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I don't think anyone even reads my stories anymore...


Once Blaise and Draco arrived to Harry's house, Blaise noticed that Draco was stuck between a state of nervousness and happiness. He was at his first party, but it happened to be Harry's. There was too much to think terribly of with Harry.

Blaise got off of his motorcycle and got Draco off, then got the bike into the garage. He looked over at Draco and smiled, then led him inside. He allowed Draco to go ahead of him, so he could stay behind and glare protectively at anyone that crossed him.

"Blaaaaise!" Harry slurred as he wobbled over with Ron. "Draco-" he hiccuped and set his glass down. "You're here!"

"Yeah," Draco bit his lip, watching Harry as he fiddled with his hands.

"Niice, drinks a-are on the table in the kitchen, soda in the fridge, cups by the sink." He said, then went off with Ron to the living room, then started dancing together as they drank.

Blaise rolled his eyes at the two of them, then took dracos arm and led him over to the kitchen. "So, a soda for you?" He asked Draco as he opened up the fridge. He looked over at him and noticed his red face.  Draco shook his head and nervously played with his hands.

"I-I want to try alcohol." He stammered as he looked over at him. Blaise rose his eyebrows and shut the fridge.

"Really?" He asked. "You want to try booze?"

Draco nodded, grabbing a cup and going off to the six packs of beer. He grabbed one and glanced at Blaise. "W-what do I do?" He asked him.

Blaise chuckled gently and took one of the beers, then opened it and poured it in the cup for him. He gave Draco his glass and poured one for himself. Once he was done he looked back over at him, noticing how he hadn't even brought the up to his lips yet.

"Hey, Draco?" He asked gently. Draco looked up at him. "If you don't want to drink it, don't. No one will judge you," he said gently. "No ones pressuring you,"

"I-I want to know what it tastes like." He told him quietly. "Is it good?"

Blaise shrugged and took a sip. "It's not for everyone, but I kind of like it." He said softly. "I like wine much better."

"Y-you know what wine tastes like?" Dracos eyes went wide. "A-are you an alcoholic?" He asked worriedly.

"What? Draco, no." He laughed. "I grew up in Italy. There's not as strict of a drinking age there." He explained. "I had wine with my mom once a week for dinner."

"Oh," Draco blushed and swirled the cup in his hand, watching as the beer started to make a small whirlpool in the cup. "Wine is better?"

"Well, I think so." He hummed. "Just do what you want. It doesn't matter if you want beer or soda," he said. Draco looked down at the cup and brought it to his lips, then leaned back and started to chug the beer. Blaise watched with wide eyes as he downed everything in one shot, then leaned back and curled up against Blaise.

"Tastes...okay." He told him. "Can I have more?"

Blaise hesitantly looked down at the beer. "You'll get drunk if you get too much." He told him. "Are you sure you want more?"

Draco nodded and got himself some more into his cup, Blaise following after him. They then spent the night talking with people, dancing together, and playing drunk party games like truth or dare and spin the bottle. Draco ended up giving Harry, Blaise, and some other girl a kiss on the cheek, and Blaise never had to kiss anyone.

By the end of the night, Blaise and Draco decided to both stay over at Harry house. They had gotten drunk and Harry was too worried about Blaise being on the road while intoxicated. He allowed them to stay in two spare bedrooms and leave in the morning when they could safely drive.

"Alright, here's pillows and blankets, and there's a bathroom down the hall." Harry said as he gave both Blaise and Draco their things. Draco giggled out a thank you and went into one of the rooms while Blaise hummed and said goodnight before heading off to his room. Harry left the two of them and went to his own room.

Blaise staggered out of his room to go and check on Draco after he got his things settled. "Draco? You okay?" He slurred gently. He looked around for Draco, jumping once he jumped out of no where. Draco giggled and hugged Blaise as he recovered from his jumpscare.

"I'm okay," he cooed gently. "Are you-hic-okay?" He hiccuped. Blaise smiled and nodded gently.

"Ready for bed?" He asked softly. Draco pouted and nodded. "Aww, what's the matter with you?" He cooed to him. Draco reached up and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Can I have a kiss goodnight?" He smiled. Blaise gulped.

"What do you mean?" He asked gently.

"I mean-" he hiccuped. "A kiss goodnight!" Draco smiled up at him. "Like this." He leaned up and pecked his lips, then pulled back with a giggle.

Blaise's eyes widened as Draco kissed him. "Draco, what–" he was cut off by Draco pressing his lips back against his own. He purred and began to kiss him back, wrapping his arms around his waist as he pulled him close.

After a few more seconds of their kiss, Blaise hoisted Draco up and brought him into his room, then shut the door and locked it.

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