. I hate karaoke, which might sound kind of stupid, but it is just different from just singing".

"If I get up there with you, will you do it then ? We can both look like fools then". Zac said, as he got up and offered her his hand.

She accepted his hand and let him pull her up, she looked at him with a sly smile. "What about you then, can you sing ?"

"If he can sing ? He .." Joel sounded like he was going to say something, but a glare from Zac made him go quiet.

Zac pulled her with him toward the stage. "I guess I can sing somewhat okay, I am not out of tune at least".

As she looked through the songs, he was standing close behind her, leaning over her to look, his arm on the table next to her and his face close to her ear.

Amelia was suddenly very aware of how close he was, she could literally feel the warmth from his body and she breathed in deeply to calm herself, which didn't work as she just realised how good he smelled, very masculine and a bit spicy.

"Is there any one you prefer ?" He asked, his face so close to her she could feel his breath on her neck, sending at hot flashes through her.

She turned slightly toward him and answered. "No not really, I think I can do all of them pretty good, do you have any favourites ?"

"What about this one ? That one I know I can do". He said with a small grin, pointing to '(I've had) The time of my life' from Dirty Dancing.

She nodded and choose it. "A good choice, and it is a little more upbeat than the other duets".

He grabbed her hand, and pulled her with him up on stage, then he handed her one of the microphones and the music started.

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now