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Draco looked up when he heard footsteps approaching his locker. He saw Blaise and perked up with a smile. "Hi!"

"Hi darling, how are you?" Blaise came over and wrapped an arm around him, making Draco immediately curl up to him. He blushed when Blaise kissed his head gently and rubbed his hip soothingly.

"I'm good. Why did you come back so—" Draco stopped talking when he saw Harry, Ron, and the rest of the football team behind him. He whimpered and buried his face into Blaise's chest, starting to shake as he panicked.

"Shh, shh darling," he heard Blaise's soft deep voice tell him. He could tell he was trying to soothe him, but it wasn't working. He felt another arm wrap around him, making him let out a tiny cry. "Hey, hey it's just me. Just Blaise," Draco calmed down when he heard his voice. He closed his eyes and trembled as he curled up to him.

"Wh-what are they doing here?" He whispered, tears pooling up in his eyes. "They're gonna hurt m-me," he sobbed softly. He curled up to Blaise's chest even more, wanting more protection. He felt Blaise's muscular arms tighten around him, and a small kiss was placed on his head.

"Harry's here to apologize to you." Blaise whispered softly to him. Draco whimpered again. "It's okay darling. He won't hurt you, okay? I'll make sure of it," he said gently. He felt another kiss on his head, making dracos face heat up and go bright red.

Draco moved his head slightly and opened one eye, glancing around at the team of boys crowding around him. "B-Blaise," he cried quietly, burying his face back into his neck. "I'm scared, p-please, I don't want them so close," he sobbed. He heard Blaise growl quietly, then drop his vicious behavior to coo to Draco.

Blaise picked up Draco's face and held it in his hands, then proceeded to kiss away his tears. "They're farther away now," he said softly. "It's okay, they won't touch you, go look," he took his hands away from Draco's face and took them down to his hips. He blushed and nodded, wiping his eyes once more.

Draco slowly turned around and saw the team a foot farther away from him and calmed down. "Wh-what do you want?"

"To apologize." Harry said. Draco gulped, watching as Harry cleared his throat and stood back. "Can I have everyone's attention?" He yelled, getting the hallways attention. Everyone turned their heads, some turning around fully to look at him. Harry cleared his throat again, sighing softly and then looking up.

"I sleep with a nightlight shaped like a football." He announced, making everyone in the hallway snicker at him. "And that's because I'm afraid of the dark, and that a monster will get me." Laughter erupted the hall.

Ron then stood up. "I like to do my sisters make up." He said confidentially. "Her cheek bones are great for contour!" Everyone laughed even harder, except for Draco. He only stared.

"And we both like to go to romance movies!" Harry announced. Ron smiled. "I bring the tissues and he smuggles in chocolate! We've made a lot of friends with the old ladies there." Everyone laughed even harder.

"Why are you saying  all of this?" Draco asked. "They're going to make fun of you..."

"Well, Draco, we learned that we're all different." Harry told him. "I sleep with a nightlight, ron likes doing make up, and you're—"

"Don't say it." Draco whimpered.

"A boy." He said, making everyone stop laughing. Draco gulped. "He's a boy, everyone. We need to learn to accept him, because our words aren't going to change him. We have no idea what he's going through, and we've just been making it harder on him. We need to learn that we're all different. Differences are what makes us unique." Harry said. Draco curled up to Blaise's chest.

"Now, if I see anyone attacking Draco, I will personally kick your ass. If he tells me someone is picking on him, count your blessings. I'll fuck you up, bitches." Harry glared, making everyone step back a bit.

"Me too." Ron said, stepping forward. The rest of the team stepped out with him, grunting in agreement. The biggest, most muscular player stepped forward and cracked his neck, then his knuckles. "You make fun of boy, I hurt face." He said in a thick Russian accent. He was an exchange student that had just transferred.

Draco giggled quietly at his accent. Blaise kissed his head. "Let's go, darling. We can say hi," Draco nodded happily and went over, still clinging on to Blaise.

"H-hi." Draco whispered. Harry turned around.

"Hey Draco!" He smiled. "So, do you accept my apology?" He asked hopefully. Draco nodded softly and glanced up at him. "Great! Let's go to class." He said, then proceeded to lead Draco off to his class.

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