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Draco was reading his book silently when he felt a presence next to him. He looked up, a little confused. "Oh, hi." He said quietly.

"Hey!" Blaise smiled brightly.

Draco noticed Blaise's eyes shifting around the table, then he saw a frown on his face. "Why don't you have a lunch?"

"Oh," he shrugged. "Just because of reasons."

"What reasons?" He asked softly.

"Money is a little tight right now. I told my mom not to waste money of extra food, just what we need. I'll get some dinner when I get home." He waved Blaise off and went back to reading.

After a few minutes of silence, Blaise spoke up. "Let me but you lunch." He said, looking at him.

Draco shook his head gently. "I'm fine,"

"I insist. You're way too skinny, and I can hear your stomach growling all the way from here," Blaise rose an eyebrow.

Draco blushed and covered up his stomach. "I don't want to be a bother."

"You won't be. It's only, like, five bucks for a meal." He said softly.

"I don't want to waste your money...really, it's fine! All I need to do is wait a few more hours." Draco said.

Blaise rolled his eyes and grinned, taking dracos hand and hauling him out of his seat. "Hey! What are you—?"

"Getting you lunch. My treat, no discussions." He said, dragging him to the lunch line.

A blush rose to dracos cheeks. No one had cared for him this much since, well, before what happened. He looked around and saw everyone staring at the two of them, making him blush even more. "Blaise..."

"Draco," he grinned, bringing him over to the food. "Pick what you want! I hear the burgers are good, but I usually get the chicken."

Draco wearily grabbed a burger and some chips. He looked up at Blaise, blushing when he saw him smiling. He watched as Blaise reached over and grabbed a bottle of water and a ton of extra snacks.

"What are you doing?!" Draco gasped. "That's too much—"

Blaise ignored him and paid for everything, then marched back to the table with him. He noticed everyone still staring at them, and saw how it was making Draco uncomfortable.

Draco looked up when Blaise cleared his throat, and heard a "Fuck off, please." Draco giggled quietly and waddled back to their table.

"Why'd you get me so much stuff?" Draco asked, sitting down. He didn't make any move to eat his food.

"Eat, then I'll tell you." He hummed, eating his own chicken.

Draco pouted and started eating. "Now will you tell me?"

"Okay, it's because I want you eating. This is for later on, in case if your family can get anymore food. And don't you dare think that you're being a bother, okay? I have more money than i know what to do with." Blaise said, pushing the snacks over to him. There was mainly trail mix, almonds, some candy, and some chips.

"O-okay..." Draco hesitantly put everything in his bag, making Blaise smile.

The two sat back and continued to eat.

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