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After school, Blaise and his friends squished themselves into goyles truck. Blaise whipped his phone out and started playing random games to keep him occupied.

Then he looked up. "Hey, who's that guy you guys are always picking on?"

"You gotta be more specific than that," Harry smirked.

"The bond one." He sighed.

"...You've still gotta be more specific than that."

Blaise let out a frustrated sigh. "The blond boy who sits alone every day! Why do you pick on him so much?"

"He's a looser." Goyle said, starting the truck.

"Greg, but what's his name? Why doesn't he have friends? Why do you pick on him?" Blaise pressed. He wanted to know more about this poor boy who was being pushed around by his friends.

"His name is looser. He has no friends because he's a looser and doesn't deserve them, and you should stay away from him."

"Why?" Blaise frowned. Crabbe growled.

"Merlins beard, zabini, why are you so fucking interested?" He growled angrily.

"Yeah," Ron hissed. "Got a hot date with that faggot?"

Blaise threw his hands up, showing that he didn't mean it that way. "Guys, all I wanted to know was a good reason as to why you pick on him."

"Drop it, zabini. You don't know what you're getting into." Ron huffed. Blaise sighed irritably and sat back.

"Yo...yo guys, right on time! Hey powderpuff!" Ron wolf whistled at Draco.

"Guys..." Blaise trailed off. He saw the boy try to hide himself and walk faster, but it was no use. He just wasn't faster than a moving car.

"Oy, twinkle toes!" Ron called yet again. The boy didn't respond, making Blaise curious.

"Hey, watch this." Goyle smirked. He sped his truck up and drove through a pile of dirty water, making it drench the blond boy. He cried out loudly and dropped his now soaked books and made sure his shirt wasn't sticking to his chest.

"Hey, what the hell?!" Blaise screamed at them.

His friends drove away in hysterics, their laughter echoing throughout the streets.

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