Chapter six

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"Officially out of New York City!" Specs yelled from the front seat, disturbing a dozing off Les and causing a distracted Crutchie to drop a box of crackers. "See? That didn't take too long! We'll be in Santa Fe in no time!" Race cheered. Jack chuckled. "Don't get your hopes up..."

"When do we stop for food?" Crutchie asked, forlornly picking up the remains of his crackers off the floor and dumping them in the designated trash bag. "We haven't been driving that long...I think we should wait." Davey decided. "Aw come on, Dave!" Race begged. "I'm hungry too!"

"Me too!" Les piped up, trying to cover up the fact that he had been falling asleep just moments ago. "I don't see why we couldn't stop for lunch..." Jack spoke up. "Most of us didn't even have breakfast." Davey rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. Where do you wanna stop?" The car immediately filled with chaos.

Specs wanted to get smoothies, Race wanted pizza, Katherine wanted Chinese food, Crutchie wanted donuts, Jack wanted hamburgers, Davey wanted deli sandwiches, and Les just wanted more snacks.

Jack finally whistled for order. "Okay there's only one way to settle this!" He shouted, once the arguing had mostly subsided. "We'll get all of it!"

"WHAT?" Davey screeched. "You heard me! I want this trip to be perfect! That means everyone's gotta be happy." Everyone else agreed...loudly, except for Davey. "I don't know Jack...that's gonna take up a lot of extra time and driving..."

"I don't care! Everyone's gonna get what they want even if I have to drive!" That finally made Davey give in. "No way you're driving this car, Jack Kelly. I'll go anywhere you want if it keeps you in the back seat. No one drives this car except for me. I don't need a ticket right now because of you. This car and I have never gotten a ticket, we've never--"

"Dave, it's a mini van," Jack interrupted. "It's not your kid or something. This was literally your mom's before you got it. I wouldn't be caught dead driving it."

"It's a good car!"

"Isn't that a donut shop?" Crutchie cut them off before Davey got too protective of his mini van. Crutchie had his eyes glued on a giant cardboard donut, high above a little pink building. "Alright, first stop, to get Crutchie's donuts." Jack unbuckled and got out behind Crutchie, who's mouth was already watering. "Come on kid."

Jack and Crutchie went into the shop while everyone else waited in the car. Crutchie stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw dropped. The room was filled with the most heavenly scent he'd ever smelled and every shelf was practically overflowing with donuts of every kind, flavor, size, shape and color. "Oh boy..." Jack groaned, suddenly realizing how long this stop could take.

Hope this is gonna turn out well! I don't know where this is going!

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