Shooting his heart

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"This is cool, but you know I am going to kick your asses right ?" Zac said with a grin, when he found out they were going to at paintball place.

Joel smirked at him, sending him a challenging look. "Don't get to cocky, you know karma and all that jazz".

"Okay, did I get this right ? You need to hit the helmet or the heart mark on either the back or the chest to kill someone". Amelia looked at them.

Zac snaked his arms around her. "Yep darling, and I am sorry that I probably has to kill you".

"We will see, we will see, I might have hidden talents". She said giggling and winking at him.

"Whoops so sorry Joel". Amelia tried not to giggle to hard. She had shot at Joel and he had tried to jump the shot, taking it right in the balls.

She could hear Zac laugh rather heartlessly somewhere nearby. "At least you are not dead, even though you might wish you were".

It ended up being Zac who killed of Joel with a perfect head shot and he was out of the game.

"Where are you baby ? You can't hide from me forever". Zac was trying to lure her out.

She stepped out close behind him and she could easily have shot him in the back, but she called. "But I am right here sweetie".

"Ouch that was cold baby, did you seriously just make me turn to shot me in the heart ?" He looked down himself and looked at her pouting and making puppy dog eyes.

She grinned and winked. "Yeah it is not very heroic to shoot people in the back is it ? Oh by the way, who got their ass kicked ?"

"Someone forgot to tell they had done this before". Joel said grinning and high fiving her as they came out.

She shrugged. "Maybe a couple of times and I was a champion shooter as a child, so might help a bit too".

"That is actually just a bit sexy". Zac pulled her into him, kissing her in a way that made her head spin.

They went to have dinner at MASH, they had thought about somewhere really fancy called Noma,  but decided that a good steak was more Zac's style than seafoam and living ants.

"Thank you Joel, this was the greatest day ever". Zac hugged him warmly, when the car stopped in front of Amelia's apartment.

Joel hugged him back smiling. "I am happy you enjoyed it, that was the whole point, see you both soon".

"I have a little gift for you to, even though it can't live up to Joel's gift". She pulled out a little gift and handed it to him, they were sitting on her couch.

He smiled happily and accepted it. "You didn't need to buy me anything, having you in my life is more than enough".

"But I wanted to give you something, even though it was hard to find". She smiled nervously, hoping it was the right gift.

He opened the gift and took out the watch she got him, it had been pretty expensive, but she had gotten some money for the single and as that only happened because of him, she didn't mind spending most of it on him.

He hugged her and then kissed her so soft and lovingly her leg tried to pop even though she was sitting down. "Thank you so much baby, you shouldn't have bought something this expensive".

"That doesn't matter, you said your watch was broken and I thought you could use a new one". She smiled, happy he liked it.
He turned it around to read the inscription. "Be yourself, everyone else is taken".

"Yeah I wanted it to be something different, and that somehow just reminded me of you". She bit her lip.

He smiled and put on the watch. "I think it is the most perfect inscription I have ever seen".

"Ami there is something I have to say, I hope it doesn't scare you and you don't have to respond". He grabbed both her hands and gazed into her eyes.

She could feel her heart beat like crazy, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted him to go on. "What is it Zac ?"

"Ami I know it is kind of fast, but I love you, so much it almost hurts". He kissed her knuckles softly.

She had known this would be coming, but she didn't know what to say or do, she didn't feel ready to express her feelings that clearly, but she didn't want to hurt him either.

She gently stroked his cheek. "Thank you Zac, it is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, I wish I could say it back, but it is a really hard thing for me to say".

"It is okay baby, I understand, you don't have to say anything". He smiled at her, but his eyes told her, that he had hoped.

She cupped his face in her hands and gazed into his eyes. "But I really really like you, more than I can express, so just give me a little time".

"All the time you need baby". He answered and kisses her softly, a kiss that got a lot more intense very fast.

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now