Disney and Tivoli

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"Zac we are already late as it is, please let me get dressed". She said grinning, when he grabbed her and started kissing her stomach.

It had taken then a bit longer to shower than she had planned, but she wasn't complaining. The memory of how he had lifted her and pinned her against the wall with his body actually made her quite flushed. It had been amazing again.

He made a whimpering sound looking up at her. "Joel wont mind waiting a bit longer".

"Stop that Zac. You are almost irresistible when you make that face, but it is not fair to Joel". She said kissing him before getting up from the bed, where he had thrown her and putting on her clothes.

It was a bit chilly outside, so she decided on jeans, a long sleeved T-shirt and a warm cardigan.

"Are you ready sweetie ?" She looked up at Zac as he pulled on a grey T-shirt and grabbed a black jacket.

"Yup ready to go". He said, running his hand through his hair, making sure it was back in place.

She walked over to him, and reached up to straighten a stray lock, then she kissed him. "I still like your curls".

They went down to the car and as always he opened the door to her and she slid in, they were picking up Joel at the hotel.

"Wow you are staying at D'Angleterre ?" She said with wide eyes, as he drove up in front of the hotel and Joel exited.

Zac shrugged. "Joel has been given access to a double suite by the production company, so I am just free loading in the spare room".

Joel opened the back door and slid in behind Amelia, there wasn't any room behind Zac, he had the seat all the way back to fit in his legs.

"Hi again Ami, I guess I don't have to ask why the two of you are late". Joel said grinning.

Zac just chuckled, looking quite pleased with himself, but Amelia blushed and said. "Uhh hi Joel".

They parked in a parking basement close to Tivoli and walked over to the old garden and amusement park.

"Do you come here often ?" Joel looked at Amelia and pointed to the main entrance.

She nodded and pulled out a plastic card from her wallet. "I got a season pass, so about 5-6 times each year".

"Do they have any cool rides ?" Zac was looking excitedly at her and she was guessing that nothing would be to wild for him.

She pointed at the golden tower. "There is a couple of quite wild rides, but you can't compare it to Disneyland, this is more old fashioned".

"Have you been to Disneyland ?" Zac asked and payed for his ticket and ride pas.

Amelia showed her card and got her ride pas put on. "Yeah, or I have been to Disney world in Florida, but it was 6 years ago".

"Zac loves everything Disney, both Disneyland and Disney movies, do you have a favourite Disney movie Ami ?" Joel asked in a kind of teasing voice, Zac glaring at him.

She thought about it for a bit. "Hmm I love most Disney movies, especially the old ones and well the new ones too, right now my favorite has to be 'Tangled'".

"Very interesting choice, can I ask why ?" Joel was looking like it was funny and Amelia was getting a bit confused.

Zac was starting to look quite annoyed and said. "Stop it Joel, darling just ignore his silly ideas you don't have to answer".

"No it's fine. I don't know why, it just has a bit of everything and for once a prince or well he isn't quite a prince, but he gets the princess. But he has a personality and a brain contrary to most Disney princes". She said.

Joel snorted with laughter and Amelia looked at him funnily, Zac was shaking his head. "Just ignore him, he is just being weird".

"Then tell me Ami, do you like his voice to ?" Joel said, holding his stomach.

Amelia looked at Zac with a 'okay he has lost it' look and answered. "I haven't really thought about it, but I have mostly seen the danish version. Only think I have seen the original once, if that matters".

"Oh yes that makes so much more sense". Joel said and Zac grabbed her hand dragging her with him.

It turned out to be a great day, after the disney incident Joel acted normal the rest of the time. He got asked for pictures and autographs a couple of times.

And she had been right about Zac, he was like a big kid and nothing was wild enough for him. He even got Amelia with him in the golden tower, which she had never dared before.

Joel invited them to have dinner at Nimb and Amelia was happy that it wasn't Zac picking up the bill this time.

They were watching the fireworks and Zac had his arms around her from behind, she leaned against him, sighing contentedly, pretty sure nothing could be more perfect.

"Can I stay with you again ?" He leaned down whispering in her ear, with the deep voice telling her he couldn't wait to have her alone.

Amelia turned her head slightly, catching his mouth with hers before answering. "I would love that".

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now