The sad goodbuy

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When Amelia woke up the next morning she had expected her phone to be full of messages from Zac, but there weren't even one, not as much as an answer to her text.

She sighed, the wise thing would probably be to wait for him to contact her, as he was the one who should be apologising, but she couldn't wait, she needed to see him, to hold him.

She tried calling him, but it went straight to the answering machine, she tried texting Joel, but he was on his way back from filming in the other end of Denmark and hadn't been at the hotel that night.

And me telling him to relax and then running in panic to his hotel, she told herself, he is probably just sleeping, he was a bit drunk last night, he must have turned of his phone.

But she couldn't stop the panic, a sneaking feeling of something bad in her stomach, telling her that she had reached the edge and still had no breaks.

She got of the metro and walked towards the hotel, her stomach felt like an empty hole, she tried calling Zac again, but still no answer, so with a feeling of dread she walked into the hotel.

She had to knock three times before the door opened, at first she thought she had gone to the wrong room, in the doorway stood a tall leggy brunette.

Amelia didn't know what to say or do, her mind was running wild rabbit trails, trying to explain this in a way that were acceptable.

"I better go now, he is in there". The woman grabbed a coat and pointed towards one of the bedroom doors, before hurrying past Amelia sending her an apologetic glance.

She closed the door and walked slowly through the room, she wanted to run away, hoping it would make this go away, keeping her from having to face the facts.

The door opened slowly when she pushed it and she saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, for some reason noticing that he was wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, he was staring at his phone.

"Zac ?" She was almost whispering his name, but his head snapped up, his eyes locking into hers, it was quite obvious he had been crying, his eyes were red and his cheeks still wet.

He breathed in gasping and swallowed. "Ami darling, my phone was dead, I.. I didn't get your message before now".

"Please tell me there is a good explanation for this Zac, tell me this isn't what it looks like". She felt the tears come and her legs go weak.

He hid his face in his hands and a sob escaped him, she knew that there was no going back. "I am so sorry Ami, I..I was so upset, I thought you didn't want to see me again, I thought you broke up with me, I went and got way to drunk and I.. I.."

"She let me in Zac, I know what happened, You don't have to explain". She bit the inside of her cheek so hard she tasted blood, she didn't want to cry.

He lifted his head and looked at her, then he stood up, taking a step towards her, but stopped. "I am truly sorry Ami, it is the single most stupid thing I have ever done, I was hurt and drunk, but it is in no way an excuse".

"You are right, it is no excuse, nothing can remove it or make it okay again Zac". She felt like her heart had been crushed, leaving a bleeding painful hole in its place.

He reached out for her and even though he couldn't reach her, she stepped back not even thinking about it, he sank to his knees, cradling himself, like he was trying to keep himself in one piece.

"I am sorry Zac, but I better leave now". She couldn't do it anymore, she couldn't handle seeing him this broken, but she was about to fall apart to, she needed to get away.

She was about to leave, but his voice stopped her, it was so filled with pain. "Ami please, I know I can never make it okay, I know I have hurt you, I deserve nothing but your contempt".

"Zac get up please, look at me". She wasn't sure it was safe to leave him like this, she walked over and pulled him to his feet, taking him into her arms, soothing him.

Maybe she should be hating him, but she didn't, she couldn't, especially not when she saw how crushed he was, he was clutching her into him and she stroked his back gently.

"I know it is unforgivable and that it is a big cliche saying that it meant nothing, but I love you,  you have to believe me". He looked at her and she didn't doubt him for a moment.

Amelia heard the door open and Joel's voice in the other room, she knew he would be safe now.

"Zac I do forgive you, I don't hate you, but you and me, we were just for a moment". She kissed him softly one last time then she turned and left.

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now