omg - no update YET

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okay so i'm here to vent and apologise for being so unactive

1- sadly this still isn't an update after like practically a year, but my writing has matured over time since I did first start writing this book. i'm going to try and update soon within the next week or so. my writing has matured a lot so it has been hard to update to try and match my writing.

I am out of ideas for what to do next but if you have any idea feel free to inbox me or comment ^^

a rant about the election:

i'm from Melbourne, Australia and I don't have anything to do with this presidential election yet its pissing me off so much like gahhh just vote trump out, no offense to anyone but serious talk just he's so racist and sexist. he isn't helping anything or anyone and Clinton would have won except she didn't because America has never even had a female president... get real people its 2016 times are changing, can't just be stuck in the past...  okay rant over.

thanks guys for those who are still reading this book, ill update soon xo

- thisgirl_iscrazy xx

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