Kinky breakfast

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Amelia snuggled up to Zac, and sighed happily, her thoughts once again thinking about the topic of him being perfect and she whispered. "Well not that either".

"What are you whispering about darling ?" He was stroking her back, looking curiously at her.

Whoops she hadn't realised she had said that out loud and she blushed. "Uhh a little embarrassing, that wasn't supposed to come out loud, I was just thinking".

"Come on tell me, I am not going to stop before you tell me, I won't laugh". He looked up at her making puppy dog eyes.

She closed her eyes and whispered. "I have just been trying to find your flaw, because no one is this perfect, so I thought it, you know, might be in the bedroom.. But it definitely wasn't".

"I am far from perfect darling, but I am happy to hear that you are not disappointed or scared". He said with a small chuckle.

She blushed and hid her face on his shoulder. "Not disappointed are not the description I would go for, more like amazing".

"I have to agree, about it being amazing". He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her softly.

And it really had been wonderful she thought, well she only had Daniel to compare to, he had been her first and she had not been with anyone since they broke up.
she wasn't sure about the whole control thing, but as long as he didn't wanted to punish her she could live with it.

Sex had been okay with Daniel, but not amazing, more like nice and homely, mostly she had to do most work herself if she wanted to cum and his idea of foreplay was. "Wanna shag ?"

"Would it be okay for me to spend the night here ?" He whispered into her ear.

She nodded happily, she had been afraid he would go. "Of course, I would love you to stay".

"I was wondering if you are free tomorrow ?" His fingers were trailing her arm and shoulder.

She sighed contently, wishing she could freeze time to stay at this perfect moment. "Yep I got the whole day off, why ?"

"Well me and Joel was talking about going to Tivoli and I was thinking that you might like to come ?" He asked her.

She let her fingers play with the hair on his chest. "I would love to, it sounds like fun".

Amelia snuggled closer to him and shortly after she was asleep, her head resting on his shoulder.


When she wakes up in the early morning, she turns and finds Zac next to her, he is laying on his stomach his face turned towards her, still sound asleep.

His normally smooth hair is a ruffled mess of curls and he has on a cute little smile, to her he is more sexy than ever like this.

She climbs out of bed and grabs her phone, sending a message to Linda. 
> Okay I give up, I can't find his flaw, even in the bedroom he is perfection in any way <

She knew Linda was up to go to work and the answer came swiftly
> We gotta get together soon, are you free tomorrow after work ? Kasper has a playdate with some friends <

They both got of early from work on Thursdays and they often got together there
> I am free, so let's do that, I am going to Tivoli with Zac and his friend Joel today, sorry you have to work <

She went into the kitchen to make some breakfast before waking up Zac, reading Linda's answer on the way
> To bad, I would have loved to go, I need to meet your Mr perfect soon <

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now