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After learning that Draco was transgender, Blaise sat down every night to educate himself. He wanted, no, needed to know what to do and what was going on. He didn't want Draco to be uncomfortable or feel like he couldn't tell Blaise what was going on.

Blaise sighed and got up, going to his mothers room and knocking on the door. "Mama, time to wake up," he said softly. His mother came waddling out after a few minutes. "I'll be at school for a while, mama. I have to see draco after school,"

"Ah, yes. The boyfriend," she said. "When will he come here for dinner?"

"I don't know, mama. I need to make sure he's doing okay. And he's not my boyfriend," he told her.

She scoffed. "Oh, please. He likes you."

Blaise chuckled. "Whatever you say mama. I have to go," he grabbed a granola bar and went to his car. He called Draco and put his phone on speaker, then set it down and buckled his seat belt.

After a few rings, Draco picked up. "Hello?" He said quietly, his voice cracking.

"Hello darling. Are you doing okay?" He asked gently.

"Kind of," he sighed. "My voice won't go low..."

"Try the humming exercise I told you about," Blaise told him. "I'll be at your house in about ten minutes, okay?"

"Okay..." Draco mumbled. Blaise could hear him humming in the background as he drove.

Once he was done, Blaise spoke up. "Make sure you get breakfast, too. Okay?" Blaise said softly.

"Okay," he sighed softly. Blaise smiled brightly.

"Your voice sounds lower," he told him, chuckling at dracos excited gasp.

"Really?!" He giggled.

"Really." He cooed to him. "Come outside, I'm almost there."

"Okay!" Draco smiled, hurrying outside. He saw Blaise's car and hurried inside, then buckled up. Blaise smiled at him.

"I'll drop you off after school too, if. You'd like to," he said softly. Draco nodded excitedly. "You seem super happy," he smiled. "Special occasion?"

"Mama got me a new binder," he said happily. "Own that doesn't hurt,"

"Binding hurts?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah, binding with bandages damages your lungs and heart and muscles because you're trying to push everything down in an unhealthy way. Mama got me one that looks like a vest and it's healthy!" He chirped.

"Aww, great!" Blaise smiled at him, making Draco giggle. "We're almost here, get your bag," he said softly. He pulled into the parking lot and parked his car, then grabbed his bag and stepped outside.

He helped Draco get his bag, then kissed his forehead and wrapped an arm around him. "Alright, meet me at our usual lunch table, yeah?" He smiled softly.

Draco nodded, a deep blush on his cheeks. He walked with Blaise to his locker, then smiled up at him. "I'm okay, you can go to your locker," he said softly.

"Alright," he hummed, nuzzling his forehead. "Tell me if anyone's giving you a hard time,"

He watched Draco nod his head and get his books from his locker. He walked to the building his locker was in and grabbed his own books. He put his backpack in his locker and closed it, turning to see Harry and all of the football team.

"What do you want?" Blaise hissed, a sneer on his face. "If it's to attack Draco again, I'll fucking knock your teeth out."

"No." Harry said, looking hesitant. He sighed after a few seconds of awkward silence. "I want to apologize. We all do,"

"It's true," Ron mumbled. "We feel like dicks."

"Yeah right." Blaise turned to walk away, but felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a remorseful Harry staring back at him.

"We shouldn't have judged Daphne—"

"It's Draco. If you can't get that right, then go the fuck away." Blaise interrupted.

"I'm sorry, I meant draco." Harry frowned. "We shouldn't have made fun of him for being different."

"He isn't different. He's amazing and funny and adorable, he was just born in the wrong body and we're working to fix that." Blaise said. "Fuck off if you're going to call him anything else but amazing."

"Fine, he's amazing." Ron said.

"Don't call him that." He hissed jealously.

Harry smirked. "That brings us to why we want to apologize." He said, leaning against the lockers. "We know you have a huge crush on him."

"What?!" Blaise's eyes widened.

"We know it when we see it, you have a huge gay crush on him." Ron butted in, standing next to Harry. "We want to help."

"Why should I trust you? All you've done is make dracos life hell. You used him, Harry. You made him have hope and then you fucking destroyed him. He didn't deserve you." Blaise said, anger slowly building up as he spoke.

"I know," Harry whispered sadly. "I think about it every day. I've tried going to church to repent, I've tried telling a priest about it to get cleaned, but I still feel guilty and like shit."

"And you should." Blaise said.

"I know," Harry nodded. "I want to make it all right. I want our friendship back and I want to be on good terms with Draco,"

"What makes you think he'll trust you?" Blaise asked. "He had to put up with three years of abuse from you people, his peers, his parents, and even random strangers. You have no idea what he's going through right now," he frowned.

Harry gulped. "I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Blaise asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Anything at all."

"Alright then," he smirked evilly. "First, you'll publicly apologize to him and inform everyone of how much of a douche you were. Second, you'll take us shopping for an entire new wardrobe of males clothes. Then, Draco and I are allowed to sit with you guys at lunch and be in the friend group again." Blaise said, making Harry's eyes widen as he spoke.

"Alright, fine. Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yep." Blaise hoisted his books into one arm, the grabbed Harry by his shirt collar and pulled him over to his chest. "And if you use this to hurt him again in any way at all, I'll break your neck." He growled at him.

He shoved Harry away, then guided him to dracos locker.



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