Part 12

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Sierra's POV

After getting home from my date with Ryan, I told Kelly all about it. I left out the part about Nash texting me though. Why? You might ask. Well, because it wasn't a big deal. Was it?

Anyways, Kelly kept going on and on and did I mention on? about how cute of a couple me and Ryan are. I just started zoning her out. Sometimes she just can't shut up. Wait a minute. Why is Kelly even here? No one is home and I was gone for like three hours on my date.

"Hey kel?" She stops taking and looks at me.


"Not to sound rude or anything... But why are you here?" She gasps.

"What, you're not glad that your best friend stayed at your house for three loooooong hours by herself just to make sure that YOU had someone to talk to when you got home from your date? I'm truly heartbroken" she replies fake pouting. I laugh at her and throw the pillow behind me at her. I start to laugh harder because it messed up her hair big time and she looks hilarious. She just glares at me.

"That wasn't funny" she whines. I start to crack up more.

"Yeah- it- was!" I say in between laughs. She bursts into laughter too. After about five minutes we finally stop laughing. I yawn.

"I'm tired. Wanna watch a movie?" I ask her.

"Sure. You can choose" she replies laying down in my bed. I get up and grab my favorite movie 'She's the Man' and put it in. But, before I know it I'm asleep.

***next morning***

I wake up to someone frantically hitting a pillow over my head. I pretend to be asleep hoping it will stop soon. Nope. I was wrong.

"KELLY WHAT DO YOU WANT" I scream into my pillow.

"FOR YOU TO WAKE UP" she screams back at me.

"Why it's only like-" I stop when I see the time. It's noon! What the heck? I never sleep this late.

"Yeah, it's lunch time" she replies.

"Okay, then let's eat" I reply getting out of bed.

"Actually, I have to leave. That's why I woke you up. I'm going to lunch with some friends that are in town this weekend" she states and it's now that I realize she's fully dressed.

"Okay, see you on monday then? You look cute by the way" I smile at her and begin towards the bathroom. Luckily for me my hair still looks pretty cute from last night. I just have to brush through it and it's all good.

"SIERRA I'M LEAVING TALK TO YOU LATER" I hear Kelly scream from downstairs. Dang she's loud. I hope no one in my family was asleep, because they sure as heck aren't now.

I make my way downstairs to get food, I'm starving. I'm about to pour a bowl of cereal when my phone buzzes. I quickly reach for it and see that it's Nash. I also have another text, but I check Nash's first.

FROM: Nash

Lunch today? :)

TO: Nash

Yeah! Meet me at my house in 20?(:

He is quick to respond with a yes and I run up the stairs to my room. When I get to my room I remember the other notification that I got a text. I unlock my phone and see that it's from Ryan.

FROM: Ryan

Good morning beautiful<3

We've only been dating for a day and he's already sending good morning texts. I could get used to this...

TO: Ryan

Good afternoon handsome(;

FROM: Ryan

Took you long enough to respond ;)

TO: Ryan


FROM: Ryan

It's fine. Want to hang out today?

TO: Ryan

Sure. Dinner?

FROM: Ryan

Ok. I'll pick you up at 6, then we can do something after?

TO: Ryan

Sounds good(:

I return to the present. Right now, I'm going to lunch with Nash. I throw a pair of black skinny jeans on and roll them into capris. I wear my white vans and a light purple long sleeve flowy shirt. I brush through my hair, apply light makeup, and brush my teeth. I sit on my phone for the time remaining while I wait for Nash.

It's weird to think that I've lived in North Carolina for over three months. I moved here in the end of December and it is now almost April. It's also weird to think that at the beginning of this all I hated Nash and was best friends with Hayes. Speaking of Hayes, I haven't seen him in forever. I'll make sure we hang out soon. I'm cut out of my thoughts when the doorbell rings.

I open the door to reveal Nash. He's wearing skinny jeans and a red tshirt with some sort of logo on it. He smiles and hugs me.

"Hey" he says after we stop hugging.

"Hey" I smile back at him.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I nod and we begin walking down the driveway. I begin turning left (like we normally do to go towards where the city is) I see that Nash is walking the other way (towards the rest of the neighborhood). We both look at each other weird.

"Uh, where are you going?" I question him.

"To get the car?" He asked in a duh tone.

"Oh" I simply stated. He tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "Sorry, I just didn't realize you could drive. I mean, you always walk everywhere"

"Oh, yeah that's just because everything is in walking distance. There's not a huge need for me to drive all the time" he replies and I rejoin him by his side. We get in his car and listen to music on our way to the restaurant.

We pull up in front of a small burger place. We walk inside and order our food before sitting down and waiting. We make small talk for a while and soon are called to get our food. We don't talk for a while as we start our meal, but Nash soon breaks the comfortable silence.

"Hey, so I heard some things..." He trails off, trying to find the right words.

"Heard some things about what?"

"About you" he replies not making eye contact.

"Really?" I am a little bit offended

"Yeah, but I wanted to ask you if they were true"

"Good idea." I say more sassily than I intended. "So, what are these rumors about me?" The nerve some people have. I hate people that spread rumors.

"Well, I heard that you and Ryan Simpson are a thing" I almost choke on my drink. How do people know that already?

"Uh, yeah. He's my boyfriend actually" I reply sheepishly looking up at Nash across the table. His eyes widen ever so slightly, his face laced with an uninterpretable emotion.

Anger? no.. Sadness? maybe... Jealousy? crap.

Does Nash like me?


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. But I thought this was a good place to stop(;

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