Birthday boy

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It was Thursday morning and Zacs 36'th birthday, Amelia sneaked out of bed calling Joel to check that everything was ready, before taking a quick shower and getting dressed.

"Morning handsome and happy birthday". She kissed him softly and he grabbed her, pulling her down on top of him. After a couple of minutes she gently pushed him away and said laughing. "Sorry babe, but you need to get up and shower, we have a lot of plans today".

"I thought you were my present, are you sure I can't just unpack you ?" He got up on his knees, grabbed her again and tried to pull of her blouse.

She kissed him, but removed his hands. "Go get in the shower, Joel is picking us up in 15 minutes".

A quarter of an hour later the climbed into the waiting limousine, where Joel were waiting for them. "Morning and happy birthday old boy".

"Thank you, where are we going ?" Zac looked excited at Joel and then Amelia, but they both shook their heads, smiling secretive.

They drove to the airport and boarded the waiting private jet, were they served a luxury brunch.

"And no one is telling me were we are going right ?" Zac tried once more, but got no answer.

The flight was a couple of hours and they were picked up by a Limousine at the airport, Zac wasn't long to figure out where they were by looking at the road signs. "What are we doing in Italy ?"

When they arrived at their destination, a very professional looking man greeted them and said. "Welcome to the Pista di Fiorano".

"Oh shit seriously ?" Zac was looking at them like he expected them to reveal it was a joke.

Even Amelia who wasn't really into cars thought it was kind of cool getting a private tour and a test drive on Ferraris private test course and she answered grinning. "Yes fucking seriously".

Zac was like a kid in a candy store, he was everywhere, looking and touching and making little excited noises.

"Oh God, he is like a 5 year old, sometimes I wonder if he got some attention disorder". Amelia watched him giggling.

Joel chuckled and shrugged. "He might have, but at least he has a good time and he is going to sleep soundly tonight".

When they had seen it all they got the possibility to get a ride along on the track in one of the race cars with a professional driver.

Amelia didn't want to go, but Joel thought it was exciting and Zac was over the moon and talked himself into an extra round and got the driver to drive like he didn't have a passenger.

After that they were allowed to drive alone in one of the street cars which couldn't go as fast and Zac talked Amelia into going with him, promising to drive carefully.

"See baby wasn't it fun ? Zac said, looking at her with eyes shining with happiness, he was clearly enjoying himself immensely.

Amelia got out of the car, a tad pale. "No not fun, but I could think of a lot of other words for it, and going 130 mph isn't driving carefully Zac".

He just grinned and went for another round, she shook her head and looked at Joel. "At least he doesn't drive like that at home".

While Zac was out on the course the professional driver came back to tell them something.

"Zac would you like to try a different car ?" Amelia walked over to him as he got out the car.

His face lighted up in a big smile, and he kissed her. "Most definitely, which one ?"

"What about this one ?" She said pointing to the race car, it was still parked next to the track.

He looked at her with big wide eyes and his mouth ajar. "But.. But only the drivers can drive the race cars".

"The boss apparently saw you drive from the house and he have extended a special permission for you to drive it". She smiled at him.

Zac looked like he was going to faint, but then he squealed like a kid on Christmas morning and hugged her.

To be honest she wasn't happy about him getting let loose in a real race car, but she wasn't going to tell him no, especially since he really wanted to.

"I just hope he doesn't kill himself". Amelia was squeezing Joel's arm so hard she probably left marks, afraid for Zac's safety in the powerful car.

Joel didn't look totally at ease either, but tried to calm her. "Don't worry, he has just driven the track several times and he has done it before at home, but okay only street cars, never a real race car".

"Joel not making it better okay ?" She glared at him and he stopped talking, the both looked at the track.

But they didn't need to worry, Zac was in full control, but his speed made Amelia gasp and close her eyes at every turn.

"I was good right baby ?" They were in the limo on their way back to the airport and Zac kept talking about his round in the race car.

Joel facepalmed himself and sighed before she could answer. "Seriously Zac, we got it you had like the 10th best time on the track ever and the boss came down to congratulate you, don't worry he will probably call you next week offering you a job".

"Yes Zac, it was very good, pretty scary to watch and maybe a bit foolhardy, ignore Joel, he is just tired". She smiled at him.

She was actually a bit tired hearing about it to and thought just about the same as Joel had said, but Zac had looked so hurt and it was his birthday after all.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it Zac, it was very impressive, I just got a bad headache". Joel smiled apologetically.

And then Zac was back to being happy and they had to hear every detail again and again until they reached the airport.

"Joel is sound asleep, and he is a heavy sleeper, he won't hear a thing". Zac were kissing her down her neck, his hand finding her chest under her blouse.

Joel had swallowed some pain killers and was taking a nap to be ready for the rest of the day.

She removed his hand looking at him sternly. "Zac stop that, this time I am putting down my foot, we are not joining the mile high club".

"Ouch Zac, I don't think you have ever called me that before, guess I am in big trouble then". He said kissing her gently.

At least he gave up on talking her into sex and she snuggled herself into him, feeling happy.

Just for a moment (a Zachary Levi fanfic) (Ami book 1)Where stories live. Discover now