Chapter 34

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[Hey guys! Expect a short chapter coming at you. I am very sorry if it is very short, but due to me being back at school and doing homework. I had actually forgot to update yesterday so your very lucky! But please enjoy this chapter, because after it. I have an announcement to make.]


"You know that today is your death..." Willow said to Astrid as she had started to close in on Astrid.

"Who knows, it might be yours..." Astrid said grabbing her hand knife out of the right side of her belt and she kept her ground.

"Honey, everyone knows that I am stronger then you in this arena. Matthew knows, Hiccup knows even the dead tributes know. you better say goodbye to your family now on camera, because it will be the last goodbye you will ever say..." Willow said before she had charged towards Astrid and she had dodged it quickly before throwing a swing towards Willow.

"You do know, even if I live in a poor district, some of us are stronger compared to you tuts."

"You know, I was supposed to be with Hiccup. We would get married, have kids an d watch them be in the games and win this f!cking thing! You have no idea what you have done now." Willow growled angrily and Astrid gasped a little.

'Were they a thing?' Astrid thought to herself.

"Wait, so you two were a couple back in district 4?"

"Yeah, we were until he broke up with me just before the games..." She growled angrily before she took another swing.

"That's why you hate me so much." She said before dodging the swing.

"Because you took the love of my life away from me..." Willow said breathless.

"I didn't even mean to do that. I didn't even know you two were in love. He never told me anything..." Astrid said as she held the side of her waist to bring back her breaths, but what she did was a complete mistake since it gave Willow the chance to pin her down to ground.

As Willow, had pushed Astrid over she had quickly pinned her wrists and her ankles and Astrid had continued to struggle. "YOU KNOW KILLING ME WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING!" Astrid yelled as she continued to struggle but Willow burst into laughter.

"This will solve everything. Hiccup will be in complete heartbreak and I win his heart back. But before you die like the others, I have a fact for you. I knew your little plan from when I was walking. I got one of the career men to go find Rue and Hiccup. But he did set up a trap for her... Then it just drew you in. Hiccup had no idea what was going on because I told that tribute to get Hiccup away from Rue... But those two idiots didn't even know that they would be killed... but now... my moment is here. I can kill you..." Willow said with a big smirk on her face.

But as she was about to aim at Astrid's head, Thresh had come out of nowhere and he had taken Willow off her and slammed her on the Cornucopia looking into viscous eyes giving her the biggest death glare that she has been given, and probably her last...  

"I HEARD YOU SAID HER NAME!" Thresh roared at Willow as she had begun to be breathless.

"MATTHEW!" She screamed repeatedly, but after one more hit to the head on the cornucopia, she had fallen out of Thresh's hands and onto the ground, showing that she was dead and not to long after they heard a cannon fire.

As Thresh looked over to Astrid, he had quickly gone over to her and she was left terrified. But was surprised when he had helped the girl up.

"Just this time 12... For Rue..." He said before he had grabbed his bag and he sprinted off into the woods, leaving Astrid speechless from what had just happened.

[Alright! I have the best announcement ever! I had decided to give you all a second book of The Hunger Games! Yes a squeal! How nice am I? xD But please note that it will be slower then this book due to school. I am very sorry if you get disappointed but please note that I am in grade 11 and it's very difficult. 


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