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"What?" His eyes widened and he sat back. "What's going on?"

"Daddy had a heart attack," he sobbed. "I-i need to go!" He cried, hurrying out of Blaise's bed and to the door. Blaise got up and ran behind him, sprinting downstairs to get his shoes on.

"Draco, I'll drive you." He told him, grabbing his keys.

"You stay for dinner!" Blaise's mom shouted from the kitchen. Blaise started spewing out words in Italian, grabbing dracos hand and taking him out to his car.

Blaise looked up to unlock his car and saw his friend's driving toward his house. "Oh no," he whispered. "Draco, get inside and lock the doors, okay? If things get bad I want you to drive away from here." He told him softly, giving him the keys.

"B-but—" Draco was a blubbering mess, not able to get simple words out to communicate.

Blaise sighed, and hesitantly pulled him close. He kissed his forehead gently, rubbing his back to calm him. "I don't want you hurt, Draco." He whispered into his ear, kissing behind it gently. Draco let out a hiccup and cried into his chest. "I'll hold you as much as you need, you just need to get into the car."

Draco frowned and got in the car, locking the doors and pulling his knees up to his chest. He sobbed quietly as he waited for Blaise to get in.

Blaise growled at Harry. "You could you do this to him?" He hissed. "You broke his heart!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes. "You're only upset because you're in love with him." He hissed.

"What?! Why did you think that?" Blaise snapped, shoving his chest. Harry grunted and got closer to him.

"We all know you like that disgusting thing romantically. Just admit it, freak." He growled quietly.

"Oh, so I'm a freak now for being friends with someone who's alone? I'm a freak for being there for someone? You don't know actual friendship, Harry. You have followers that are with you to look cool and just want to get laid. Draco...is special..." Blaise frowned. "He-he's special,"

"Damn right he's special. Should be locked up in a mental hospital." Harry growled, shoving Blaise. "You're a freak for being friends with him. You're an even bigger one because you love him."

"What, are you jealous?!" Blaise cried. "Are you jealous that I'm friends with him now?! What is making you so angry!" He yelled at him.

"He's a fucking—"

"Blaise! Mom just called, daddy's okay! We need to get to the hospital!" Draco's weak voice yelled to him.

Blaise hissed at Harry. "Get off of my property or I'm calling the cops."

"Faggot." Harry growled. Hurt flashed in Blaise's eyes, but he brushed it off and got in the car.

Blaise watched as his petite mother came walking out in her slippers and cooking apron, a wooden spoon in her hand. She waved it at Harry, then poked it to the center of his chest. "If I ever see you on my property to attack my son and his boyfriend, I'll shove this spoon—"

"Mama!" Blaise cried, then started sputtering out Italian. His mother growled and looked back at Harry, spitting on him.

"Leave now, I don't want to see your face ever again!" She hissed, pointing her spoon toward his car.

"And what if I don't want to?" Harry growled.

His mother squinted. "I'd be glad to file a complaint of a hate crime. It's up to you if that happens or not. Shoo, or else." She hissed.

Harry growled and went back to his car, driving off. Blaise's mother looked at Blaise, smiling sadly. "Bye bye you two! Be back in time for some dinner, yes?"

"Of course, mama!" Blaise called, "I love you, goodbye!"

"Bye bye! Drive safe!" She called, then waddled back inside. Blaise quickly drove to the hospital, not speaking as he did. He was concentrating to much to risk anything.

"B-Blaise? Why does your mom think we're dating?" Draco whispered.

Blaise sighed. "I'm sorry, Draco. She just jumps to conclusions too quickly."

Draco nodded and looked out of the window, seeing the hospital come into view. He hurried to unbuckle his seat belt, ready to run out to get to his father. Blaise parked the car and watched as Draco sprinted out, sighing softly.

What was Harry going to call Draco?

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