Part 8

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Sierra's POV

Today was actually a great day. It went by too quickly though. Me and Kelly are pretty good friends now. We hung out at lunch and are now about to walk home. Kelly and I are getting books from our locker. Kelly closes her locker and turns to me, "Hey Sierra, are you alm-"

I turn to see why she stopped, but am greeted by Ryan.

"Hey Sierra"

"Oh hey Ryan" I say a little awkwardly but still smile his way.

"So, uh... I was wondering if you'd want to walk home together?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"I would, but me and Kelly were-"

"She'd love to!" Kelly butts in. I raise an eyebrow at her. She gives me a thumbs up.

"Uhm, well apparently I'd love to" I say sarcastically, laughing.

"Cool. Shall we go?" Ryan says jokingly.

"Why yes, we shall" I say mimicking him which cause him to laugh.

"So Sierra, how are you?" Ryan says shoving his hands in his pockets as we walk out of the school.

"Actually I'm amazing" I say with a grin.

"And what makes life so amazing for you right now?" He looks down at me biting his lip.

"Well..." I think about it. And honestly I'm not sure why I'm so happy. I just am. Maybe it's because of Kelly? Or how things turned out with Nash? Definitely not Sam... "I don't really know... A lot of things are just working themselves out I guess"

"Well, I'm glad" he replied smiling looking down at me.

"Yeah me too. So how have you been lately?"

"Pretty good. You know we haven't talked at all since the last time I walked you home" I thought about it.

"You're right! We even exchanged numbers and everything, but you never texted me" I joked elbowing him in the ribs.

"Hey! You never texted me either!" He joked, lightly shoving my shoulder.

"Fair enough" I smile rolling my eyes. I look ahead and we're almost to my house.

"But we really should hang out more often, Sierra" he smiled, and right now I realized how attractive he is. He has long medium brown hair, that flips to the side. Deep, dark, captivating brown eyes, not to mention perfect teeth and an amazing smile....

"Sierra?" I snap out of my day dream and realize I've just been staring at him. I blush.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said we should hang out more often" he chuckles and blushes.

"Yeah, totally" I reply smiling. By now we are in front of my house, and I turn to see Nash also walking down the street towards his house.

"Cool, maybe sometime this week? I'll make sure and text you this time" he smiles sending a wink my way.

"Sounds good. I'll see you later?"

"Of course" he smiles giving me a hug. He pulls away but not before giving me a tender kiss on the cheek. I blush... again... And say goodbye.

I'm about to walk into my house, but I hear talking behind me. I turn and see Nash and Ryan giving each other the death stare. I wonder what that was about...

Nash's POV

I didn't see Sierra at all today. Could she be avoiding me? After all, I did try to kiss her the other day, but she clearly just wants to be friends.

I'm walking home now. I look ahead of me and see two people talking and laughing. They both walk up to Sierra's house... Okay, that's Sierra. But who's with her?

I look closer, but he turns before I could try to guess. And I'm surprised by who I see. Ryan? Oh gosh, I hate that guy. As I get closer to them I see that he kissed her on the cheek? He turns and leaves and walks past me bumping into me (on purpose of course).

He smirks at me, "Sorry bro" I just glare at him, and he returns it. We stand there for a few seconds, but Sierra is looking at us. I push past Ryan and walk home.

I'm just enter my home when I get a text.

FROM: Sierra


TO: Sierra

Hey lol(;

FROM: Sierra

Wanna hang out? I'm bored :P

TO: Sierra

Sure, I'll be over in a few(:

I sent the text and quickly changed into comfy sweats, a tshirt, and sweatshirt. I walked to Sierra's house and knock on the door. It doesn't take long for her to open the door. She smiles widely at me and throws her arms around my neck. I willingly hug back, but pull away after a few seconds.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask her.

"I don't know, any ideas?" She replies walking over to the couch.

"Hmm... Wait, are you home alone?" I notice that the house is almost completely quiet.

"Yeah, both of my sisters go to college and my parents are at a party or something for work" she smiles.

"Oh, cool. Anyways, what do you want to do?" She makes a face looking like she's thinking really hard. Suddenly her face lights up.

"Let's build a fort!" She squeals excitedly. I roll my eyes at her childishness, but chuckle at how cute it is. We grab as many sheets and blankets as we can find and drape them across the furniture in her living room. We also grab a few pillows and lay them under the fort and birth lay down facing each other on our stomachs.

"So, Nash. I told you about all my boy troubles this weekend. It's time for you to tell me about yours" she grins.

"About my boy troubles? I'll pass" I reply sarcastically. I can't help but grin. She playfully slapped my arm.

"That's not what I meant smartass" she giggles.

"Honestly there's nothing going on right now..." I wasn't technically lying. She raises an eyebrow.

"Don't lie to me Grier" she now has a straight face. "I've heard about you and Natalie..." She stops herself.

"What about her?"

"Aren't you guys dating?" She doesn't make eye contact with me. I let out a sigh.

"No, we aren't dating" she looks up at me questioningly. "We dated on and off last year and over the summer, I don't really like her that way anymore, but I think she still likes me"

"Oh" is all she says

"So, what about you and Ryan?" Her faces turns red.

"I don't know" I internally laugh at her shyness.

"What do you mean? Do you like him?"

"I don't know!" She tries reassuring me. I raise an eyebrow.

"Elaborate" she looks up at me

"Well, he's walked me home from school twice and we haven't talked other than that. I can't tell if he likes me or not" she seems frustrated but continues, "Like, he asked me for my number but hasn't texted me. He said we should hang out, but we haven't. And on top of that he kissed me on the cheek twice?!" She groans in frustration. I don't know how to respond.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out" I try comforting her, but I can't take my mind off the fact that Ryan is such a douche...

A/N: yay! this chapter is longer(: what do you think so far? feedback is greatly appreciated<3

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