Part 2

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Sierra's POV

I can't believe what I just heard! I'm moving to North Carolina?! This can't be happening to me. I realize that I had only been staring at my parents while trying to process what I just heard.

I heard Jessi pipe up, "When are we moving?"

"Over Christmas break," they look at me confused, "Is everything okay Sierra?"

"NO! Everything is not okay! You're ripping me away from everything I ever knew. All of my friends, my school, my home town, everything," I thought to myself. But all I managed to say was, "Yeah, just fine"

"Good," my mother replied. "Now, get to school, you don't want to be late!"

I run to my bathroom, brush my teeth, and walk to the car where Brittany waited to drive us to school.

The car ride was silent. Brittany tried to talk to me, but I made no effort to continue the conversation. I was in so much shock, I didn't feel like talking. Finally, we arrived at school. But all I could think about was what I was going to tell my friends, especially Sam.Sierra's POV

I walked into school and headed straight for my locker avoiding eye contact with anyone. I hoped that I would be able to get to first period without anyone saying anything, but Janelle, my best friend, ran up to me.

She came up to me smiling brightly. I couldn't help but be jealous of her, she was perfect! She was about the same height as me, but skinnier with better curves. She had long, blonde wavy hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hey bestie!" she practically yelled at me, a few people stared.

I laughed to myself at her perkiness, and thought about how much I was going to miss her... I shook off the thought. "Hey Janelle," showing her a fake smile.

I automatically saw her face soften, "Sierra... Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine" I lied.

"Don't you even lie to me! I know when something's up. Seriously, what's wrong?"

I looked at her, knowing I couldn't lie to her face. As soon as I was about to make up an excuse, the bell rang. Phew.

"Sorry, don't want to be late for class!" I called to her as I walked/ran to my first period class, avoiding anymore questioning. I had to find the right time to tell her.

I finally got to my class. Biology. I took my seat, only to feel strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see my adorable boyfriend, Sam. He was just so cute. He was tall, almost 6 feet with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.

He grinned at me. I returned his smile by giving him a quick peck on the lips, then turned back around facing the front of the room.

Sam sat next to me, "Don't tease me like that!" he joked.

I turned facing him and smiled but remembered the news my parents told me this morning. I was about to say something when the teacher walked into the classroom.

"Good morning students! I'm sure you're all glad to be here as much as I am. Today we will be dissecting a frog. You may choose your partners. Don't forget to grab an apron, gloves, goggles, and the instructions packet. Good luck to you all," he finished and walked around the room answering any questions.

When he finished talking same looked at me, "Partner?"

"Partner" I smiled.

We got all of the things we needed and started dissecting. When we had gotten a ways into it, Sam started a conversation. "So, how was your weekend? Sorry I couldn't hang out at all"

"It's really no big deal"

"But I wanted to spend time with you"

"Me too"

"Oh, so you wanted to spend time with yourself?" he questioned jokingly.

"You know that's not what I meant" I smiled and playfully pushed his shoulder.

"So what did you mean?" he winked at me.

"I meant I wanted to spend time with you" I flirted and leaned in for a kiss, but was cut off by the bell ringing.

The next few periods were boring and went by too slowly. Finally it was lunch! I walked into the cafeteria and got food then walked over to my usual table. I sat next to Sam who immediately when seeing me gave me a soft kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked smiling

"Two reasons"

"And those reasons are?"

"One, because you left me hanging in biology. Two, because you're just so beautiful" he smiled and kissed me again.

Let me give you some history about me and Sam. We have known each other for most of our lives. Probably since third grade, when he moved here. But we became best friends in sixth grade. We did everything together. And at the beginning of this year we began developing feelings for each other and started dating.

We've only been dating for about two and a half months, but I've been so happy since then. But now I have to leave...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Janelle yanked my arm and pulled me from the table. She ran, with my wrist in her hand, into the girls bathroom, and stopped breathless.

"Ouch! Janelle! Why'd you do that?!" I said rubbing my arm kind of annoyed.

"Sorry Sierra, I just couldn't wait any longer. You need to tell me why you were upset earlier"

Janelle's POV

This morning, I saw how upset Sierra was. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it, but I knew that I had to get her to tell me. I mean, that's what best friends are for right? To be there for you.

I was frustrated when the bell rang and she ran off to class. I couldn't wait until I saw her again to talk to her about it. Immediately after fifth period when the bell rang I ran to the cafeteria. I saw Sierra sitting at our usual table. I ran up to her and dragged her to the bathroom. She looked annoyed.

"Ouch! Janelle! What'd you do that for?!" she said while rubbing her arm in the place I grabbed her.

"Sorry Sierra, I just couldn't wait any longer. You need to tell me why you were upset earlier" I blurted out. I saw her face become very serious. I waited in silence for a few seconds for her to start talking but instead, a single tear trickled down her cheek.

I hugged her and she cried more. I pulled away.

"Janelle, I'm moving"

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it, we have been best friends forever! Since we were in kindergarten. I could feel the tears sting my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, my dad got a job offer and I'm moving to North Carolina over Christmas break" I said in between sobs.

We stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes crying and hugging. Finally we both regained composure. I looked at my best friend, "When are you going to tell Sam?"

Sierra's POV

We both had stopped crying and Janelle looked at me, "When are you going to tell Sam?"

I looked at her, not completely knowing the answer myself. But then I made up my mind. "Right now" I replied and walked out of the bathroom towards Sam.

Sam's POV

I wonder why Janelle just grabbed Sierra like that... And they've been in the bathroom for a while. I just hope everything is okay.

A couple minutes later, I saw Sierra walking towards me. I smiled, but my smile soon faded once I looked closer at her. She had been crying. I stood up and walked over to her bringing her into a hug. She pushed me away. That was weird.

"Sierra, babe, what's wrong?" I asked sympathetically.

"Sam, I really need to talk to you" she grabbed my hand and we walked out of the cafeteria. We walked outside and sat down at a table where we were alone.

I sat across from her and held both of her hands. I tried looking into her eyes, but she kept looking away. She started crying. A lot. I stood up and went to sit beside her. I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me. Soon she calmed down and began to speak.

Sierra's POV

I couldn't help it. When Sam looked into my eyes, I just broke down. I cared about him so much. He came beside me and pulled me close. I liked that, and it calmed me down. I stopped crying and could now talk.

"Sam, before I say anything else, I want you to know that I really like you and I'm really gla-" Sam cut me off.

"Sierra, are you breaking up with me?" He pulled his arm away from me with a hurt look on his face.

"No Sam! Well, erhm, I..." I trailed off.

"If you're not breaking up with me, then what's wrong?"

"Sam, my family is moving to North Carolina in a month. I found out this morning"

He just looked at me, I saw a tear stream down is cheek, then hugged me tightly. "Sierra, we're going to make it work."


"Our relationship, we're going to make it work. I care about you to much to just let you go like this" he pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes and grabbed my chin so I was looking at him. He kissed me softly and we walked back into the cafeteria hand in hand.

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