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Draco came running in to the hospital room where his father was, tears flowing down his face. "D-daddy," he cried, going to the side of his bed. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

Blaise came hurrying in after Draco, panting as he stood in the doorway. He leaned against the wood work and sighed, wiping his face.

Lucius silently looked over at draco, confusion on his face. He tilted his head and slowly brought a shaky hand up to touch his face gently. He was about to speak, but a doctor came in and cut him off.

"Mr. Malfoy is going to be fine after some rest. He collapsed and hit his head very hard, so he will have some memory loss," he told everyone. The room seemed to get colder and more depressing. Draco whimpered and looked over at his mom, who was crying silently.

"W-will he remember any of us?" She whimpered softly.

"Yes, yes. He just may not remember minor details," the doctor informed her. "Nothing to worry about." Narcissa gave a small nod and gulped, looking down at Lucius. "I'll give you some time alone," the doctor said, walking out of the room.

"L-Lucius?" Narcissa whispered. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do," he rasped out. "You're my beautiful wife," narcissa gave a small wail of happiness and fell to her knees, pressing soft kisses to his face. Lucius grinned gently and nuzzled her.

He looked back at draco, his confusion returning to his face. "Daphne? Why did you cut your hair?"

Dracos eyes widened to the size of quarters. He got up quickly, almost knocking over everything in is path as he did. Narcissa looked up horrified, meeting her sons eyes, then Blaise's confused ones.

"Daphne, what's going on? Who's this boy?" Lucius snarled at Blaise, then coughed.

"D-daddy, please rest..." Draco pushed Lucius down on to the bed gently.

"And why does your voice sound different? And have you been using my body wash—?" Lucius eyebrows furrowed.

"Daddy, please stop," he whimpered, tears threatening to leave his eyes. "Please,"

"I will not. Why are you—you acting like this? Like a boy? Is this some weird teenager faze?" Lucius asked.

Narcissa gulped. "Lucius darling, you don't remember our son Draco?"

"No, I remember my daughter, Daphne Narcissa Malfoy." He squinted his eyes.

"Lucius...I-I don't know how to explain this..." Narcissa whispered. "Draco, Daphne—she's—"

Narcissa looked up and flinched when the door to the hospital room was slammed shut. Draco's eyes widened, horror all over his face. "M-mama, please tell him what's wrong, I-I have to go—"

Narcissa gulped and held lucius' hand firmly, worry in her eyes. She began telling Lucius all about what had happened and everything he needed to know.

Draco ran out of the hospital room, sprinting after Blaise. "Blaise!" He panted. "Wait! Wait!" Draco ran faster and eventually caught up with the boy, who was walking out to his car. "Blaise! Please, wait! You don't understa—"

"Understand?!" Blaise growled, turning around quickly. Draco ran into his chest and whimpered, standing back and looking up at him. "I don't understand?!"

"Blaise," he whimpered. "Please..."

"Please what?" He hissed. "How am I supposed to handle finding out my friend was a girl?! Is that why everyone hates you? Huh? They hate you because you were a girl and made yourself a boy?"

"It's not like that!" He cried. "Please, just listen to me!"

"I will not! I trusted you, Draco! Or should I say Daphne." He growled, making Draco wince.

"Please don't," he choked on his sobs. "Don't call me that,"

"Why not? That's what your real name is!" He yelled. "I can't believe you lied to me!"

"I'm sorry!" He cried.

"No you're not!" He growled. "You wouldn't have kept this from me!" Blaise turned around and angrily walked to his car.

"B-Blaise! Please!" He sobbed, running after him again. "Please!"

"Get the fuck away from me," he shoved at his chest, sending him on the ground.

Draco whimpered quietly. "I trusted you," he sobbed. "I thought I had a friend!"

"You trusted me?! Yeah, sure, Draco—Daphne—whatever your fucking name is! If you trusted me you would have told me!" He yelled.

"It's not that simple!" Draco screamed, making Blaise's rage stop from blinding him. He looked down at draco, his eyes widening. Draco sobbed loudly and pulled his knees to his chest. "I almost killed myself, Blaise. I hated myself more than anything else," he hissed out angrily.


"Do you know how hard it is?" He cried, looking up at him with his bloodshot eyes. "Looking in the mirror every morning and seeing boobs and a vagina where a flat chest and penis should be? I was born into this world in a body that I hate. That isn't me," he sobbed.


"Do you know how hard it was for me to transition?!" He cried. "People went from being my friends and loving me while I hated myself, to hating me once I finally loved myself." He sobbed. "Whatever I do, it's not good enough anymore. People make fun of me all of the time. They call me names and beat me up, they throw water at me so my shirt will stick to my fucking breasts, they put pictures all over the school of what I looked like when I was a girl,"

Draco let out another sob. "All you've ever been is the popular jock. I thought you were my friend, that I could trust you! I chickened out every single time I was about to tell you, Blaise. I-I was scared!" He sobbed loudly.

"I wanted to tell you." He whispered. "I wanted to. But I didn't want my heart broken again," he said in a quiet, broken tone. "I didn't want you to find out this way,"

Blaise slowly sat down and pulled Blaise into his lap. "Draco, darling. Please stop crying. I'm so sorry I made you this sad," he whispered.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered through Draco's sobs.

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