Chapter Two - Stick up for yourself

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***new version***

Charlottes POV

I see Hailey and walk towards her locker to see her grabbing out her books. I wait until she's finished and clear my throat to get her attention. She screams and jumps up and down.

"Charlotte, you've got to stop scaring me like that, your going to give me a heart attack!" Hailey whines to me.

"Sorry Hay Barrell" She glares at me playfully, but I just smile and ignore it."Hailey what do you have first? Iv'e got english with Mrs Tanna."

"Iv'e got chem with miss white." She complains. I know how much she hates Miss White. It's understandable, I mean she's old and has a monotone voice.

"I wish we had classes together Hay"



I walk into the classroom and find a seat near the back but not too far because thats where all the snobs and popular girl and boys are. Layla, Layla has made my life hell since I moved here in Year 7. I don't know why but shes hated me the whole time even when I first moved here.

"Hey look heres the Nerd. How much have you studied this summer." Ugh, try to think of a comeback, try, try, try

"Oh hey Layla. I haven't done much studying thank you. Iv'e been busy hanging out with my friends, going to the mall and all that. Wait wait wait you know. I don't know why you call me a nerd. Just because I get better grades than you and all, doesn't mean i'm a nerd."

"Well uhmm. You are soo what does that make you?"


I hate Layla so muchhh


"Mr Oscar, your late. Hurry up and find a seat. Your already late as it is. Your disrupting my class. is." as usual no difference. Holy cow why did he just look at me?? Nah I must be kidding myself. Theres no chance he'd even notice me.

"Sorry Miss."


Finally class has finally finished yay.

"Class dismissed"

"Woohoo" wtf? Oh Lucas made that noise. Haha. Should've known

Lucas' Pov

"Oh shit sorry" i said looking at the girl that iv'e bumped and realising that it's Charlotte that iv'e bumped into.

"Charlotte are you alright?"

"I'm fine Luke. I'm just in shock that I wasn't invisible and that you actually know my name" she said that with a weird expression on her face.

I can't believe she thought I haven't noticed her. Of course iv'e noticed her. No shit sherlock

" what the hell Lucas? Why were you talking to her? Shes a loser and a nerd. Luke. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you. "

"Who the hell do you think you are Layla? Your not the boss of me. Plus theres no way I'm hooking back up with you Layla. Just because your head cheerleader doesn't mean you can rule the school and boss people around. And you can't tell me who to talk to, I can talk to whoever I want to. And that Includes Charlotte."

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. I'm sticking up for the nerd. What is wrong with me?

"Well Lucas, Guess who's got a crush on the Nerd. Charlotte."

Oh shit theres no point denying it now.

"Say what ever you want Layla. Its not like anyone will believe your crap."

Charlottes Pov

Wow I can't believe I just heard that.

"Hay did you hear that?"

"Holy fuck Charlotte I did hear that. Lets get out of here before they spot us eavesdropping."

"C'mon Charr"

"Ok I'm coming"

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