Chapter two

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They planned to leave at 9 AM on Saturday, but getting seven teenagers packed and ready to go was harder than even Davey would have imagined.

The chaos started the minute Jack woke up at 5 in the morning to screams coming from the other room. He ran in and switched on the lights to find Specs pinned to the floor by an infuriated Race. "What is going on here?!" Jack yelled. Both boys froze, looking as shocked and guilty as two thieves caught by the police. "Race started it!" Specs spoke up, breaking the silence. "I didn't! It was Specs!" Race cried. Jack grabbed both of them by their arms. "What happened?!" He yelled. "Specs took my toothbrush." Race blurted, turning red as soon as the pitiful words came out of his mouth. "A toothbrush?" Jack repeated in disbelief. "That's what caused this?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Specs protested. "I didn't have my glasses on--"

"Why were you getting a toothbrush at 5 AM?" Jack interrupted. "I forgot to pack it." Specs explained. "Okay, why were you packing at 5 AM?"

"Because Race woke me up!"

"No, you woke me up! Talking in your sleep!"

"Shut up!" Jack yelled. "Now I don't wanna know how a toothbrush led to a wrestling match, but this isn't the way to start a trip! I want you back in bed and quiet! Got that?" Both boys nodded, too afraid of Jack's anger to start another argument. "Good. Goodnight." Jack started to leave but Specs's timid voice stopped him. "Uh....Jack? What do I do about this?" Jack turned around to find Specs pointing to his forehead where a red bump was forming. Jack sighed. "Nice one, Race." He muttered. "Thanks!" Race chuckled. "Come on, Specs." Jack led him to the kitchen and got an ice pack out of the freezer. He was used to the boys fighting and often injuring each other, so he knew how to take care of bumps and bruises.

"Hold that there. You guys certainly know how to start a trip off right, don't you?"

"Sorry, Jack." Jack sighed and sat across the table from Specs. "Okay, but from now on, no more accidents like this on this trip. I want it to be perfect."

Not really sure where I'm going with this story...we'll see!

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