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Blaise slowly walked to his locker and attempted to open his shitty locker. It took him three tries to get the lock open, but he did it. He squished his backpack into his locker and gathered his books for his first class, then started walking to his class.

His heart stopped when he saw Draco walk past him without saying a word. He looked back and saw what looked like a completely different man; instead of his hair being it's usual neat and straight, it was all over the place. He had on a baggy shirt and jeans instead of his usual dress clothes. He looked like he had gone through something horrible.

Blaise jogged over to him and turned him around, forcing him to look at him. Blaise stared into his red and puffy eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

That was all it took for Draco break down. He started to sob, his body shaking as he did. He threw himself into Blaise's arms and cried loudly, earning a few stares from people.

"Draco, what happened? Who made you this upset?" Blaise wrapped his arms around his frail body and held him tightly.

"No!" Draco whimpered, pulling away slightly so their chests wouldn't touch.

"Draco, please tell me what happened," he said softly.

Draco let out a sob. "S-something I need broke a-and I came into school and m-my locker has a ton of hate written a-all over it an-and—" he started sobbing again.

Blaise pulled him back to his chest with a small frown, making sure they weren't close enough to be touching since it made Draco uncomfortable. He rubbed his back as he cried and waited for him to calm down. After about ten minutes Draco calmed to where he was only letting out tiny hiccups and whimpers.

"You okay now?" He asked gently. Draco nodded silently and curled up to him. Blaise scooped Draco up and walked out of the hallway, then went to the parking lot.

Draco didn't make any protest to being in his muscular arms. He felt protected and secure when Blaise held him. "We're going to get in trouble—" he tried croaking out.

"I'm taking you out of here. You can't handle being in school today, I just know it. We're going to go out," Blaise told him softly. "You just rest your throat and take a nap while I drive. Okay?"

Draco nodded and curled up in the passengers seat once Blaise set him down in it. The black boy chuckled softly and buckled him in, rubbing his arm gently and then walking around the car to get to the drivers side. He got in and buckled up, then left the parking lot.

"Where to?" He asked draco, who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Ice cream," Draco slurred. "Please,"

"Alright," Blaise smiled, going to an ice cream shop. He got out and let Draco sleep in the car with a window cracked.

He came back later on with two huge containers of ice cream and spoons, then set them in the back seat and drove to his house. Once he got back he saw his moms car in the driveway and sighed.

Looking over at draco, he entry shook him awake. Blaise smiled as Draco whined and covered his eyes, grumbling about sleep. "I got you chocolate ice cream," he mentioned, laughing when Draco perked up.

"Really?!" He giggled happily. "I thought you were joking about going!"

"Of course not!" He laughed, grabbing the containers. "I got the biggest size they had."

"Yay!" Draco cooed, getting out of the car and helping Blaise get the ice cream inside.

Blaise smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist, then went inside with him. He saw his mother, a small petite black woman, and smiled.

"Mama, I'm home," he said, taking his shoes off.

"Already?" She said on her thick Italian accent. "School had just started!"

"I know, mama, but—"

"But what?" She turned around and saw Draco. "Who is this white boy?"

Draco rolled his eyes as Blaise's widened. "Mama! This is Draco! He's the friend I've been telling you about! Don't be rude!"

"Oh. Oops. I meant—" she cleared her throat. "I apologize, Draco. I am used to being around black Italian people, you see, and I was taken aback when Blaise brought a white boyfriend home—"

"Okay mama! We're going upstairs! Bye!" Blaise blushed and took dracos arm, then hurried upstairs with him.

There was a playful twinkle in Mrs. Zabini's eyes. "Keep your door open, you two! And don't fill up in ice cream I'm making chicken for dinner!"


Sorry I've been dead with updating this story!! I've been working on 'I'll be okay' and 'the asylum'

Buuuut I'm thinking about new plots and there's one I'm kind of excited about. Would anyone like some new Blaico stories out??

Kk byeeee

~kittay 💋

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