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As soon as the bell rang, Draco was out of the lunchroom and running down the hall to his next class. He quickly got to his History class and sat down, sighing quietly.

He went to get a book from under his desk, and when he looked back up, he saw all of the jocks around him. He gulped. "H-hi..."

"Hey," Goyle smirked, sitting down in front of him. Blaise sat next to him, keeping his head down and out of their business.

Then the waves of insults soon approached him. She-man, Dracona, even 'you fight like a girl' when he tried defending himself against a punch they gave him. He let out a staggered sigh and curled up in his chair silently.

Eventually his teacher, Mrs. Umbridge, came over and gave him his paper. He panicked when he saw an 84, and started getting tears in his eyes.

"What's the matter, young lady, are you scared? The big bad 84 is gonna hurt your nerdy grade that bad, huh?" Crabbe pushed him in his chair, making him his in pain as his head his the wall behind him.

"What are you gonna do, cry?" Weasley snickered, high fived his friend, then went back to taking notes.

Draco did just that. He buried his face in his arms, curling up around his desk as he cried silently.


Blaise frowned as he heard dracos sigh. He kept his nose in his book and jotted down his notes, occasionally stopping to doodle a little bit.

It may be a shock, but Blaise almost had a 4.0 GPA. All he needed was a 90 in his damn math class and he could have it.

He quickly tuned his friends out and kept taking his notes silently and peacefully, not paying attention to everything that was going on. He wasn't aware of the insults Draco was receiving, and didn't make any attempt to stop them.

Blaise frowned even more when he heard a choked sob. He looked over at Draco quickly, seeing that he now had his face buried in his arms. Frowning, he was about to go over and see what was wrong with the poor boy, but his mind changed quickly at all of the glares he received from his friends.

He sighed and only went back to getting his notes down.

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