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"Why'd she say to keep the door open?" Draco asked. Blaise cleared his throat and sat down at his desk.

"Uh, well, so we don't do stuff," he murmured.

Dracos eyebrows furrowed. "What stuff? We're just here to have fun!" He smiled at him, causing Blaise to squeak and blush.

"Sex, Draco, she doesn't want us having sex," he murmured.

"W-what?" He squeaked. "Sex? Why would we—" he shivered. "Bleh, I don't want to think about it."

Blaise chuckled. "She just assumes that whoever I bring home with me is a partner." He murmured. Draco watched as he organized the papers on his desk.

"Oh." Draco looked over at him. "Blaise?"

"Yeah?" He hummed, looking over at him curiously. Draco fiddled with his hands and looked down.

"Are you gay?" He whispered, looking up at him slightly. He frowned when Blaise gulped. "I mean, you don't have to tell me..."

"I..." Blaise sighed softly. Draco looked extremely worried. He was terrified he was loosing his only friend just because he was too curious. He was suddenly met with muscular arms making their way around him.

"B-Blaise?!" He squeaked. Draco gulped and looked down at Blaise, who had his head buried in his neck.

"I don't know," he mumbled. "I don't know if I'm gay,"

Draco gulped and hesitantly wrapped his arms around him, not wanting to be too close. "W-well that's okay..."

"You don't hate me now?" Blaise asked. "I like boys. I know that. They're hot. I just don't know if I like girls the same..." he frowned.

"I don't hate you." Draco told him. "I-I like boys," he whispered.

Blaise pulled back, his eyes wide. "You do?" Draco nodded and looked down.

"Yes," he mumbled. "It's part of the reason why everyone hates me. Word of advice, don't be open about who you like. And don't trust everyone," he whispered.

Blaise frowned. "What happened, Draco?" He laid down and pulled Draco to his chest.

Draco curled up to his chest and sighed. "I used to date a boy. He was the only one who knew everything about me," he whispered.

"Does he go to our school?" Blaise asked, running a hand through his hair.

Draco nodded. "I-it was Harry," he whispered. "I used to date him. He asked me out and I was really happy, but then..." he whimpered. "He told the entire school my secret, that I didn't want anyone to know about,"

Blaise growled. "What did he say? What happened?"

"I can't tell you," he whimpered. "Not now. I-i can't."

"Alright, alright," he whispered softly, rubbing his back. "Harry's a dick. Don't mind him,"

"I-I loved him," he cried. "He led me on, Blaise! We dated for almost a year! He just used me to get my secrets and information about other football team's strategies! He wanted me to go and have sex with them to get secrets!" He sobbed. "I loved him, and he didn't even like boys! He used me and ruined my life!"

"Oh, Draco," he whispered, pulling him close. "I'm so sorry. I'll make sure he's sorry for what he did to you."

Draco nodded and curled up, whining when his phone rang. "Can you get it?" He whispered.

Blaise grabbed his phone and answered it. "Hello?"

Narcissa's eyebrows rose when she heard a deep teenage boy voice answer instead of her sons usual tone. "Um, who is this?" She asked, sniffling.

"Blaise, in dracos friend." he said. "Do you need Draco?"

"Yes please," she whispered.

Blaise gave Draco the phone. He picked it up, listening to his mother for a few minutes and then dropping it. He started crying softly. "Draco? What's wrong?"

"D-daddy had a heart attack," he cried.

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