Chapter Twelve - Confusion & Confession

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Shane's POV

"You know why I have less of a heart then a turtle? Because she broke it?" I yell at Hayley, she looks confused then she must have clicked to what it meant

"Thats because you stuffed up. You broke hers. But she has re-built her walls, so no one can break it down, not even you!" She said that last sentence like she knows it all.

"Your wrong. I didn't stuff up. My hands did!" I retorted back. She looked speechless but she did that when she processed sentences.

"Oh yeah, well your muscles control your hands but your brain controls your muscles, so technically you stuffed up!"

"Fine you know what? You win!" I pause trying to find something to say and then I finally got the best idea "she will be mine not any one else's. She admitted that she liked me alot. So i'm going to ask her out to prom!" That will shut her up

"No, you wont ask her to prom because shes not going! Your never going to get her" and with that i got a slap across the face, evil death stares from nearly everyone, but i'm popular so it wont last for long i thought to myself. But why isn't she going to prom?

"She doesn't do social events man. Don't you know that already?" I didn't even realise I said that out loud whoops.

"Oh shiz man, i forgot!"

"Seems like you forget heaps!" He exclaimed.


Hayley's POV

I don't even know why Shane wants her back? Anyway now isn't the time. I have to think about Charlotte and this Lucas problem.

I see charlotte leaning against her locker, getting her bag ready to leave after school. I'm not going to say anything to her about Shane saying that Charlotte likes him.

"Hey charlotte" i start a conversation with her.

"What else could go wrong Hayley, Shane and Lucas, my dad coming back. What else, seriously what else?"

"I have no idea Char! Lets just-" i was cut of by a smirking Shane that suddenly spoke up and said

"A lot more could go wrong"

"God this means war" charlotte told me


Charlottes POV

I arrive home and see that my mum and dad are waiting for me because their eyes look like they lit up when they saw me walk in through the front door.

"Charlotte, you've got a letter for you. I put it on your desk!" She sounded so happy about it.

"Which desk?" I ask because I can't be bothered to look in two rooms for a letter.

"The one opposite your window in your room!"

"Kay mum" i walk into my room to find it spotless. No mess anywhere. And god even my closet has been madd into a queens bedroom, my desk, all my homework scattered around the place it now neatly in a pile of when the homework is due. Geez someone cares about me heaps. I wonder who it was that cleaned everywhere.

"Mum!" I yell

"Hold on, i'm coming up" i still look around the place to see if everything is mine. I've never seen it so clean.

"Whats up sweeti-holy maccaroni!"

"Okay, So i'll take it you didn't clean my room!"

"Nope, this young man came around and volunteered to. It was extremely hard to say no considering he looks extremely familiar!" She spoke unsure. "And I didn't get his name but he was the one who dropped of the letter, that I see you still haven't opened."

"Umm okay" i walk over to the letter see that it is in formal print handwriting. It doesn't look familiar. I don't really look at boys handwriting so I have no idea whose it could be. I grab the letter and head outside towards the roof. I see someone on the roof, so I figure that is is Lucas. He turns around and speaks

"Hey beautiful, Haven't sen you in a while" it suddenly clicks, on who it is. It is one of Shane's nest friends from a while back.

"What do you want?" I say nervously

"Don't worry about what I want. Worry about opening up that letter first" I start to open up the letter, glance over at Lee smirking at me. I notice that its his handwriting on the front. But on the actual letter it is Shane's handwriting. I start to read it. It says:

"Dear my beautiful, soon to be mine again.

Sorry to wreck this beautiful sunshine, but the news has to be told to you sometime. I have found out that Lucas lives next door. I am about to make a stop to it. Look back inside you bedroom, Now" I was expecting it to be longer but it wasn't longer. So I went back into my bedroom and found Shane standing casually in their like it was his home. It suddenly made me feel awkward.

"Hello Shane, what brings you to my awfully clean room?" I say trying to act boring so that he would leave, but I know forma fact that he doesn't leave that easily.

"Your beauty is what. So getting to the point. You will no longer be able to have a certain someone next door"

"And, why do I care if Lucas lives next door or not. I don't care about him. In fact I want nothing to do with him" when i said that last bit it looked like Shane's face dropped from i'm getting what I want. To oh shit. I need a new plan.

"Ok. I don't care either. LEE YOU MAY GO HOME NOW. And for me i'm going home too"

"Okay" now that is what you call wierd. Realisation suddenly hit me. I grab a jacker and put my shoes on and scurry over to the Oscars home.

I knock on the door. And Carroll opens the door. I suddenly have to log onto his FaceBook and see his profile and friends seeing it wont work for me.

"Hi Charlotte, what may I do for you this lovely afternoon?" She speaks

"Hi Carroll, is uhm Lucas home?" I ask nervously

"Yes he is up in his room, i'll show you the way"

"Thank you" and with that I was headed into Lucas' room. I saw him sleeping peacefully. "I'll wait here for him to wake up Carroll." And she nods and walks off closing the door behind her.

I see Lucas' phone next to him and I quickly grab it. I see that theres a password, so I place it down and suddenly Lucas speaks in his sleep. Or is he just oblivious to me in the room.


A/N : i'm so sorry guys, I haven't updated in like a week. I have been so busy with homework and in a couple of days i'm going in the school camp for 5 days. I'll try to update heaps shortly before I leave

~Team Shane or Team Lucas?~

What do you think Lucas said before waking up to Charlottes shock gasp?

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