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"So, were having a party soon," Harry smirked at Draco and Blaise. It was now lunch time and they were sitting at a table with the football team. Draco was sitting in Blaise's lap, curled up to my chest. Blaise had his arm wrapped around him so he could feel protected. "You should come,"

"I don't really do parties..." Draco trailed off. Blaise rubbed his side softly. "When is it, anyways?"

"Saturday," Harry told him. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and asked about why parties are always on Saturdays. "Well duh, you have them on Saturday so everyone can have their hangovers on Sunday."

Draco blushed furiously. "I won't drink any alcohol, thank you." He told him.

"Alright, you don't have to drink." Ron piped in. "There's soda and stuff,"

Draco laid his head in Blaise's chest. "I don't know..." Blaise kissed his head softly and felt him relax in his arms. "Will you go too?" He asked, looking up at Blaise.

He nodded gently. "Yeah, I'll go with you," he said softly. "Will that make you feel better?"

Draco nodded happily. "Yeah," he said, curling up to my chest even more. "I'll feel better about it," he murmured quietly.

"Okay," Blaise smiled softly. "I'll go too, then. I'll pick you up and we can go to dinner if you'd like," Blaise told him softly.

"Yeah!" He cooed happily. "I wanna get spaghetti!"

"Okay, darling," He laughed, wrapping my arms around him tighter. "We can get spaghetti. What day is it on?" Blaise asked, looking up at Harry. He was smirking at him and Draco.

"Saturday at ten, at the Grimmauld Place house." Harry told Blaise.

"Ten?!" Draco gasped loudly. "That's when I go to bed! I'll be cranky if I don't get my eight hours!"

"It's okay," he smiled softly. "If you don't want to come you don't need to,"

"I wanna come," he pouted. "I just need caffeine." He murmured softly, taking a chip from Blaise's lunch and sneaking it.

"I saw that." He purred, wrapping his arms around him even more than before.

"Saw what?" He tilted his head and looked up at me. Blaise smirked buried his face in his neck, blowing a raspberry into it and making him giggle loudly. "Okay! Okay, I took one," he cooed when he finished.

"Mmmm," Blaise hummed, kissed his head. "I knew you'd admit it." He stuck his tongue out at him and giggled again. Blaise smiled softly and sat back in his chair.


Once school was over Blaise had Draco come back to his house. They had been spending more time there than at his house, knowing mainly because his father would throw millions of questions at them if they even stepped inside the house. Draco didn't want to be around his own home much of the time because he would have to deal with his disapproving dad all over again. So Blaise always happily invited him to his place. Most of the time he spent the night with him in my his room.

Right now they were curled up in Blaise's bed, watching the smaller television He had in his room. He was laying on my back with Draco in his lap, his head resting on my chest. Draco started telling him about what he did in art class today and how a girl was being a jerk because she was hogging all of the paint.

"Ah, they sound so mean," Blaise murmured softly. He brought my hand to his hair and slowly started threading my fingers through it, hearing Draco purr quietly.

"I know, right?" He grumbled. "She took, like, all of the white paint and wouldn't give it to anyone. Then when she gave it to me, it was all dirty and had streaks of paint in it!" He pouted.

"Aw, I'm sorry darling." He said softly. "We can go get you some more paint if you'd like," he smiled.

"Yaay," he cooed softly, nuzzling Blaise. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, love. Let's get some sleep," Blaise said softly.

"C-can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Draco asked quietly, not looking up at him. Blaise wrapped an arm around him.

"Of course, whatever you'd like," he told him. "Go get changed and ready for bed and we can cuddle all you want," he smiled.

Draco nodded and hurried to the bathroom, coming out after a few minutes with his binder in his hands and one of Blaise's shirts on. It's usually just the right size for Blaise, but it looked like a baggy t-shirt on him since he was smaller. "I-I don't like tight shirts..." he whispered.

"That's fine," He smiled. Draco laid down and curled up to his chest.

"P-please don't comment on m-my ch-chest..." he whimpered quietly, burying his face into my neck.

"Of course not, Draco," Blaise reassured gently. He gently put his arms around him and held him close. He felt Draco wince, and it made him frown. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just hurting..." he murmured.

"What hurts?" Blaise asked worriedly, looking down at him. He gulped.

"M-my chest..." he whispered. Blaise silently asked why it was hurting by sending him a look, making Draco wince. "I-I have to wrap up in bandages when I'm home. My dad gets suspicious when he sees the vest through my shirt..."

"What? Draco, bandages hurt you!" His eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry!" He cried. "I don't feel like a boy without them!"

"Darling, please, you need to stop hurting yourself," Blaise whispered. "It's going to get bad if you continue."

"Then what am I supposed to do?!" He cried, sitting up. "I can't wear the vest because papa always questions and yells at me. If I wear the bandages, papa doesn't see and doesn't yell, but I hurt myself! If I don't wear them then I'm a fucking girl!"

"You aren't a girl, Draco," Blaise said softly, not wanting to upset him more. "Do you have an extra binder?"

"Y-yeah," he whimpered. "A-at my house,"

"Okay. Then bring the extra one here. When your dad yells at you, come to my house and you can change. You can come whenever you want, I'll even give you a key." He said.

"B-but I feel bad if I do that," he whimpered. "W-what about your mom?"

"I promise you, Draco, my mom would much rather have you come  into our home and change and be yourself rather than having you in constant pain," he told him. "Come here, darling," he said softly, holding his arms out.

Draco instantly leapt into his chest and curled up to him. Blaise could feel his breasts pressing against his chest, which was a very different feeling since he was used to hugging him with a binder on. He decided to ignore it and not say anything. He only ran his hands up and down his back to soothe him. "It's alright. I've got you," he said softly.

"O-Okay," he whimpered quietly.

"Go to sleep," he whispered to him, humming a lullaby to help him fall asleep. Eventually he did, curled up to dracos chest and snoring softly.

"Oh, love," Blaise whispered softly. "What are we going to do with you?"

Hey everyone! Sorry this. Chapter was so late. I write the entire thing in first person point of view and had to go back and change all of the pronouns. Not tedious at all...

Ok ok, I made a yuri on ice book!! Go check it out!

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