Chapter Twenty Three - Ice cream

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Charlottes POV

My mum died. Living with my aunt at my place all the time now? I don't know how it'll go. At least I got Lucas next door. My aunt sit to pleased about us. Seeing how we were at the hospital. It's y first day back at home after a couple of weeks at the hospital. It's pretty hard to move around but I'm getting pretty used to it. I have to go to school tomorrow which really sucks. My aunt is making me k extra early so I can get late slips. I don't get the point of that. 6-7 more weeks on these stupid crutches with a shot knee.

"Char, c'mon come out of your room darl... I got some ice cream for us!" My aunt says. I'd only really accept it if it was good ice cream.

"I'm coming! What flavour is it?" I ask. I walk down the stairs which is a little difficult. My mood brightens when I see Lucas down their chatting away with my aunt.

"Ur err it's um cookies and cream"



I've been all edgy since mum died. I haven't seen or heard from dad. I hope I don't see him for a long while. I don't want any more trouble. I'm thinking of just telling the police. But first comes family, school and than finding out if it was on purpose my mums accident.

I don't want to have to worry about anything. I want to be with my family or whats left of it. Not worry about what people will think of me at school. Suddenly all my thoughts have been brought out at the sounds of my gorgeous boyfriends voice.

"Charlotte. My mum wants me for something at home. I've got to go. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow"

"Ok. See you tomorrow" I say.

I wonder back up the stairs towards my room. Suddenly I take a right into my mums room. Her perfume scent hit me. I suddenly break down. I don't know how I'm going to take it tomorrow. Everyone asking where I was the last month. I'll be so behind on school work. Oh well. All that can wait. I start to pack my mums things up of the floor. And do a little bit of tidying.

20 minutes later. I am feeling sleep take over me. I go to my mums bed and lay down. Suddenly darkness occurs and I fall asleep.

***(next day)

I heard voices somewhere, I didn't really think of it.

Lucas's POV

I came over to charlottes house to pick her up for school. I went to Daisy and asked for Charlotte. She said I lost track of time let's go get her. I have only ever been in her room once and that was when she was in the hospital. "Charlotte Hun. C'mon" there was no answer.I was starting to get worried but maybe she was asleep. I looked over at daisy and saw she was opening the door to her room.

"She's not in here. The bed is made and it's not warm at all. Heck the sheets are even perfect!"I say starting to really worry.

"Let's go look around the house" I nodded because no words would come out.

I followed her all around the house. We checked every single room except for Daisy's and her mums. That's when it clicked. All the reality got back to me, "she's in her mums room. She might've slept there last night!" I say hopeful. God let her be in there.

I look in the room. Quickly making my way towards the bed room. Where the bed is. And there she is. Sound asleep. Laying peacefully, there.

"Should I wake her?" I ask daisy.

"Yeah. Try and get her up quickly you have to be at school in 45 minutes!" She says walking off. Something is up with that women.

"Sure" i reply making my way to her. "Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte. Charlotte" I say repeatedly.

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