On our way

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*Set the World on fire starts playing*

Ugh, why is my alarm set soo early its only 2:30am and its not even a school day! I thought to myself. Just then i got a txt and checked my phone.


Me: Hahaha why wouldn't i take you your my best friend! Hahaha!!! I nearly forgot this feels like a dream and its not cause im still sleeping a bit XD ~.~

I sent to her. Lola and i have been friends for a while like since i was 11 in 6th grade now im 16.

Me: hey im gonna start to get ready ill txt you in a bit

I sent her.

Lola: ok ^.^ cant wait!

I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face i looked so yellow ugh! I dont know why but to me Mexicans look yellow when they wake up, well in my case even half mexican. I didnt have too much to wash off my face considering i dont wear any make up all my friends think its stupid i dont and makes me feel odd but i try to push it away a bit.

I had no idea what i was gonna wear!! OMG how could i forget to set clothes out the previous night im so stupid! I closed my door so no one would hear me up and quickly went through my clothes searching for something descant to wear. "Ugh! What am i going to wear ive got nothing and im gonna meet some of the cutest boys ever!" I said to myself for Christmas my mom bought me One Direction and 5SOS concert and meet and greet passes plus an extra ticket and thats where Lola comes in. Just then my little sister came in Shila came in.

"Ana?" she said to me. (Nickname) "why are you up so early?" She said sleepily.

"Remember i get to meet and see 1D and 5SOS and i want to be ahead of the line! But i cant find anything to wear!" I told her. I can be picky sometimes i mean im a but bigger than average 16 year old and a bit short so i was always self cautious.

"Can i help you pick something pretty?" She asked as she gave me a cute smile missing some teeth from the front i swear she was the cutest 6 year old ever!

"Ok Shila, but i have to approve it first," she smiled at me and walked into my closet.

It took a couple tries to find the right outfit but finally she brought out my leather black jacket, my favorite vans, my galaxy ones, my Nirvana Tank ( i was a fan before i found 5SOS (I listened to a lot of music my mom grew up with)) mint green ripped skinny jeans, my black (fake) leather Jacket.

"Hmm not bad," i told Shila. "Fine but if i wear this i want a tank top, i dont want them to see how fat i am."

"Ana your not fat."

"Yes i am," i am a really self cautious person always have been i mean im not the tallest 5'2 and im not the lightest 154lbs.

"Fine but you're not," she argued.

"So hair im gonna straighten it and i know the perfect beanie to go with it"

So i played my mix of Janoskians/5SOS/1D and started dancing with my sister as she helped me get ready (good thing my mom is a heavy sleeper). Shila was a fan of them all but not as big as me.

"Is it straight in the back?" I asked her.

"Ya your good" she smiled. "Go get your clothes on and i'll look for earrings for you!" She said excitedly.

"Hahaha ok ill be back"

*comes out all dressed*

"Ok done" i said.

"Here i like these earrings," she said handing me my batman sign earrings.

"Me too" i smiled and put them on. I brushed the back of my hair and put the beanie on.

"Hey don't forget this!!" Shila handed me my 1D Perfume im not one to normally wear perfume but hey why not? I put a few squirts on. "You look soo pretty" she told me.

"Aww thanks i could not have looked this good with out your help" i smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You wanna go eat some breakfast? Ill make some eggs" i asked her.


*down stairs*

" 2 eggs please" i asked Shila to get me. As i cracked the eggs it reminded me of the twin talk time of who the best twin was Luke or Jai hahaha Luke's cooking skills were cute i loved them both but i had the more soft spot for Luke.

3:00am came and i ran up stairs to grab my backpack to pack with snacks but Lola's mom worked by the area of the concert/meet and greet so she would bring us some warm drinks and food. I grabbed my phone off of my charger and went in to my moms room quietly she is a was really tiered and had to get up in a couple of hours.

"Mom" i whispered, no response so i tried again.

"Hmm?" She responded back.

"Im gonna text Lola so she can have her Mom and her come pick me up ok?"

"Ok just go in the Living room and watch TV till then."

"Ok ill say goodbye when its time."

*in the livening room*

Me: Hey Lolaaaaaaaa XD im ready tell your mama ! ^.^

Lola: really?! Yay!! OMG AHH XD we're on our way :)

Me:k coolio >.< ~.~

"So what do you wanna watch?" i said to Shila who was finally getting tiered again.

"Ummm" she closed her eyes then fell asleep.

I picked her up and put her in her bed and covered her in her blankets "see ya soon" i kissed her on the forehead and decided to watch Walking Dead i kinda have a major obsession with zombies since forever! Then i got a text half a hour in.

Lola: Hey come out were here!!

I quickly ran up stairs and went in my moms room where she lay there asleep. "I love you mom its time for me to go, Lola is down stairs waiting."

"Ok, Ana i love you have fun be safe" she said then kissed me on the forehead. I ran down stairs like there was no tomorrow and grabbed my bag and key and locked the door. I ran over to Lola's moms really nice Jeep and hoped in the back with Lola.

"Morning Adriana" Lola's mom said.

"Morninnnngggg" i said back.

"It was nice of you to choose Lola to come with you"

"Hahaha no biggy i know she would have done the same, beside its Lola, hahaha is it even a chose?!" I laughed more then she backed out of my drive way and we were on our way.

A/N : ok heyy guys thanks for the reads so far im gonna try to update as much as i can ~.~ also on my polyvore i will be making some out fits for them so ya go check out the first one (meeting 1D and 5SOS) my name on there is Amp619.

Also im gonna start a new Luke brooks fanfic soon!

Please comment/read/vote/ fan ^.^ >.< •.~ enjoy

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