Chapter nine

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  "Are we there yet?" Les whined. "We've been driving for like three whole days." Race grumbled. "We'll be there by tomorrow, I promise!" Jack was still optimistic. "Besides, I have a plan for tonight."

"It better be good."

"It is! Tonight we'll be camping, right outside Santa Fe!"

"Camping?" Katherine asked skeptically. "Jack, are you sure that's such a great idea."

"Why not?"

"No one in this car has ever been camping..." Davey said doubtfully. "Even better! Look, I found the perfect spot, we'll be there in plenty of time to set up and be settled in before it gets dark. It'll be fun!"

"I think it sounds like fun!" Crutchie agreed. "Me too!" Specs piped up. Davey shrugged, giving in. "Okay...but we'll need to stop and get some supplies."

"Like what?"

"I dunno maybe a tent?"


Just like Jack had promised, they reached the campground around five o' clock that evening. "Jack this is beautiful!" Katherine exclaimed, climbing out of the van and taking a deep breath of the clean air. "What is that smell?" Race wrinkled his nose. "Trees." Davey laughed. "Isn't it great?"
Race and Jack set up the tent (with Les in it) and Katherine and Crutchie started on dinner. "Do we get to tell ghost stories?" Specs asked as he hovered by the campfire. "I don't know..." Davey glanced at Les. "Maybe that's not the best idea." He was Les, Race and Specs all started shouting at once. "We've gotta tell ghost stories! We're camping!" Race yelled. "Hey!" Jack whistled to quiet them down. "Relax! Do you really think I'd let Dave spoil our fun? Of course we're telling ghost stories!"

"Dinner's ready!" Katherine called. The boys trampled each other in an attempt to get to the food first. "Hey Kath what is this?" Davey asked, staring at his plate. "I think it's scrambled eggs..." Race answered, poking at the charred food on his dish. "I'm sorry, did you want fried?" Katherine asked, her voice dangerously sweet. "Hey, look we don't pretend to be cooks!" Crutchie defended himself. "Good cause you sure ain't..." Jack scoffed. "Mr Kelly, how would you like these eggs on your head? They may not be delicious but they are hot." Katherine held a spoonful of eggs above his head. "I tell you what, I'd rather have the hot cook on my lap." Jack grinned. Katherine's face turned a deep red amidst the boys hoots and whistles. "Later." She hissed to Jack, getting an even bigger reaction from their audience.

I don't even know what I'm doing with this story anymore...I'll bring it to a close soon.

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