Part 29

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Sierra's POV

The meet and greet just ended and I'm starting to get nervous. This is Nash and I's first official date. It still hasn't completely sunk in yet. A year ago I couldn't stand this guy that I didn't even know. And now we're going out on a date. NASH GRIER. I'm going on a date with Nash Grier. Me. Sierra Mullen. The most boring person you'll ever meet.

My thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping me on my shoulder. I turn around and see Nash standing there in a cute, but casual outfit. He smiles at me. "Ready?"

I smile, trying to get the previous thoughts out of my head, "Yeah" he intertwines our fingers and guides me out the door. "Where are we going?" I ask curiously as we walk down the quiet streets.

"You'll see" he winks. I blush. "You're cute when you blush" he states making me blush even more. We walk the rest of the way in silence until we reach a cute little diner. Cliché right? But still cute.

We enter and an older lady leads us to our table. She hands us menus and takes our drink orders.

As my eyes scan over my menu I can't help but steal a brief glance at the boy sitting across from me. He's beautiful, really. Piercing blue eyes and soft, dark brown hair. Perfect smile and not to mention body... anyways. But then there's me. Dull green eyes, and I actually hate the color of my hair. I'm not blonde or brunette, I'm somewhere in between. A light-ish brown slash dirty blonde. My smile isn't that great and my body is far from perfect. Let's face it, I'm average. I'm not where near as amazing as Nash. He's way out of my league.

I feel tears stinging my eyes, but I blink them back. I'm not crying on a first date. Especially about something so stupid.

"You okay?" Nash asks me as he takes his eyes of his menu with concern.

"What? Uhm, yeah. Fine" I mumble. The waitress comes up a moment later taking our orders as she hands is our drinks.

We finish our meal in relative silence. A few words exchanged here and there, both just enjoying the delicious food.


After dinner, we walk the same way we came from, but pass the hotel and keep walking.

"Where are we going?"

"Just a place I found a few days ago" he replies rather bluntly.

"I'm glad we're finally doing this" Nash states randomly.

"What do you mean?"

"This" he states motioning between us. "You know I've been crazy about you for a while now" he smirks.

"Oh really? How long has that been?" I smirk back, but I can feel my cheeks burning.

He strokes his fingers across his chin looking into the distance, "Ever since you came to my house when your boyfriend broke up with you" he states confidently. Wait, he's liked me for that long? That was almost 6 months ago...

I look at him in disbelief, "Yeah, right. When did you really?"

He furrows his eyebrows, "Then! I'm being serious" he tells me.

I laugh, "Really? Even when my makeup was running and I was a blubbering idiot" I laugh some more.

"Yes, you were absolutely adorable. I hated seeing you cry" he tells me seriously. I'm speechless.

"Oh my gosh" I manage to squeak out.

"What?" he asks concerned, as we both stop in our tracks.

My hand flies over my mouth as I look at the scenery around us. We're stopped in the middle of a grass field with a huge blue lake in the center. The lake is quite peaceful surrounded by tall trees and flowers. Overall, it's absolutely stunning.

"It's beautiful" I whisper still staring out at the lake with the pinkish purple sunset behind it.

I feel Nash's fingers intertwine with mine and I let him. We stand in silence for a moment.

"You know" I say breaking the comfortable silence, "when we were in my hotel room playing 20 questions? And you told me that I was beautiful?"

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and nods.

"Well that's when I started falling for you" I tell him quietly, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

He turns to face me, "Why that moment?" he questions.

I shrug, "I guess because a guy has never really said that to me before and you-"

"Wait, what?!" he almost yells.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?"

"What do you mean a guy has never said that to you before?" he asks, almost in anger.

"I mean exactly what I said" I chuckle nervously looking away from him.

"I hop you know that I meant it" he tells me. I don't respond. "Sierra, you know I meant it. Right?" He pushes. I don't respond, I just look out at the lake again. But did he really mean it? I mean, I'm not that special... I feel the tears threatening to spill. "Sierra..." he whispers.

He puts his index finger under my chin and makes me look at him. His eyes are filled with sympathy. I bite my lip and try not to cry. "What's wrong baby?"

When he says that, a tear trickles down my cheek. "Talk to me, Sierra" he commands.

I stare into his eyes for a while, as we sit in silence. I finally decide to talk, "Did you really mean it?" I blurt out.

He furrows his eyebrows, "Of course I di-"

"No, Nash. Listen. Did you really mean it? Because I'm tired of guys messing with my feelings. I know that I'm nothing special. I know I'm just your average, boring girl, but I have feelings too. I know guys think that they sh-" I'm cut off my Nash's lips meeting mine in a slow kiss. I sit there in shock, but eventually my lips mold to his.

When he pulls back, I wish he hadn't. He stares at me intently in the eyes. "Sierra, don't ever say those things about yourself again. You're beautiful. You're definitely not an average, boring girl. You're different" he states firmly giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Pulling away he says, "And that's what I love about you"

**************THE END***********

A/N: idk about you guys but I love how it ended. sorry if you don't like it, but it is my story. anyways, I want to thank everyone who has been on this journey with me(: you're all super awesome. and I hope you will read my new fanfiction!

question- what was your favorite part of the whole story? (I'd LOVE to hear what you guys have to say!)

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