Chapter thirteen

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  "I swear, sir, we didn't know we were camping illegally!" Davey pleaded for the tenth time as the officer led them to their cell. "Yeah!" Race piped up. "Nones of us knew, 'cept Jack. Lock him up and let us go!"

  "It's the $500 or three nights in jail. Now you've made your phone call and there's nothing else you can do. Inside, please." He ushered them into the cell and locked the door. They all settled down on the cots and Race was asleep again in minutes. Crutchie stayed sitting upright, his eyes scanning the room nervously. Les walked around the cell, taking it all in, excited about this turn of events. Davey sat, biting his knuckles and staring into space. Jack dropped his hat over his eyes but couldn't get comfortable with all the anger towards him practically radiating off his group. Specs studied the ceiling of the room intently, not liking the silence. But none of them were afraid of the cell or the police at that moment, Katherine's silence and stony expression was more terrifying than any of it. 

  "Kath? Who'd you call?" Specs finally ventured to ask, although they all had a pretty good guess.

  "My dad. Who else would I call?" She muttered angrily. "He's gonna send the money then?" Davey asked. "We'll see." She responded.

  As the hours passed, even Les got bored and climbed onto his cot, the silence turning to soft snores and deep breathing.

  "Ace?" Katherine jumped slightly. "I thought you were asleep." She whispered, implying that she would prefer it that way. "You're mad at me, huh?" Jack asked, slipping his hat back on top of his head. "What? Mad? Just because you got us arrested? Just because you got me thrown in jail? Just because my dad will never trust me again after this, he'll never trust you after this, he'll probably ground me for life, he'll probably never let us see each other again, just because that's all your fault you think I'd be mad? What a ridiculous idea!" She huffed, turning her back to him and pulling her knees to her chest. "Ace..."

  "Don't you dare 'Ace' me, Jack Kelly. Don't you even care that I'm in jail because of you? In jail, Jack!"

  "Oh, don't be so dramatic! This place ain't that bad! We'll be out in three days at the most, that's not exactly a life sentence."

  "Well I'm sorry I can't take this lightly! It's different for someone like me Jack, I'm not..." she stopped as she realized what she was about to say. Jack's face darkened. "You're not what, huh? You're not some orphan who grew up in the wrong part of town? Not someone who got used to scenes like this from a young age?"

  "Jack, I'm sorry..." she said genuinely, turning back to him. "I didn't mean that. Look, you're right, I'm not used to this. Maybe I'm just a little...scared." She admitted softly, glancing up at him, half expecting him to laugh at her again. But his expression softened and he pulled her into a tight hug. "Hey, we'll be out of here soon, okay? Your dad'll send the money. He acts all mean and tough but he does love you, Kath. And he's warming up to me, you can tell by the way he yells at me a little less every time I see him." She laughed and he could've sworn he heard tears in her voice, making him hold her even closer. "Thanks, Jack."

  "Well if that ain't the cutest little exchange I've ever seen." Race smirked. Katherine turned red, but Jack just threw his hat at Race's head with incredibly good aim, not letting go of Katherine for a second. "Go back to sleep and let us have our moment."

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