Part 10

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Sierra's POV

Today couldn't have gone by ANY SLOWER. It's Friday. I'm in the last class of the day, History, and I'm so ready to get out of school. Did I mention history is my least favorite thing ever? Goodness I hate it.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the teacher say my name. I whip my head to look at him.

"What?" I ask confused. I haven't been paying attention at all.

"I asked you what year Abraham Lincoln became president. Ring a bell?" he replies sarcastically. I'm sure my face turned bright red because I realize now that everyone is staring at me.

"S-sorry Mr. Peters, I don't know" I stutter out, still embarrassed. I hear a couple of people whispering and some snickering at my stupidity. My teacher sighs.

"Alright, anyone else know?" I am so embarrassed I hang my head low avoiding eye contact with anyone, but out of the corner of my eye I see a girl raise her hand. I look up and see that it's the girl that pushed me into the locker the other day. She looks over at me and gives me a cocky smirk.

"Ah, yes. Lindsay, can you tell us the correct answer?" Mr. Peters says gesturing to the girl. She responds with apparently the correct answer and turns back to look at me, giving me the death stare.

What a minute? Lindsay. I heard that name before, but where? Oh my gosh! I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! When she pushed me against the locker she said 'Stay away from Ryan'. So this is Ryan's infamous ex.

The bell rings and I make my way out of the classroom to my locker. I finish getting out books and putting some away and head to find Kelly. I see Ryan walking towards me with a huge grin on his face. As we approach his grin gets bigger.

"You excited for tonight?" He questions winking at me. I blush.

"Maybe..." I say as if I'm uninterested. His face drops slightly. I let out a hearty laugh and poke his side, "I'm just kidding, idiot. I am very much looking forward to tonight" the smile returns to his face and he blushes, which makes me laugh harder.

"You scared me for a second" he laughs putting his arm around me as we walk.

"That was the point" he glares at me but laughs again.

"So, will I be walking you home today?" He says in a mock sophisticated voice. Dangit I forgot.

"Actually, I'm hanging out with a friend after school today. So... No" he fake pouts, but a grin soon returns as he pulls me into him more.

"But at least I get to see you tonight" I blush. We've stopped walking now, and he looks at me, "You're pretty cute when you blush" he winks at me, and I blush even more. He chuckles and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'll see you tonight, Sierra" he says as he walks away. I turn around to see Kelly smirking at me. How much of that did she see? And hear?

I walk over to her, my face bright red I'm sure. She just continues smirking and I continue blushing.

"You're cute when you blush" she says pinching my cheeks. I laugh and smack her hands away.

"So much for privacy" I chuckle at her as we begin to walk home.

"Hey, I was just coming to look for you" she holds her hands up in defense. We both laugh and still walk. It doesn't take us long to get to my house.

As I walk in, I yell letting my parents know I'm home. They acknowledge and me and Kelly run to my room. I fling my backpack from my shoulder to a corner in my room and jump on my bed as she does the same. We're both sitting on my bed criss-crossing our legs.

"What are we gonna do first?" She asks.

"Hmm, well I'm gonna take a shower" I respond getting off of my bed and grabbing some comfier clothes. "You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen while I'm in the shower, I shouldn't be too long" she nods and I walk into the bathroom.

I finish my shower and jump out drying my body before getting dressed. Kelly is sitting on my bed with her phone and a lot of food. I laugh to myself.

"What did you do, take the whole kitchen?" She shoots me a glare which makes me laugh.

"No, I just got the essentials" she replies with a cheeky grin which makes me laugh harder.

"Alright, are you going to stop laughing at me soon so you can get ready for your date?"

"Sure, let me dry my hair" it's 4:30 now so I blow dry my hair fast and by the time I'm done it's almost 5:00

"Okay! Let's do your makeup first!" Kelly yells excitedly. I grin at her and grab my makeup bag positioning myself on my bed facing my closet that's doors are mirrors. Kelly begins rummaging through my makeup bag.

"Did he say where you guys were going?"

"No, he just said dress nice. I'm guessing we'll be eating somewhere fancy though?" Kelly nods and looks at me deep in thought.

"Okay, I'll apply natural face makeup with a very slight smoky eye, mascara and no eyeliner, you can straighten your hair, then we'll figure out what you're going to wear. Sound good?" She says faster than I can process.

"I didn't catch all of that, but I trust you" I chuckle. She grins even wider and begins applying my makeup.

After she had applied my makeup I turned on my straightener and began rummaging through my closet.

"Kelly what am I going to wear?!" I screamed at her. I was actually starting to freak out because I don't have a lot of cute clothes, and I want to look really good tonight.

"Chill. I'll pick something for you, just go do your hair!" she grinned at me chuckling at my small panic attack. I decided to just let her pick out my outfit because I knew how much trouble I would have.

I made sure that the straightener was the right temperature and began applying it to my long chestnut colored hair. Once I finished I secured a piece of hair in the front back. I exited the bathroom and saw Kelly sitting on my bed again, but this time there was an outfit laying next to her. I gaped at her choice. She is brilliant!

On the bed in front of me laid a plain black dress. It went to my mid thigh, had a scoop neck, with three quarter length sleeves. She also had picked out my bright purple wedges, a long silver necklace with a heart pendent, and lastly a small plain silver anklet.

"Kelly..." I replied still staring at the outfit laid before me.

"Yeah?" She replied with a smirk on her face sitting up on the bed.

"I love you!" I exclaimed jumping on the bed next to her giving her a huge hug.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get dressed! You have a date soon" I smiled at her and got dressed.

I took one last look in the mirror flattening out the front of my dress with my hands, when the doorbell rang.

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