Chapter 7

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A few minutes later after I was dragged into the building and shoved into a room, one of the soldiers told me that I have wait 5 minutes for my family and friends to come since we are only allowed 2 people in the room at a time. I can't believe I am going to be in the 74th Hunger Games! This is one of the biggest opportunities that I have ever faced and probably will be the last one. A couple of minutes later, Alissa and my mother run into the room and Lisa runs straight into my arms.

"You didn't have to do that for me you know," She said and I look to her with tears in my eyes.

"You deserve to have a bigger life then me. I have survived 16 years of this, now it's time to show what I can do to entertain every district. This is what the aim of the Hunger Games is about right?" I said and mother nods.

"That is true, but please don't get killed out there." Mum said and I keep looking at the two frightened.

"You know how to hunt Asty, so it's a good advantage to you." Lisa said and tears roll down my cheeks.

"I will come home I promise..." I whisper to them both.

"But, remember mother, if I die in that arena, You better make sure you look after Lisa!! I can't let you do what you did last time when Alex was killed, understood?!" I yell at the top of my voice and mother looks at me as if she wants me to cry.

"Don't cry..." I said.

"D-Don't cry..." As I give my mother a hug, I feel a small tug on my dress, so I turn around to see that Lisa is holding a Mockingjay pin. My favourite animal...

"I found this on the ground yesterday, so I want you to have it." Lisa says and I smile widely.

"T-Thank you... It's beautiful." I said, but the door opens revealing two soldiers.

"No worries," She said, but was dragged out by the men.

"I will come home, I promise!" I yell as the door closes, but soon opens again to reveal Jack.

"Jack!" I say and he runs into the room and he hugs me extra tightly.

"Astrid!" He said and tears rolled down my cheeks. I really needed him to be here and now he is. He is literally one of the only friends I have here at district 12.

"If I die in that arena-"

"Don't say that, you will be fine!" Jack said and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I know, but if I do die in that arena Jack, please help my family so they don't starve." I said and he nods.

"But remember you can hunt." Jack said.

"Yeah I know, but I can't kill people." I said and he looks at me bluntly.

"Killing people is just like killing a turkey or a bird Astrid," Jack said while holding her cheek and started to rub it.

"But what if there is no bow..." I said.

"You just make one, all they want is entertainment to watch how you make the bow and even get players onto you." Jack said and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever Jack," I said and the two of us have a laugh but I hear the door open again and I hug Jack tightly again.

"Whatever you do, don't let my family starve." I said while tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I won't, I promise." Jack said, before being dragged out of my arms and heading towards the door.

"Thank you!" I yell as the door closed and I just stand there looking frightened. I really hope I don't get killed out in the arena... I really hope...
Hey readers! I'm giving you all another update! When the games start to begin, the chapters will be getting longer. Up to about 800-1000 words maybe even longer. Now after chapter 10 it starts to get interesting. I really want to know that the games will be coming in a few chapters. But do you guys want a sequel to this book? I'm wondering because if you do want it, then I'll start writing it over the summer (because I can follow the hunger games story line).


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