Chapter four

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I'm heading out of town for tomorrow and I'll probably be too busy to update. So here's tomorrow's story tonight!

Les flopped into a chair dramatically. "Grounded?"

"Again? What did she do this time?" Race asked. "Since when did her dad need a reason to ground her?" Jack scoffed. "So does that mean the trip's off?" Specs asked nervously, receiving a prompt smack on the back of the head from Race. "What are you, crazy? We're not grounded!"

"We can't go without Kath!" Crutchie protested. "Look, her dad grounds her at least once a week." Davey said, stepping between Race and Specs. "And it's never stopped her from getting out and having fun."

"But that could get her into trouble..." Crutchie had a soft spot for Katherine; in a way she understood him even better than Jack sometimes. "Wait, maybe Davey's right...although I am surprised that he was the one to bring up the idea of her doing something as disobedient as sneaking out. You're improving, Dave." Jack chuckled then continued before Davey could open his mouth. "Katherine has sneaked out before and, Crutchie, she's never been punished for it. She told me so herself. She said her dad might give her a little talking to, but he has better things to do than try to keep her tied down. And he wouldn't do very well even if he tried." He smirked. "I'll call her and see what she thinks of making a getaway. I know her dad's home, but we should be able to figure something out."

The boys' eyes lit up with hope again. Even Davey didn't try to stop Jack as he left the room to call Katherine.
Even though he wouldn't admit it, Davey was looking forward to this trip. He'd been reading about Santa Fe; it's sights, it's history, the art, the more he read, the more he was convinced that Jack had picked the right dream place. And he felt that their little crew wouldn't be complete without Katherine there to keep Jack sane and help Davey find the most interesting landmarks.

Jack entered the room, a triumphant grin on his face. "She's gonna do it! We'll pick her up in fifteen minutes."

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