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Draco walked to lunch later that day, holding himself. The jocks snickered at him as he sat down. Draco gulped and looked down, running to his table. He looked around, not finding Blaise anywhere he looked. He sighed. Maybe he wasn't going to sit with him anymore. Maybe this was just a prank. The worst possible thoughts flooded his mind, making him tear up. He sighed once again, keeping his head down.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Blaise suddenly plopped down beside him, two burgers and orders of fries with him, and two bottles of water. "Here you go," he smiled, pushing dracos food to him.

"Thank you," he whispered, looking up at him. Blaise blushed and started eating. "How can I repay you?"

"You can repay me by smiling." He hummed, a pink tinge to his cheeks still.  Draco gave a tiny smile, making Blaise smile brightly. "Good!"

Draco blushed and started eating. "So, what now?" He murmured.

"How about twenty questions?" Blaise offered.

"Okay...." Draco said quietly.

"Okay, so what's your favorite color?" Blaise asked, looking down at the smaller boy.

"Green, what about you?" Draco looked up at him again.

"Blue," he smiled.

"Favorite movie?" Draco asked.

"Oh god, that's a difficult one," he laughed. "Probably anything Disney."

"I like mean girls," he giggled.

Blaise smiled. "What's your favorite sport?"

Draco grimaced. "Does typing count?"

"Very funny, Draco," he chuckled. Draco giggled.

"What's your favorite hobby?" Draco asked.

"Playing piano," Blaise said. "It calms me,"

"I like to draw," Draco said softly.

"Hey Draco?" Blaise asked. Draco looked over at him. "Why does everyone pick on you?"

Draco tensed up. "None of your business."

"Come on, Draco—"

"Well why does everyone think you're gay, huh?" Draco snapped defensively.

"Because I've been obsessed with finding out why people make fun of you! Why you don't sit alone!" Blaise said. "Can't you tell me why? I thought we were friends, there's no secrets between friends!"

"Well, Blaise," he huffed, standing up. "Some secrets are just too much for people to share. Some secrets aren't meant to be known. Some secrets aren't meant for friends to know, if you're my friend, you'll respect that I don't want to tell you." He hissed, grabbing his textbooks and running to his next class.

Blaise was left alone in his seat, completely dumbfounded.

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