Chapter one

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"What do you mean it's not a good idea? It's a great idea, Dave! I've got everything planned out! Nothing's gonna go wrong!" 18 year old Davey Jacobs rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, six boys and a girl making their way from New York to Santa Fe...what could go wrong?"

"Exactly!" 17 year old Jack Kelly either didn't notice the sarcasm in Davey's voice, or chose to ignore it. "Look, it should only take two days, maybe three at the most! It should be fun! What do you guys think?"

"I'm in!" A boy lounging in the corner raised his hand lazily. "See that, Dave? Race is in!" Jack said triumphantly. "Yeah, Race was also 'in' last year when you had the great idea of trying to bribe kids to go trick or treating for you. And that didn't work either!"

"Look, I promise this'll turn out better! You can't get arrested for driving to Santa Fe!"

"You wanna bet?"

"I bet Les wants to go." Jack grabbed Davey's brother by the arm. "Right, Les?" The ten year old hesitated for a minute, torn between sticking with his brother and not letting down his hero. "Yeah, I wanna go!" He finally said. "How can you say no to your little brother?" Jack demanded. Davey threw his hands up in surrender. "Fine! Just because I wanna be around to say I told you so." Race let out a piercing whistle of triumph as Jack slapped Davey on the back. "Good! Who else is gonna come? I already know Crutchie's in." Jack smiled at the young boy perched on the edge of the couch, a crutch lying within his reach. Crutchie returned the grin.

"I'll go! It might actually be kind of fun!" Katherine laughed. "Well if Katherine and Dave are both going, how bad could it actually be?" Specs shrugged. Jack was bursting with excitement. "Alright! Friday's the last day of school, we'll leave Saturday morning!"

Okay I haven't written a Newsies fanfic in a very long time. In fact I haven't written anything in a very long time... So I'm pretty rusty. I apologize. But I hope you guys enjoy! Hopefully it'll get better as I go!

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