Getting to know him

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"But he haven't really been lying, he just kind of left out some things, but he does have a internet page, The nerd machine, they are doing something called Nerd HQ each year in connection to comic con in San Diego". Linda seemed to know a lot more about Zac than she did.

Amelia sighed. "It is just a bit much to take in, but a lot of things make sense now, he shouldn't by any chance have done anything with disney ?"

"Yes he voiced Flynn Rider in 'Tangled' why ?" Linda answered while fiddling with her laptop.

Amelia cradled her head. "That's why Joel was acting strange, apparently he tried to make Zac tell me".

"You have to see this, it is a nerd HQ panel from this summer, they do this panels for charity, this is with Tom Hiddleston". Linda turned the laptop towards her.

She watched the screen, there was Zac on a stage, being incredibly cute and charming, then presenting Tom Hiddleston, they were hugging. "Oh shit, he told me he met Tom, but they look like they know each other quite well".

"Yup they are friends, pretty close I think, Zac actually have a lot of friends, seems like everyone likes him". Linda said.

Amelia found it strange seeing him like that and then thinking, that man had spend the night in her bed, it seemed so unreal.

"But luckily he can go around here in Denmark unnoticed or almost, now when I know I guess he have been recognized a couple of times". Amelia said thinking back.

Linda nodded. "Yeah he is not that well known around here, he has mostly done tv shows that haven't been big here and at the same time no one knows that he is here".

"This is to weird, he is just Zac, well he is incredibly handsome and all the way perfect, but still just sweet and a bit goofy, I don't know what to think". She said.

Linda looked at her. "But don't you think that is his reason ? That he was relieved you didn't know him and he just wanted you to know Zac and not the celebrity Zachary Levi, making sure you actually like him for real".

"Well when you put it like that it does make sense, and I do understand it, but maybe he could have told me, when you know, he knew I liked him". She was biting her lip.

Linda closed her laptop. "That might just be a hard subject to bring up, maybe he was just waiting for the right opportunity".

Amelia sat in her own thoughts while finishing her tea, she wasn't actually mad at him, just kind of surprised.

"But you ought to watch his show Chuck, it is a great show and he is adorable, but you might not recognise him, wait I think Kasper has it on dvd". Linda walked into the living-room.

Amelia followed her, she would like to see some of the things he had done, to get to know more about him. "Not recognize him ? Is he blonde in that one to ?"

"No but the first season is like 10 years old and he is playing a super nerd, so he looks a lot different from now and from what he does in private". Linda answered pulling a dvd from the shelves.

Amelia grabbed the cover when Linda threw it at her, she giggled so hard she snorted. "Oh God his hair, its so.. Its so fluffy".

"Yeah right, he was kind of nerdy back then, but he is still kind of cute". Linda said putting on the first episode.

Amelia got caught up in the show really fast, it actually was good and Zac was absolutely adorable. "Uhh when he makes that face you just wants to kiss him".

"And you know what Ami, contrary to any other woman thinking the same thing, you actually get to kiss him". Linda said winking.

She bit her lip and sighed. "Well as long as it lasts, in about 5 weeks he goes back to Hollywood and being a star, a world where I don't belong".

"You don't think you figure out something sweetie ? If you two really like each other it is doable". Linda said.

Amelia shrugged. "I honestly don't know, I am not sure long distance is for me, especially when I know he will get offers constantly from willing women because of who he is".

"Just give the guy a break okay ? Don't write him off because of who he is". Linda looked decisively at her.

She smiled a little uncertain. "I promise to think about it, but no matter what I am going to enjoy it as long as it lasts, even if it is just for a moment".

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now